Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1468 Condensed into a sword, hanging in the air

Finally, these souls finally condensed into the shape of a sword, hanging in the air.

"This is it."

In front of the scene, some really made Hong Tong incomprehensible.

"This is the spirit of the sword!"

Hong Tong's eyes widened, no wonder Ye Chen was so confident, his Holy Spirit Sword was the same as his own blood hammer.

The situation has always been like this, and regret is useless. For the river of his own hammering blood, Hong Tong's confidence is not ordinary big. Before this, as soon as his blood river appeared, his opponent was doomed to die. But today, he met a Ye Chen who also had a sword spirit! This made him very angry!

"Okay! I want to see if it's your sword soul or my blood river!" With the roar of Hong Tong, the blood of the blood river hanging in the air was completely boiling, like the magma at the bottom of the volcano suddenly appeared, and the whole mountain seemed to be roasted.


The boiling blood river went straight to Xue Chen, and the waves of momentum were like the sea, pouring over continuously.

Facing such an attack, Ye Chen's eyes were without waves, and the finger, the sword spirit hanging in the air was about to rush over.

"Ah, go to hell! Give me to you"

Just a smile, and then suddenly stopped. Because the scene in front of him made Hong Tong look strongly shocked and extremely frightened.

Jian Ling, who rushed to the boiling blood river, did not get involved in the blood river, but released a strong suction force, madly absorbing the spiritual power in the blood river. Without the support of the spirit, the energy of the blood river was also falling madly, but the blood river was a hammer spirit after all, with some spirituality. Therefore, in the sense of this huge threat, the blood river was a quick turn, trying to escape from here.

However, Jian Ling did not seem to want to end like this. After absorbing the spirit of the blood river, the spirit of the sword spirit illuminated his whole body, and he used three swords to resist the flowing blood river.

Shu Sheng!

The blood river, which had lost a lot of energy, was not the enemy of the sword spirit. The three swords were poisonous in the blood river at the same place, and the sharp swords that could not withstand the blood river were immediately divided into two sword spirits!

However, the power of the sword spirit was far beyond his imagination. After splitting the blood river in two, the sword spirit chopped three swords in a row and completely cut the blood river!


In the blood river, a dull voice roared and echoed on the top of the mountain. There was a smell of reluctance in the roar, but there was nothing he could do about it. Relying on the super characteristics of the sword's spirit to absorb the spirit, the sword spirit that hammered the spiritual blood river in front of the sword spirit was vulnerable and was directly crushed by force!


Hong Tong only felt that his eyes were black, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his head!

He knew that he had completely lost this battle!

Shu Sheng!

Seeing the sword spirit completely scatter the blood river, Ye Chen pointed a little, and the sword spirit automatically returned to the Holy Spirit Sword on the sword body.

"Hong Tong, can you admit defeat?"

Ye Chen's voice was full of pride, which made Hong Tong very uncomfortable. However, it was useless to lose the support of spiritual power. Now Hong Tong did not resist. In front of Ye Chen, he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"You win, and I won't be wronged for the first battle today. If you want to kill you, you can do whatever you want." Hong Tong held her breath, closed her eyes, and waited for Ye Chen's verdict.

"Answer me a few questions, maybe I can spare your life." Ye Chen glanced at Hong Tong lying on the ground and said vaguely.

Hong Tong smiled several times: "Don't think about it!"

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