Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1233 No doubt

Ye Chenjie took a breath and realized that he had no clue and no plan at all. This girl is very opinionated, but at this time, it is natural for everyone to be confident, otherwise, morale will be ruined.

Ye Chenjie laughed and shouted: "Yes, don't worry, even if all the exits collapse, I can find a way to get us out, don't worry, understand? There are civilians here, and there are people, we have to take all the people away, so we have to find a safer way.

"Yeah!" These people believe in Ye Chenjie, and now the boss has said so, but they are not worried at all. They raised their heads and agreed with a loud smile.

Ye Chenjie and the command and commando: "Dai Shao! Everyone! Are you confident?"

Ye Chenjie's interest also infected them, "No doubt," he said.

Zheng Zijie and navigator Finkel: "Look, we can definitely take you out of danger. Okay, all civilians, take a break at the scene. Dai Shao, we just saw a sea source activity in the submarine tunnel. Let's go down and see..."

"Are you sure about the distance of 300 meters and the target of two people? "

He looked at the automatic rifle in his hand, and quietly looked at the sniper rifle behind him, hesitating: "I am not a professional sniper rifle, I am not sure if I can hit one of them at the same time. "

"Enough, get ready," Dai said, and immediately gave the order.

Ye Chenjie immediately understood that this was a sniper from the special forces, but in the last battle, he might have used up all the ammunition for the sniper rifle, so he picked up the automatic rifle of his dead companion and continued to fight.

The sniper looked at him in surprise, sitting on the ground with a sniper rifle, but he was confused.

As a professional sniper of the special forces, he is very familiar with the sniper rifle in his hand. This heavy sniper rifle must be installed on the ground when in use, otherwise the back hand may not be able to bear it, but how dare the girl shoot like this? Is this a fearless person?

Of course, he just saw how quiet he was and Luo Tianhu had a hand with her, and knew that she was extraordinary, but this had nothing to do with her skills.

However, her companions were all smiling, and obviously felt that her behavior was normal, and he naturally couldn't express his opinion. Then, with fear, the horizontal line of sight locked the right side of the target, and he also aimed at the target, whispering: "123, shoot together. "

"Two. "

"Three. "The gunshots of the two men rang out at the same time as his last silence. The sniper rifle in his hand was a loud noise, and the automatic rifle in the sniper's hand was three hits. Both men saw clearly that his quiet target was hit by the powerful anti-equipment of the sniper rifle, and the upper limbs were almost broken, and there was a splash of blood in the air. The sniper's target was shot three times: right arm, bust, left shoulder, straight tilt, the automatic rifle was also very powerful, and the man's left arm was completely separated from the body. The shouting stopped, and the two targets fell to the ground.

The two men had sincere respect for each other, his quiet view, the sniper was after all a professional sniper of the special forces, under such difficult conditions, he could shoot such accurate bullets with an ordinary automatic rifle, indeed, shooting alone was above his own.

The sniper was even more surprised. He was worried that the powerful recoil of the heavy sniper rifle did not cause any damage to Jing, and he was shaking when he shot Jing. How strong is this little girl to control this sniper rifle? I can't do it at all. Not to mention her marksmanship. At first he was still a little unconvinced, holding an ordinary automatic rifle. It was a waste that the advanced sniper rifle was carried by a civilian girl. She was worried that the sniper rifle would be more effective in her hands than in her own hands-this little girl didn't have to look for...that gun, she could shoot at any time.

The two gave each other a thumbs up, and then returned to the podium together, reporting in unison, "Task completed, target cleared".

Dai Tian nodded with satisfaction: "Stop," Ye Chenjie smiled and praised him Jing Jing said: "Xiao Jing is great. Okay, you wait a minute, I'll go and see how they are. "He flashed into the tunnel again and flew to the next station to be occupied.

