Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1280: Still in chaos, the world is in panic

Chapter 1280; Still messy, the world panics

"The king's knife reaches the wood attribute, and the basic blade is to use the core of the Tianmu Mother King. Other things can't make it reach the level of the king-level weapon." Zi Xiao said with a smile.

She didn't say how to get the core of the Tianmu Mother, and Ye Chen didn't ask again.

When they approached, this really saw the so-called Tianmu Mother King. It was a pervert. Seeing its first feeling, Ye Chen tasted the taste of the second Tianshan.

Picking up Tianshan, it can be ranked among the top five mountains in the entire continent.

The Tianmu King is so huge.

This shows how long it has existed.


Getting closer and closer, but the footsteps are still messy, that is the sound of the panic of the world of Warcraft, I saw countless Warcraft from the position of the Tianmu King, running madly into the distance.

There is no shortage of magical beasts of the magical level.

These Warcraft ran like crazy.

Ye Chen and Zi Yan looked at each other and said, "What happened?"

"Wang Tianmu seems to be angry." Zi Yan Xiumei got up and looked a little strange. "Under normal circumstances, Tianmu Mujin sleeps for five hundred years and rarely wakes up. In the endless life, it seems that there is only three angers. What is stimulating?"

They looked at the Tianwang Muwang, but they didn't find it. They always did it on Ye Chen's shoulder. This very small white figure flew out of the sky.

As soon as it fell to the ground, it turned into white light and stimulated out.

Its speed was faster than the speed of light, and it was thousands of miles away.


After Xiaobai left, a world-shaking beast screamed in the distance.

This embarrassment made the endless world of Warcraft tremble, even the King of Warcraft, they squatted, trembling fiercely, showing the color of fear.

It was this embarrassment that shocked the King of Woods greatly that day.

Then a green beam rose from the sky near Tianwang Muwang, and then went far away.

The green light disappeared, and the white appeared on Ye Chen's left shoulder again. It was only a few seconds back and forth, and there was even a purple scorpion less than half a meter away "Why not?" Zi Yan's pretty face changed slightly.

Ye Chen was warm in his heart and even moved. ZiYan is obviously using the promise of Tiangong Wood King to his family to help them build a wooden property king knife.

And this promise can allow ZiYan's family to invite Tiangong Wood King's great promise when they are in danger for a certain period of time.

Even if Wang Yumu disagrees, Xie Yanyu is deeply moved by ZiYan's actions.

"I don't want to fulfill my promise, but I'm poisoned." Tianmao Wang Wang smiled as if it was a big joke.

It is the king of Tianmu Wood, the highest existence of wood, who is actually poisoned.

Wood is the meaning of life.

It's just that ZiYan listened, it was a glance. "When the green light just poisoned you, will you be angry?"

"Yes, if this old man comes to help, I'm afraid I'm also in danger." Tianmao Wang Wang glanced at the white white on Ye Chen's shoulder intentionally or unintentionally.

It seems that Xiaobai didn't see it, squinting his eyes, like to sleep, not sleep.

"Can make you poisoned, this poison" ZiYan said in a somewhat embarrassed way.

"With my ability, it will take at least a few hundred years to remove it." Tianqiang Wood King sighed. "This bastard has spent countless years researching and making a poison specifically for me."

It takes hundreds of years for this tyrannical Wood King to remove the poison, which makes Ye Chen and Zi Yan a little embarrassed.

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