Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1462 Powerful Soul, Master Power

Jing had no time to prepare to blow out hundreds of feet away under Qin Wenguang, and the crisp sound echoed in people's ears for a long time.

"No way!"

"Isn't the prince the master of the soul?"

"Yes, the master is a powerful soul, how can he be defeated by a prince who only has the power of a spiritual master?"

The provincial master clearly saw the scene of Qin Wenguang's counterattack against Jingyou, this scene, completely shocked everyone, and at the same time completely shattered Liu Yunbiao's last hope.


Jingyu's voice broke the awkward atmosphere, and everyone's eyes turned to Jingyu. In Jingda was severely repelled, Ye Chen was not, and the two brothers of Ge Zhouping and Shi Chong were beaten by the other side and could not turn the tide, and their backbones only left Jingyu's journey.

"Beauty, do you miss me?" Qin Wenguang's eyes shrank into a slit when he saw Jingyu's appearance, and even the corners of his mouth were about to flow out.

Jingyu Navigation Silver teeth clenched, crystal tears surged into their eyes, the whole body trembled, and couldn't say a word.

"Beauty, in your name, I can save these people from death, but you have to go with me." Qin Wenguang saw Jingyu Navigation like this, and immediately took the opportunity to rob the case and put forward conditions.

"Are you serious?" Jingyu looked up, and Lihuayu looked at Qin Wenguang.

Qin Wenguang was ecstatic and nodded quickly: "Yes, this prince always keeps his promise."

"No, girl, you go, we go." Jingyu Navigation could bear the pain and kept shaking his head, but the huge pain made him unable to even lift his head.

Jingyu Navigation looked at his seriously injured father, and then looked at the other dart masters in Liu Yunbiao Bureau, with tears in his eyes on the slide. In her heart, her father gave her life, and it was her father's life. Whether it was for her father, for the Bio Bureau, or for those innocent darts, she couldn't leave them.


Jingyu Navigation, with tears in her eyes, took a step forward, but before she took her second step, a tall and strong figure suddenly appeared in front of her.


Seeing the tall man, Jingyu's heart seemed to calm down suddenly, and the two legs that had just walked out were immediately pulled back.

"I'm sorry, I'm late."

A gentle voice appeared in Jingyu's ears, looking at the person standing next to him, like a child, walking straight into the arms of the person who was about to come, tears streaming down his face.

"It's okay, don't worry, I have everything."

The only one who can make Jingyu Hanghang feel stable at this time and bury his head in tears without hesitation is naturally Ye Chen.

"Fortunately, I was in a hurry, Qin Wenguang, I didn't expect that I just spared your life in the morning, and you didn't even change your death, and came back again?" "What, are you going to save your life this time?" Ye Chen's eyes revealed an abnormal anger, this time, it must not stop!

"Yin Lei, don't go crazy in front of me! To be honest, there are nine masters in the Temple of Heaven today, I want to see how you died here!" Qin Wenguang subconsciously took a step back, but thinking of the master of the Temple of Heaven standing next to him, the momentum immediately appeared a lot.

Ye Chen snorted, and said with contempt: "Even if the elders of the Temple of Heaven are here, your life, I will accept it today!"


The eight monks saw that Xue Chen not only did not give the temple face, but also dared to threaten the prince in front of them, and they were angry one by one, waving a stick and walked towards Xue Chen.


Ye Chen pushed gently, that is, pushed Jing Yu to the side of Jing You, and he was a jumper, directly on the roof.

"The Temple of Heaven, which is more or less deceiving people, is nothing more than this!" Ye Chen looked at the eight monks in his hand, with a face full of contempt.

"Whether it is one person or thousands of people, I eight people against the enemy, all together. If you are afraid, you can admit defeat, I can spare your life and leave it to the master and the prince to send. One of the eight monks, the head of the monk, drank a cup of anger, his voice was like a bolt from the blue, and he roared at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen raised his head, laughed, and said: "For a long time, I was lucky to know the names of the eight batons of the Temple of Heaven. "I just don't know if you eight monks can frame me?"

"Young man, there is a price for talking too crazy." The head faced the monk's face, and seemed to be angry at Ye Chen's disdain.