Soon, Ye Chenjie passed by two people who had just been killed. There was nothing to see. One was only half of the body, and the other was not human. There was a lot of blood on the nearby Great Wall. Zheng Zhike did not stop and continued to walk for a while. He could reach the next platform and then stopped.

The other party set up a simple position in the tunnel under the East Station platform. Sandbags built a breast wall in the water, and dozens of people stood guard on the position.

This is a subway tunnel, straight and narrow. From here, you can see hundreds of meters away, and there is no place to cover. Even Ye Chenjie himself could not break through the blockade of these three heavy machine guns. . It can only resist small but powerful weapons such as pistols and small-caliber rifles at a distance. This large-caliber heavy machine gun has a certain armor capacity, which is enough to smash any creature, including Ye Zuke, into pieces.

It is unrealistic to want to break through with speed and flexibility. The other party has set up several bright lights to guide the direction of the light column. When it reaches a range of at least 300 meters, Zheng Hu will be found immediately. It will take at least 10 seconds for Ye Zuke to pass through the 300-meter-deep tunnel, and there is no room for hiding in this narrow tunnel. With the speed of the heavy machine gun, he can't escape the net anyway.

In addition, there are dozens of enemy positions equipped with various new weapons, including rocket launchers.

The road was blocked and any attempt to break out was suicidal. Ye Chenjie knew that he could only find another way. He sighed helplessly and returned to the team to tell everyone what he saw. Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

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It is understood that one end of the underground tunnel is currently blocked by destruction, and the other end is blocked with heavy weapons.

"I can only walk on the ground," said Ye Chenjie, who was in a tense atmosphere with everyone, especially Dai and his men.

Mr Tai immediately said: "Mr Zheng, let alone the blockade... many of us, as well as the wounded and civilians, would have been shocked if we had been evacuated from the exits." "There is no doubt that there would be a shock," he said. "

Ye Chenjie smiled and said, "I know, but there are at least eight entrances and exits in the subway station. The environment outside the entrances and exits is more complicated. It doesn't look like a tunnel, and there is no space for display. Let's go to the exit first."

"Mr. Zheng is right. Team 1, you are on alert. Our snipers can intimidate. They are not afraid of hasty attacks, but they have to guard against some special attack methods."

"Yes." The commando team on the platform accepted the order and continued to be on guard. Dai Zitian, He Jing and Ye Chenjiang returned to the bus hall together. Ye Chenjie called Zhang Zizhuang again, and the four of them walked to the subway station exit together. First, Ye Chenke carefully stretched out half of his head and looked around the exit.

It is getting late now, and Haiyuan City is sleeping in the darkness. White clouds are floating in the sky, covering it for half a month from time to time. The subway station is under a busy intersection. More than ten meters away from the exit, thousands of corpses are gathered, including Most have fallen asleep, but there is still some activity here and there.

Zheng Zi quietly stretched out the dog whistle and blew a lullaby for a while, then greeted the other three people and climbed to the exit gate, which was attached to the wall.

Of course, if there is only one corpse, it is not a big problem. Zheng Zuze can lure them away and then hypnotize them, but the problem is that there is a blockade nearby.

Zheng Zijie pointed to a building outside the subway exit and whispered softly: "Look at that building, on the nepotistic roof, look, Xiao Jing, look, show it to Dai Shao and Flare.

So the other three people used a quiet infrared telescope as a night vision telescope. Under Chungzesk's guidance, they also saw the position.

Their location is well chosen and you can see all the exits except the exit. You see, there is a big tree at the exit and their vision will be affected.

"That's not good. There are too many of us and we can't even use a big tree," Zheng said, shaking his head with a smile. Works great for me.

"Huh?" Ye Chenjie looked at Ye Chenke in surprise and said, "I have a plan, we will talk about it later, please pay attention first, the building on the left, the sixth floor, the third window on the right, the nose on the right, In the mall on the right, on the third floor, there is a small letter on the window."

