Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1508 Colorful, rolling mountains

Why is there still nothing?

"Don't worry," the young man whispered to Lingfeng, wearing on his head. "You are on the colorful mountain in front, and you will arrive soon."

After listening to the children's explanation. Ye Chen took a breath, then slowed down his pace, and waited for Yan Chengge to appear at ease. After a while, Ye Chen suddenly found that there was a continuous mountain with seven mountains in front of the flat bridge.

"There should be a colorful mountain," Ye Chen thought to himself, but at this time, Ye Chen suddenly found that two red groups suddenly appeared in front of him, and at this moment, it was coming towards me at a very fast speed.

He said: "I don't know what it feels like to be in a colorful mountain.

Ye Chen looked at the two women in red clothes and found that they were really beautiful. They only saw the face of a goose and an egg, which was cute. The eyes and Yao nose were full of customs. Every action was very charming, even a slight frown, not like a fairy going down to the ground.

When Ye Chen looked at the two girls, Tong Shu suddenly stood up and said politely: "These two girls, the father of the child's gate, came here today to ask for important things. I hope I can tell you the next one. "

After hearing that he was the master of the dynasty, the two women stood in a mist, looked at each other politely and said: "Then let Master Tong wait here for a while, we will go back to inform you. "

"I'm tired," he said with a smile.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the two women appeared again. As soon as they stopped, they said: "The leader of our cabinet went out to practice yesterday, you'd better come back later. "

Hearing this, Tong Shu hurriedly said on the spot: "How long will it take to go out to practice?"

One of the women shook her head and said: "I don't know much, I'm afraid it will take at least a month. "

"What? One month? "The child flew straight up with excitement, dodged a little, and walked to one meter in front of the two women. "One month is too long, no, you two take me in now!" He said.

Suddenly, the tree flew up in front of him, and he also took an offensive posture. The two girls were startled at the same time and quickly flew a few meters away. One of the women seemed very angry and pointed at the child. "Son, we respect you as the same master, so we can help you inform you, you can't refuse to drink.

When he heard the news, Tong Shu got angry on the spot. He is also the master of the same family, and now he is shut out by these two little girls, and he can't say it to their faces!

The master of the third class was angry and made a joke, seeing his eyes full of anger, one hand stretched forward, a ball of fire and blazing flames, and at the same time he also focused on his body!

"Do I want to run?" He said with a cold smile, and then he wanted to wave the flame of his hand out, the energy of the flame was high, the air spread to nothingness, and flew straight to the girls.

At this critical moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared above his head, and his feet stepped into the air. He flashed in front of the boy's energy ball, and only heard the sound of a bracelet.

After being hit by the third-level mage, Ye Chen only felt a rotation, and his body was more uncomfortable, but because the fire was a flame, it was no different from the original power of the wind, so he was basically immune to it, and after a rapid fall of more than ten meters, his feet suddenly burst out and were almost stable.

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