"If you have the ability, I'll see you under your palm!" Ye Chen sneered, and a yellow spirit immediately burst out from his body, wrapping their whole body directly in the siege of the eight monks.

"Spread out!"

The head of the baton drank angrily, and the eight monks immediately ran in eight directions. After being motionless, the eight batons released their spiritual power at the same time, connecting the spiritual power of the eight directions with the power of formation. Ye Chen launched a fierce attack in the battle. The monk released his spiritual power, poured them on the stick, and then continued to bend down and fell to the ground. And in the process of this fight, Ye Chen clearly felt that the powerful spiritual power of the stereotype was gathering underground, and there were signs of convergence.

"Want to slip out of the ground?"

Ye Chen looked at the eight monks and couldn't help laughing. He was not so stupid that he waited for others to attack himself. Ye Chen has always believed that offense is the best defense. Today, it is no exception.

One hand is strong, the other hand is bitter!

Xue Chen's eyes froze for a moment, and the speed of his legs also soared, leaving the stick monk directly towards the sheep totem tattooed on his chest. The Holy Spirit's sword emitted a yellow light in an instant, and on that stick, the monk was a sword that could be disassembled.

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A yellow shield appeared three feet outside the monk's body. The Holy Spirit's sword, not with a knife to break the king's shield, but to leave a gap in it. But it was this gap that made the eight monks and Fang Guancha Hongtang's battle exposed to the color in front of their eyes.

"Can this sword split the emperor's shield? The emperor's shield of the eight monks is strengthened by the power of the battle, and even the ordinary spirit of the strong may not split the crack. This sword, I'll take it!" Hong Tong's eyes have been staring at Xue Chen's Holy Spirit Sword, and he feels that he can separate the emperor's shield from the Holy Spirit Sword.

"A good sword can only exist in the hands of a truly strong man, and the weak are not qualified to own it. So this sword is mine!" Hong Tong showed a strange smile and turned his eyes to Ye Chen's body. "That boy, a little interesting."

Ye Chen, who fought side by side with these eight monks, would not know that his Holy Spirit Sword had been targeted by Hong Tong. Now, he is feeling the great war spirit brought by the Holy Spirit Sword. He is eager to fight against the strong, and today's war, facing what he wants!

Ye Chen did not break the king's shield and retreated immediately. But the Eight Monks are not mud kneading, letting people bully and not fight back. So when Ye Chen just stood firm, eight powerful spiritual forces gathered from underground, and Ye Chen started a violent explosion!

If ordinary people encounter such a situation, they will definitely panic and just want to escape, but Ye Chen is different. Ye Chen was not panicked at all at this time. He tried to feel the positioning of the underground wild spirit. Relying on super strong mental induction, Ye Chen can stay away from the attack again and again.

“How is it possible? How can he avoid the attacks of the eight monks every time?” Qin Wenguang stood aside and watched the battle, his eyes wide and round, and a shocked color appeared on his face. This is completely different from what he expected. According to his expectations, Ye Chen should be bombarded by the remnants, but now it is….

“This is a great gift, if you can use it yourself, it will be a great help.” Just when Qin Wenguang showed his face in surprise, Hong Tong suddenly said beside him.

“Master, you won’t.”

Qin Wenguang was shocked to hear the words in his heart, which originally asked me to kill the master of the temple, but the heart is actually in love at this time? Isn’t this a waste of energy? But the fact is that in front of him, Qin Wenguang can only secretly bite his teeth to vent his dissatisfaction, but dare not attack the public. After all, the Temple of Heaven can be different from other forces. It is able to destroy the palace of the superpower, and Lingwu is one of the five major schools on the mainland.

Seemingly sensing Qin Wenguang’s dissatisfaction, Hong Tong’s tone changed, and then said: “Although this child’s talent is great, it is not acceptable to ordinary people.” The tone of speaking cannot be suppressed, it is better to wipe it out directly, so as not to become a hidden danger in the future. "

"Yes! Master Hong Tong is right. Today, the prince is looking up to Master Hong Tong and the eight monks of your temple. " Qin Wenguang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, as if this Hong Tong was not what he imagined, otherwise he would not have said the words of direct obliteration.