"Ah!" He silently held the telescope and carefully observed the other party's position. Under Zheng Zi's instructions, Dai looked at Zheng Zi in surprise and finally couldn't help asking: "Mr. Ye, can you see with the naked eye?" To the other party?"

Ye Chenjie smiled and said, "Yes, wait a minute, there is a shooting range on the roof of the swimming pool in the gymnasium."

"I see."

"Well, Deputy Dai, my eyesight is better. This is the distribution. There is no other position, that is, the main position. Use heavy weapons to block all exits." Three other sniper positions assist with observation and blockade from the other three directions. "

He quietly observed, showed Dai, and took Dai to read three posts. Dai Zitian was more and more surprised to find that he needed a telescope and had to find the hidden pillar under the guidance of He Jing, but Ye Chen Ke found it easily with his naked eyes?

Then, under Zhang Zhuang's silent guidance, he observed the Silun people. Ye Chenjie concluded: "Everyone can see what's happening around here, right? Let's go back first. I have plans to leave this subway station, but the follow-up actions are a bit difficult. We can't rush back now, you have to leave the subway .

Several rescuers spread the bodies of the deceased outside the subway station exit and quietly returned to the waiting people. Ye Chenjie immediately summoned all the soldiers and began to explain his detailed plan:

"If there were only corpses, I could handle it several more times," he said. But now the problem is, there is a blockade under observation and when I dispose of the body, there will be a huge disturbance and they will find me. This time we have to deal with it at the same time.

Dai Zitian's special forces didn't know much about Ye Chenjiang's strength, so it was naturally impossible to guess Ye Chenjiang's detailed plan, but luckily, Ye Chenjiang's smile made them a little doubtful about the feasibility of this conspiracy. .

Ye Chenjie smiled, Xiaojing guessed correctly. I have a plan or I can get the bodies and fight. But this plan requires everyone's cooperation, mainly to cover my exit from the subway station first. I'll handle the rest. "

"What kind of cooperation does Mr. Zheng need?" Dai Yutian suddenly had an idea. After all, Ye Chenjie's plan was the only way to get people out of trouble.

"It's very simple, I need your brief attention to attract the dead, mainly to get away from the exit just seen, there is a tree there, if I am discovered, I will not escape the heavy machine gun attack. I can only deal with them 's main position.

"Attract the attention of the deceased..." Dai said, and Ye Chenjie quickly said, "You don't need anyone to take this risk, do you have a grenade?"

"There were no high-explosive grenades that could do real damage, but there were still some flashlights and trackers," Day said.

"A shotgun?" Ye Chenjie scratched his head, he smiled silently and made a face at him, "Little Orange is too stupid, they can make a big special grenade. If they explode in a confined space, they can shake out the people inside, but they won't hurt people, so they can catch people.". In short, the sound is loud, it's better to attract attention. "

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Ye Chenjie realized that there were many strange things in the special castle, and Dai also smiled and nodded, looking at him approvingly, watching him quiet. "Miss He is right. If you attract attention, electric shock is more effective than high-explosive grenades. "

"Well, I'm just a civilian... I don't understand. You send two people right away, one of them will throw a shotgun out of the exit in five seconds. The other person dropped another one from the exit.

"Okay, Mr. Ye, I promise to complete the task. You two! Be responsible for the task!" Dai said with a smile. The two team members rushed out of the team, saluted, and answered vigorously: "Good!"

"As soon as the grenades are thrown out, you must take them out immediately. Do you understand?" Ye Chenjie said to him.

"Well, these two grenades, in addition to attracting the attention of the dead, also gave me a chance to leave from the exit, in order to attract the anti-government armed forces to the station to observe, you must immediately destroy the three stations, or once they are hidden, in addition to them being able to control our position and request reinforcements. When you leave, it will also pose a serious threat to you. If you leave anywhere, you may lose a few people, and when you leave, you are more likely to be attacked by the dead. "

"Yes! Little Orange!" He was very quiet, he couldn't help but stand up straight, and his voice trembled slightly with nervousness.

