Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1346 Soul Family, Deterrent Effect

It was already 3pm when he woke up.

"Xie Shao," a master of the Rainbow level of the Sea Star Corps, who was responsible for protecting his safety, walked in. This person was Wang Qiang, the head of the Rainbow level Ten Stars sent by the hard-working army detachment.

Xie said, "What's the matter?"

Wang Qiang said, "Our new leader Xingye has arrived, accompanied by a family expert specially sent by the head of the delegation as your personal bodyguard.

"Oh?" Xie was happy, for him, it was a strong arm. "Is this Xingye Tuanchang of the Carriage Clan?"

Wang Qiang took out a scroll and handed it to Xie Zhiyu, "This is sent by Director Xingye, and there is information about Xingye in it. "

Wang Qiang took it and looked at it, and stood aside consciously.

This scroll is not much, it is signed by the star, generally speaking, it is the introduction of Xingye, Xingye is indeed a member of the carriage family, no less than the star. Now Xingluo is going to close his door in the territory of the Ten Kings, which also greatly improves Xingluo's status in the horse family, and this is his career.

The king is on it!

Xingye saw his state and almost laughed, which shows the attachment of the Knight Family to him.

Looking down, Ye Chen's face became strange.

The so-called personal bodyguard that Chengluo sent him is actually a woman. His name is Yuman, and his strength is not high, just rainbow level.

As for the strength of the personal bodyguard, Ye Chen doesn't care at all , the real meaning of this personal bodyguard is the meaning of the star soul family, and also the deterrent effect of the Sichuan people. If they also have the power of the Knight family, they don't care. You are the master of the Heavenly King, and the opponent can also deal with it, but if the power of the Knight family, you are even the master of the Ten Kings, when you see the Knight family, you dare not fight, so the most important role of the personal bodyguard is the deterrent force.

But what he couldn't understand was how Shiloh sent a woman whose status seemed to be higher than that of the mercenary captain Xingye.

She is the youngest daughter of the star Wang Xingfeng!

"This is an interesting arrangement," Xie said. Don't be a big woman with a surname of Gao. It will be a doom. "What else did Xingye say?"

Wang Qiang replied: "Xingye Duchang said that the imperial army's military division came to Turpan Yanjing secretly at noon today, so his arrival did not reveal anything to the public, and Xie Shao could cooperate if he had any ideas."

Xie Ao said: "I just don't know how to treat the royal mercenaries. "After all, the Royal Mercenaries are also a powerful mercenary corps, and there are forces behind them.

"Xingye Tuanchang said that if Xie has this idea, the Crown Committee can be withdrawn from the mainland," Wang Qiang said with a sharp ear.

Xie Aoyu's heart was shocked, it was really domineering.

There is a lot of support behind the Royal Committee, and even Qi Yang did not do it because he had an affair with the Royal Committee, which means that He Wei's core family wants to completely kill the Royal Mercenaries?

The Star Soul Family is determined to support itself!

Xie Xiaoyu knows that from now on, he and the horse clan may not be able to separate, that is, the power of the star clan, he can use the power of the day, and he can also face the enemies of the horse clan, because the two sides are closely connected.

"I know, you go back and tell Xingye Duchang not to show up, when I hear it, I will destroy the mercenaries on the crown today!" Xie said.

Wang Qiang agreed to go to the communication.

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