Qin Wenguang was anxious for Ye Chen to be killed quickly, while on the other hand, the people in Liu Yunbiao's bureau had been sweating for Ye Chen. His face flushed one after another, his breathing was short, and his heart was lifted to his throat.

"Dad, do you think Ali will win?" Jing Yu lifted his father up and leaned against a big tree, his hands trembling slightly, and asked with a worried heart.

Jingda sighed: "I don't know, but I know he is strong enough to escape, but he didn't, but chose to stay with us. "It can be seen that Ali is a man of his lifetime, and if you can really marry her, father will be relieved."

"Dad, what time is it now? Are you still kidding!" Jing Yuhang was furious and pushed his father hard, but he didn't want to accidentally hit his father's wound, causing his father to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Jing Yu's little face was startled. She didn't expect her father's injury to be so serious. After a while, her eyes turned red, and tears kept flowing in her eyes.

Jingda smiled bitterly and said, "Silly girl, what are you crying about, is Dad dead?"

"Dad, you won't die, I won't let you die" Jing Yuhang buried his head in his father's arms, a pear flower with the look of rain, seeing the heart of others.

"Ahem. Silly girl, Dad can't die. Dad also wants to see Ali defeat the master of the Temple of Heaven and leave Suyun City with us! Ahem!" Jing coughed and looked at his daughter kindly.

“Dad, if you don’t say anything, I will accompany you to see Ali, watch him defeat these people and take us out of Suyun City.” Jing Yuhanghai wiped away his tears, hugged his father, and focused his attention on Ye Chen and the eight monks on the battlefield again.

Although these eight monks are called “Qian Kun Bagua”, they are still on the dark side of the attack. Although Ye Chen was forced to dodge by this powerful offensive wolf, he was not panicked at all, and showed a smile.


Ye Chen evaded again, but the difference was that after evading, Ye Chen did not continue to dodge back and forth in different directions. Instead, he rushed to the monk who did not cut the sword in front of the King’s Shield.

“Well, go to hell!”

The stick monk with the sheep totem tattooed on his chest had a cold face and unusual anger. It was really hard to make this boy really like a soft persimmon that could not be rubbed!

Once again, the emperor's shield emitted a yellow light, and the monk injected part of his spiritual power into the emperor's shield. At this time, the defense of the shield had been raised by him by several levels. As long as he held this sword, Ye Chen would definitely be beaten severely by himself. At that time, he could use the power of the other seven to kill it!

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"Come on, let me see if this sword can do it."

The monk's cold face suddenly solidified. He originally thought that he could take this opportunity to kill Ye Chen, but he didn't expect that he didn't appear, because Ye Chen who rushed to him at that time was just a residual shadow. The next moment, the real Ye Chen appeared in front of a monk with a squid totem engraved on his chest.

Oh, oh! He had just transferred most of his spiritual power to the monk with the sheep totem. Now he can only coax the king's shield, but in the middle of the game, the power of the shield is of course useless. "


The three thousand jins of the Holy Spirit Sword destroyed the decadent destruction of the monk's shield, like cutting tofu in half from head to toe!

One of the eight monks, monk Ragweed, go to hell!



"Endure death!"

The other seven monks saw Xue Chen easily beat a man with a sword, and there were only seven people left in the gossip group. This formation was no longer tenable, and they roared at Ye Chen one after another, holding sticks in their hands, and rushed to Ye Chen.

"Oh, is this all you eight monks can do?" Seeing the seven monks walking in his direction, Ye Chen was not panicked at all, but just stood there, smiling at the seven big stick monks.


There were seven loud voices coming out from the ground, and violent mental fluctuations broke out under the soles of the seven people's feet.

"Is this it?"

The seven big stick monks clearly felt the violent mental fluctuations under their feet, and they were afraid one after another, and they were all on the scene.

"Run! "

Hong Tong's side immediately discovered the secret of the seven soles, and Ye Chen secretly manipulated this secret! First, he used time to escape, scattered his brain power on the ground, scattered under the body, and then a special means of control. Finally, killing a stick monk was really unexpected!

"What a sinister boy!" Hong Tong gritted his teeth, and the anger in his eyes was about to burst!

The seven monks heard the word "Hong Tong ran" and suddenly ran away like a bereaved dog, but let them run to where they went, always feeling the anger under their feet, and even following them like a shadow.