"Mr. Zheng, I just noticed the position of the station, their distribution, it is difficult to attack three targets at the same exit at the same time, not to mention that each target has two, one is for observation and one is for sniping, do you need cooperation?

He was quiet, but he was not stupid, she knew that the mission was different, but if she lost her hand, the consequences would be terrible, he quickly agreed, "Well, Brother Dai, you let the sniper go with me."

Liang Xiaobao, get out of here! Dai Yatian immediately called out the sniper: "You cooperate with Miss He, responsible for clearing the opponent's watchers, only success is allowed, failure is not allowed.

"Yes! "The sniper looked at him quietly, and did not feel that his assistant was an embarrassing thing. Through the sniping action in the tunnel just now, he already knew that if he could attack different targets continuously, if he could aim the sniper rifle continuously without a gun, then he would be more suitable than himself. He also saw the sniper's marksmanship and believed him with a smile. I'll tell you how to take a good look at the positions of the three posts, and then we'll see how to distribute the targets. "

"Okay, okay," the sniper shouted, and he blushed. No wonder he lived a boring and hard life. There are single boys everywhere, not to mention such a beautiful girl, even the aunt is ugly.

Of course, no one except Ye Chenke found this.

Ye Chenjie smiled and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you, don't be nervous, my hand is lost, I can think of other ways, huh?"

"Yeah!" The two agreed, and Ye Chenjie said, "Let's make an evacuation route now, if we can get back to the river, you will be safe for the time being."

"I understand." Dai promised to take out some maps, pick out one in the urban area of ​​Haiyuan, and then spread it on the ground, and everyone gathered together to look at the map with the light of the flashlight.

"We're here," Dai said, marking a point on the map, which was very detailed, with Chengzi's head visible on the points, blocks and lines on it.

"If you want to climb the river, the nearest riverbank is about four kilometers long. Under the blockade of the underground passage, uh..." Dai thought, but her eyes were fixed on the map.

"It's too difficult and too dangerous to walk to the surface," Zhang Huang said at last.

"Yes, there are injured and civilians," Dai said, sighing. "We can't just shoot like this, even if we can, the ammunition will be tight."

Yes, we can only use cold weapons in the future.

"Yes, I'm going to deal with those corpses and at the same time this time, I believe it will take some time to keep you away...". When I make chaos, you must retreat immediately, you can't miss this opportunity. Ye Chenjie also felt that he was in a difficult situation, and if he took them there, he could provide them with a safer environment. Although there are many people far away from the funeral, we can move forward slowly, just these abominable ones.

Everyone looked at the map silently, looking for a feasible exit route, but if you can't get through the underground passage, there is really no safe way to go.

"There is no way, but to slowly retreat from the ground," Dai said.

"Brother Dai, wait a minute," he suddenly became quiet. "Look, we have a park in the southwest... less than a kilometer away, right?"

"800 meters." Dai said at a glance.

"Yes, it's Central Park. But it's farther from the river?" Ye Chenjie asked, noting Central Park strangely.

There is a lake in the park. There must be a cruise ship. You see, it seems that there is a waterway connecting the lake and the river.

"I remember there was a man-made river..." Ye Chenjie recalled when he came to the park to play. "But when the river water flows to the park, it is broken."

"We can find a way to solve this problem," said Dai, "This is the way to go. At least after retreating to the park, the vegetation cover is not easy to be discovered by the rebels, and the density of corpses is very low. Even if it is impossible to retreat with artificial rivers temporarily, we can ensure everyone's safety."

Zheng Zijie was deeply impressed by Dai. When a quick decision needed to be made, he was never vague. This is the arrangement. You can take everyone to the park first. If the artificial river is OK, you can go to Lingjiang from there, and you don't have to wait for me to go to Bixingzhou. If I get to Bixingzhou, I won't go back in time. You are not allowed to stay on the boat, leave Haiyuan immediately! Once you are found to be gone, I believe you will be approached in various ways, such as flying in the air. If you can go, you must leave immediately! I can go back by myself. Don't worry. "

All the people were stunned and looked up at Ye Ke, "Ah? "He was quieter, opened his little mouth, stared at Ye, his eyes were unbelievable.

Ye Chenjie, who had always been inspiring and encouraging, knew better than anyone the risks he was taking - this time was different from any time before. They were facing a large number of deaths and human immigration. If there were other kinds of mutant corpses among the corpses outside, it would be difficult, and once you were caught, you would become a target in another environment. Those carrying heavy weapons could easily cause fatal damage to them. But he wanted to attract their attention, create chaos, and create an opportunity for others to leave. If he could not successfully fight with them, he would be attacked by both sides, and the situation would be very dangerous. There would be so many unpredictable changes, and it would be difficult to expect everything to go smoothly... If the others lost their way to meet and leave 's chance, it's all in vain.

Until then, everyone understood what Ye Chen meant, but when everything went well, no one knew that this was still the plan. What if it doesn't work? Ye Chenjie's heart was bottomless, Dai Zitian looked at Ye Chen, his eyes full of respect, although he didn't understand Zheng Ziske's specific mode of action yet, but he was used to accepting orders instead of asking why, seeing that Ye Chenjin even had a follow-up plan, thinking so carefully, he naturally put his mind at ease and admired Ye Chenjie. No matter how capable the young man is, he is just one person, but he is looking for a way of life between two dangerous enemies. So, he took his players straight and saluted Ye Chenke neatly.

Although Zhang Xiaohuang was worried, he also said gently: "Boss, don't take risks easily. There are more than a thousand people relying on you."

"Well, I know," Ye Chenjie smiled and patted his shoulder. I'm not here, you have to be careful.

"Yes," Zhang Huang stepped back silently, and Ye Chenjie looked at the quiet beside him, who bit his lips quietly and stared at him with complicated eyes.

"What's wrong, Xiaojing? What's wrong with you? "Ye Chenjie asked with a smile.

He shook his head quietly, "Little Orange."

"Well, when I act alone, nothing will happen to me, you can rest assured that when you leave with everyone, if you encounter any alien corpses or other unexpected situations, these people rely on you, don't be impulsive, use your head.

"Little Orange, you preach..." He looked at Ye quietly, smiled reluctantly, turned his head, and now he was in a complicated mood, although a little bold and angry, but she was kind and simple like a blank sheet of paper, because she was alone and afraid of nothing, so she didn't think about it.

But it's not yet, she finally realized for the first time that many people's lives are on their shoulders, and if they are not careful, someone will die, and the heavy pressure that can never be recovered is like what Zheng Zi often faces.

The original Little Orange has been under such great pressure, he meditated quietly in his heart, I didn't feel it before, I have been relying on him very unconsciously. The reason why I like to go out with him is that I can act according to my temper, even if something happens, Ye Chen will help her clean up, and she is also in danger. Ye Chenjie would also protect her, but now that he is not around, everything is his own. Pull everyone out of the gap between these two enemies, no one will clean up for themselves, no one will protect themselves, and take all the risks.

"Xiao Jing, don't worry, you shoot better than me, and I will never catch up with you." Ye Chenjie smiled and made him happy. Looking at the girl who was not afraid of this day for the first time, she seemed confused and helpless, and finally couldn't help but stepped forward, stretched out her hands, and held her shoulders with one hand.

He was so quiet that he seemed not to notice Ye Chenjie's intimacy, but raised his eyes and looked at him. "You must be careful, Xiaojuzi, don't get hurt."

"Well, well, no," Ye said, relieved, when she looked at her pale red lips, eager to kiss her.

But he still didn't dare to do it, just stepped back and smiled: "Okay, if we are united, we will leave here, Dai Shao, you are responsible for the specific tactical arrangements and commands."

"Yes, Mr. Ye. My plan is: you can't shoot easily here, put away the gun, and use weapons!"