Hong Tong's side could no longer be seen, and immediately aimed at Ye Chen's extreme speed. He wanted to kill it first before Ye Chen detonated his spirit!


However, Ye Chen didn't care, because Hong Tong had a panic attack on the second line. Ye Chen's right hand slowly raised and gently grasped it, and the seven monks detonated instantly under his feet, and the seven people vomited blood at the same time, and immediately breathed down.

"Immediately! "

Ye Chen's eyes were extremely cold, and at the moment of the spirit explosion, Ye Chen's figure moved!

But Hong Tong's figure also came in front of Ye Chen at this time, recording the palm wind that condensed most of the spirit to blow Ye Chen's hair, and hit Ye Chen's back hard.


Hong Tong's wind speed was very fast, and suddenly it passed through Ye Chen's body, but it made Hong Tong feel that Ye Chen was not alive!

Oh, oh!

Hong Tong called, and the next moment he looked around and saw the eight monks in front of Ye Chen at this time, revealing his smile.

The three thousand jin Holy Spirit Sword was gently waved, and the golden light suddenly shouted loudly, and the methods of the phantom body were used one after another, and the heads of the seven stick monks fell to the ground!

Since then, the eight monks of Tianren Temple have died!

"Asshole! "

Hong Tong was furious, and the eight great enemies were still killed by the other side. This is simply a shame for the people in the temple! But Hong Tong also understood that these eight monks did not even exert half of their strength, why did they lose, more than half of their luck!

Ye Chen could have avoided all the underground attacks, if he did not give the order, he might not believe it. There was Ye Chen who thought that the means of the spiritual power of the hand entering the underground for ambush was even more unexpected. Although the Eight Monks are stronger than Xue Chen, this war, the loss is not unfair!

"Son, you are such a fool!" Hong Tong's eyes stared at Ye Chen like a venomous snake, and the resentment in his eyes was self-evident.

"Who are you?" Ye Chen frowned and asked.

Hong Tong sneered, clenched his fists with both hands, and only heard a harsh voice: "The weak are not qualified to know my name." "But you are strong enough to know. Remember, my name is Hong Tong, and then Lip asked: "Don't say you don't know."

"Hong Tong? Wasn't it the youngest in the People's Temple that day? "

Jing's voice came from behind, and Ye Chen was surprised in his heart: This Hong Tong is now the youngest old man in Tianren Temple, and he claims to have touched the threshold of Lingzong?

"It seems that I am still a little famous, kid. You know me from your master. Haven't you heard of me? "Hong Tong stared at Ye Chen with a smile on his face.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "I'm sorry, I'm not your Jiuzhiren, of course, I haven't heard of it. "

"Oh, really? Since you are not a member of Jiuchi Kingdom, of course you don't know the rules of Jiuchi Kingdom. In this case, I will spare you a meal today." Hong Tong sneered, his dark yellow spirit had changed from It spread throughout his body, and Ye Chen walked away angrily.

"Only you? This is a bit crazy!" Xue Chen's eyes froze, and the physical spirit was fully functioning, rippling like waves, directly colliding with Hong Tong.


Strong mental force generates shock waves, such as ripples on the water surface, which causes the shock waves to continuously propagate, and layers of shock waves continue to impact the surrounding space. Some strong men's faces were just a little pale, while those with weaker strength were so frightened that they vomited blood and died. In this regard, the biggest loss was that Qin Wenguang brought countless palace guards and could not withstand too many. On the other hand, Liu Yunbiao Bureau was in a much better situation because the Spirit King Shield released by the two brothers Jing Yuhang, Ge Zhouping and Shi Wang Shi Chong partially resisted the mental impact.

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In the fierce fighting spirit, Ye Chen took dozens of steps back to stabilize his body, while Hong Tong took three steps back and then stabilized his body. In everyone's eyes, the power of the two is higher than dominance.

"Your sword is very good." Hong Tong glanced at Xue Chen, and then turned to the Holy Spirit Sword in Ye Chen's hand.

"Of course, this is the sword that killed the eighth monk in your temple." exhaled~" Xue Chen raised his eyebrows, raised the Holy Spirit's hand, gently crossed the sword with his left hand, and blew a breath, which was quite a joke. "

He killed eight monks in front of him, and now he will show off the Holy Spirit Sword in front of him. This move is a slap in the face to Hong Tong!