"Yes!" His team promised to carry out this order. Ye Chenjie looked at their weapons and did not work together: big, steel pipes and... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Zhang Zi promised to hand over all the axes he brought to the team with Ye Chenjie's teammates, and basically everyone had the right weapon.

"Yes," the players agreed.

Mr. Zhang, can you take your team to the center, protect civilians and wounded, and use your arrows to provide us with far-reaching fire support?

"Okay," Zhang Huang took out the archer.

"Ms. Ho is a defender who can move freely around the team and is responsible for spotting enemies and supporting players under pressure, as well as filling holes in the defense."

"Yeah," he agreed quietly.

"There are two more prisoners..." Dai looked at Ye Chenke, "What does Mr. Zheng think is appropriate?"

Ye Chenjie also knew that the current situation could no longer take away the prisoners, the risk was too great, but executing the prisoners was something he could not do. He said: "We can't kill the prisoners, Mr. Ye, but we can't let them go. Otherwise they will turn around and become our enemies."

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"Okay, that's good," Zheng Zikai said, and Dai Lutian waved his hand and ordered the two team members to pull the prisoner over, and no matter how loud their mouths were, they took out a shining dagger.

"Shut up! I'll give you a dog to die for," Day said.

The two men were so frightened that they stopped and trembled with fear. Dai Zitian came towards them with a needle, but Dai Zitian quickly cut the rope behind the knees of the two prisoners, causing them to lose their ability to move for a long time. , so the medical staff came over and gave each of them a needle. The two prisoners lost consciousness and lay on the ground.

There is nothing to sigh about, this is the best way to deal with it, their companions will find them and receive treatment.

Okay, everyone gather, everyone is ready to evacuate. For the last time, you cannot shoot without my order. Mr. Zhang, please also limit your team, thank you.

"Yes," Zhang Huang said simply, but he didn't say that. The players followed Ye Chenjie to face the body many times and knew what to do and what not to do. There was no need to tell them too much.

"Okay, you're ready," said the helmsman, who needed to throw in a shotgun, clean it up and put a watch on his wrist. "It starts at 11:35 sharp. There's still six minutes to prepare to evacuate civilians." .Be careful when you go out, especially women and children.”

The crowd adjusted their watches, and two team members brought out civilian survivors. They were repeatedly warned to pay attention to the team members. Ye Chenjie looked at the team. Although he was a little anxious, under the current situation, this was the only way out. , I can only hope everything goes well.

So the five people on independent missions stretched their heads towards the four exit passages of the subway station. Zheng Zhike walked to the exit intersection and looked back, but saw special forces snipers and quiet snipers walking together in the distance. He Look back in your direction.

But he didn't have his own eyesight, and it was obvious that he didn't see himself. She was just looking for her figure in the darkness, with some lingering worried expressions on her face. Zheng Zike's heart heated up in the darkness and quickened her pace.

The bright moonlight shines through the gaps between the big trees outside the subway station exit, and sprinkles a few faint silver spots on the ground. The wind blows through the trees, making a soft sound, a hint of summer, and the silence of Haiyuan City is almost absent. The sound of insects, the tall subway looking down, makes people feel nervous.

Ye Chenjie once again confirmed that the situation outside has not changed. The distribution, location and position of the dead team are the same as what we just saw. After all, even if you can maneuver in the air, it is difficult to set up a place where the dead move. post.

In order to deal with the small force of more than ten people, they sent out an amazing force. Anyone in their right mind would probably feel like it was a bit of a waste. Take this subway station as an example. There are many corpses at several exits. Once the target comes out, it is impossible not to shake the body. Their position and position have a good perspective. As long as there is any movement, ammunition will pour like raindrops. And down.

In order to deal with this unexpected situation, they also prepared a recoilless gun to deal with a dozen immigrants who could not replenish fuel. However, when the order was given, it was obvious that when Dai Tian appeared, they wanted to let it To function, they should use a destructive hammer to destroy all Tian's hopes - that's why these horrific weapons are here.

"They will be trapped and will surrender sooner or later," the superior ordered.

There will be no loopholes in such a blockade, and it will be difficult to escape even if you have a pair of wings. Those four large-caliber heavy machine guns and rocket launchers could knock him out of the sky. Frontliners in this position can request support from two fighter jets and two helicopter artillery pieces. There is also a platoon standing at the bottom, ready to take a helicopter to reinforce why? How much are they worth? These reasons are known only to the top leaders.

Ye Chenjie looked at the watch on his wrist. His hands were moving slowly and powerfully at the helm, hoping that Xiaojing would do well. Although the distance is not very far, it is night and it is difficult to attack six targets quickly in three positions.

After an unbearable silence, the hand of the watch finally pointed to 1133.5. A black object flew out of the subway station exit in time, and no one found it under the cover of darkness.

But it fell to the ground and rolled several times before exploding.

A loud bang echoed in the air.

Uprising couldn't help but look at the place where the explosion occurred, only to see dead groups gathering from all directions, and then gathered together.

Does the other party want to commit suicide? Man looked at all this and felt a little strangled. How could the other party be so stupid as to wake up the corpse and attract more people? How did they escape now? As he looked at what was happening at the exit of the subway station in London, gunshots suddenly came at the same time from two other adjacent subway exits.

There were two types of artillery fire, four dull single bullets without intervals, and three short gun battles. Sniper? He looked back at his position, but his man did not fall. He immediately understood everything, grabbed the radio, and shouted: "Red one, red two, red three, report immediately!"

Only the noise of background current came from the corridor.

"Take cover! Be careful of snipers!" He immediately gave the order. Our sniper post has been completely cleared, but the other party did not shoot again, but quietly retreated before some bodies followed the gunshots to the exit. But the temporary state of confusion-people threatened by another sniper were looking for cover, and no one could see a faint shadow under the shade of a large tree. The shadow is so fast that ordinary people can't imagine it, and even if they see it, it's easy to think that they are wrong on such a night.

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So far so good, the bodies have been collected, the opponent's watchmen have been cleared, creating an opportunity for him to leave, they have done well, and now it's in the shadow of a building near me, Ye Chenjie's figure swept through the commercial and residential buildings where the position is located, and what we have to do now is to see if we can bring the zombies into the sky garden and let them fight.

He anxiously watched the exit of the subway station with a telescope behind the bunker, but he didn't find any movement, and the enemy didn't appear. What's the plan? Just to get rid of the sniper? How did they do it? All the posts were cleared at the same time, and in addition to the gunmanship, the opponent's observation ability was amazing. He collected the telescope and ordered his men to strengthen their guards and pay attention to protection. Once there was ammunition, they opened fire immediately. He returned to the sky garden and sat down, lit a cigarette, and considered whether to report the situation to his superiors.

No, don't report it, the superiors gave themselves enough troops and amazing firepower, twice as much as they wanted. Moreover, the other side had just knocked out several of their own posts, and their people had not yet appeared, and their main position was still enough to cover all the entrances and exits of the subway station.

They couldn't escape. Before he spit out the smoke, one of his men rushed over and shook his voice: "... not very good."

"What's the big deal! I said, they hit me hard as soon as they showed their heads,"

"It's not... not Lianshan's people, it's the dead! The dead crowd rushed into our building!" Panic was below that building, and he was terrified.

What appeared in front of him was a cold scene: a large group of people who had just been awakened and attracted by bullets were rushing towards the building where they were.

"Damn, what did those two idiots do?" He grabbed the radio and shouted:

The rapid footsteps and chaotic roars of the corpse echoed on the sidewalk, as if a squeak was gnawing bones. He wiped the cold sweat and put down the walkie-talkie, knowing that several people guarding the entrances and exits at the bottom of the building were swallowed by the group of people.

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