"You're looking for death!" Hong Tong roared, his left fist like a huge hammer, thundering against Ye Chen's head.

Ye Chen's war eyes were intended to be completely ignited by Hong Tong, and the extremely bellicose blood deep in his heart was boiling at this moment.


Ye Chen's left fist came unexpectedly. Can this seemingly ordinary punch stop Hong Tong's hegemony?

Everyone's heart grows up at this moment. Is this a contest between victory and defeat?

"Dead! If you die, the entire Liu Yunbiao Bureau will cease to exist! Jingyu's journey will become a plaything under my crotch!"

"Ally, don't do this!"

Qin Wenguang and Jing Yuxing prayed secretly, hoping for a different ending.


Ye Chen said that he did not expect to miraculously block Hong Tong's attack. At this time, the right hand of the Holy Spirit Sword was waving rapidly to the other side of his chest!


Hong Tong's right hand did not dodge, and he grabbed the Holy Spirit Sword with his bare hands. But once he grabbed the Holy Spirit Sword, his face changed drastically!

"This sword weighs at least three thousand kilograms!" "Stone scene, Stone, take everyone out." Seeing Qin Wenguang running away, Ge Zhouping turned around and said to the two brothers of the Shi family, chasing Qin Wenguang. He would use the chaos to end the life of the lustful prince.

Shi Wang Shi Chong didn't understand what Ge Zhouping meant, but at this time, they didn't think of anything else but to lead people out of this place to save their lives.

"Brother, Brother Ge is going to die now! There are still many palace guards around Qin Wenguang. If Brother Ge goes alone, he will be so fierce and auspicious!" Seeing Ge Zhouping kill Qin Wenguang alone, Shi Chong couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. patient.

King Shi is also a person with an angry face and clenched hands, but he cannot let Shi rush away, because they will take us away from the place. Now Liu Yunbiao is needed, and he cannot take risks!

"He will be fine, we have something to do!" King Shi patted Shi Chong on the shoulder. Although they were a little reluctant, they had to admit that the final result was in the hands of the two of them in a fierce confrontation.


Shi Wang Shichong gritted his teeth angrily at the two brothers and ran towards Liu Junbiao's bureau.

"Ye Chen, shouldn't your troubles end?" Hong Tong raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a dirty smile on his face, but his words shocked Ye Chen more than the sinister smile.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand." Ye Chen's face did not change. Of course, he would not admit his identity so gently.

Hong Tong sneered and immediately took a step back, his eyes full of war: "At this age, I can neither win nor lose, nor can I repeat miracles. All the close friends around the prince are killing them. Except for you, Ye Chen, I Can't think of anyone else." Am I right? "

Ye Chen sneered: "This is a call to people outside the world, one day." Do you really think that only Ye Chen can compete with you? "

"Oh? It seems you don't want to admit it!" The fire in Hong Tong's eyes burned, like a spark falling on a puddle of gasoline, and a strong flame suddenly burst out.

Ye Chen shrugged. "No, why should I admit it?"

"Okay, I'll call you today to admit it!"

Hong Tong smiled, and with one punch, a wild spirit appeared, crackling, as if the surrounding space could no longer tolerate such manic fluctuations.

"Can you do it?" Ye Chen meticulously refused to show weakness and immediately retorted.

"If you can, you will see it!" Hong Tong laughed, immediately raised his fist, raised the yellow light to the sky, and condensed it into a huge hammer, which was difficult to hit Ye Chen.

Looking at Ye Chen who was still standing there, Hong Tonglang smiled and said, "My child, take a hammer from me!"

There is a trace of lines on the surface of the hammer head. Under the urging of the spirit, the grain emits a dazzling light, and a strong spiritual wave immediately erupts, like the pressure of Mount Tai, pressing down ruthlessly directly on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's eyes solidified, and he quickly raised the Holy Spirit Sword. Inspired by the spiritual power, the Holy Spirit Sword rushed out of the golden light and rushed straight to the sky.

The three thousand jins of the Holy Spirit Sword suddenly turned into a huge sword shadow hundreds of feet high. The fierce sword means a crazy release, and it seems to tear the sky and the earth apart.

"The wind and the cloud appeared from the beginning, split open!"

Ye Chen drank a breath of anger, a huge sword shadow moved forward and was difficult to cut down, and Hong Tong's big hammer suddenly intersected, and a dull roar came out.


The two people spit out blood at the same time, and their figures suddenly retreated hundreds of feet, and their breathing suddenly dropped a lot, but in the eyes of the two people, the idea of ​​war was not extinguished, but rose!

"So, Ye Chen, don't you admit it now?" Hong Tong held the blood pressure in his heart and laughed at Ye Chen.

Relying on the soul of the body and the operation of the soul, Ye Chen quickly reversed the blood and slightly disordered breathing to suppress it. But at the same time, Ye Chen also knew that in order to win this war, he had to turn to these two camps. However, once these two systems are used, it is equivalent to their own identity being completely open! At that time, the Blood God will be sent to deal with himself again, which is not what they want now.

"Ye Chen, I know what you are worried about, why don't we find a place where no one can fight well?" It's hard to meet an opponent like you, but if I don't like it, how can I be satisfied with fighting? "Hong Tong's vision of war will not be tampered with. He really just wants to be with Ye Chen now. Ye Chen can also feel Hong Tong's fighting intention.

Ye Chen sighed secretly, and immediately raised his head and said, "If you want to fight me, you will accompany me to the end!"

"Okay! Come on!"

Hong Tong was in a good mood, pointing to a high mountain in the distance and said, "Ye Chen, on the highest peak outside Suyun City, there is a fairly large open space, you and I can put down the war there! "But in this battle, you must do your best!"


As soon as the voice fell, Hong Tong turned into a figure and rushed to the top of the mountain.

"I hope you won't let me down!"

Ye Chen sneered, and was about to chase Hong Tong's figure away, only to hear a shout not far away, and hurriedly turned his head over, only to find a man covered with arrows, falling to the ground, bleeding all over the floor. On the back of this man, there were dozens of feet, trampling violently.

"Did Qin Wenguang kill Ge Zhouping? Is it not only the power of the spiritual mentor that Qin Wenguang has been hiding his power? It's hard to say, this Qin Wenguang has been hiding his power?" Ye Chen, stunned, really didn't expect that he was wrong. But if this is the case, Qin Wenguang will definitely die today! Otherwise, in the future, it must be a big trouble for them!

"I let you attack me! Let you sneak attack me! What, do you really think that this prince dare not kill you?" Qin Wenguang, under the protection of many royal guards, came to Ge Zhouping and kicked him hard on the head.


One of Qin Wenguang's feet was kicked out with force. At this time, Ge Zhouping lost too much blood and could not protect himself with his spiritual power. So this man kicked his head with a bloody blur. If he had another leg, Ye Chen had no doubt that Ge Zhouping's head would be kicked by Qin Wenguang!

Hiiragi Saint!

Ye Chen's eyes solidified, and the spirit of the sword swept through the air, and the heads of dozens of palace guards fell to the ground. Qin Wenguang was afraid to run away, but how could Ye Chen let Qin Wenguang go?

"Stop him!" Qin Wenguang did not return the command of countless palace guards. Those palace guards were not fools. Knowing Ye Chen's opponent, how dare they stand up to stop him?

"Everyone! Who can kill him? This prince gave him a piece of gold!"

It must be said that at the critical moment, the power of money is huge. One after another, hesitating to walk in front of the palace guards, after hearing the heavy reward, their eyes changed. The original step back turned into a slow advance, and then turned into a group of attacks on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's face used to be an expressionless sword, and there was only the figure of Qin Wenguang in his eyes. Ye Chen simply disdained those palace guards who wanted to commit suicide and get a bounty. He just lightly scratched the sword of the Holy Spirit, and many palace guards landed at the first level.

Qin Wenguang ran and looked back. When he saw many palace guards' heads fall to the ground again and again, he couldn't help but secretly said: "Damn, this group of good-for-nothings can't even stop one person!"


A black shadow flashed and fell heavily in front of Qin Wenguang, blocking the way. Qin Wenguang hurriedly stopped and looked forward, just wanting to stop himself, but Ye Chen's sword was in the hands of the Holy Spirit!

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