Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1528 Traces of murder, throwing away the cloud sword

At the bottom of his brother, seeing the sky Ye Chen broke the cloud sword and rushed into the cloud, he was not surprised at all. Next, He Tao's face was full of traces of murder, and he sneered: "Looking for death!"

As soon as the voice fell, He Tao's hand changed, and the sky suddenly changed. Instead of throwing away the cloud sword, it was a more violent flip.

It turned out that the angry cloud sword on this day had two ways of attack, one of which was like this, dropping the cloud sword and attacking the cover range under the cloud.

And the other was to cover the enemy in the clouds, so that the enemy could not see the reality clearly, and the huge cloud sword directly from the side of the illusion, whistling vertically and horizontally, would be directly hit and killed.

Although He Tao hid in the cloud, his head could not be obtained, but in the cloud, countless cloud swords intertwined, and the roar of the impact was full of cover in every corner of the cloud.

In his opinion, Ye Chen dared to walk into the cloud to find death, and the attack in the cloud was enough to crush him to death! To

Just at this time, what happened in the cloud, he could not see, was completely different from his thoughts.

He saw Ye Chen in the sky floating in the thick clouds, stars twinkling in his body, majestic outer walls and shining stars on his forehead, his whole body appeared in a faint, illusory night sky.

The huge cloud sword continued to form and roar, plunged into the imaginary night sky, disappeared strangely, and then burst out from the other end.

This imaginary night sky seemed to overlap with the reality on the other side of the world! Xiang

And the purple star flickered on his forehead, and in the sky, a large purple star was shining, getting bigger and bigger, and trembling more and more, as if to separate from the sky and come to this real world! Xiang

He Tao didn't know what happened in the cloud, but after a long time, he didn't see Ye Chen's body fall.

Although I don't understand why Sky Ye Chen can hold on for so long, I gradually understand that the magic of Sky's angry cloud sword can't kill Sky Ye Chen.

He Tao's face turned cold and his teeth were bitten. He tried to change his mind, but suddenly he felt a strong sense of violence in the dark.

The atmosphere was deep, the air was cold, it gave off a kind of imperialist aggression, it suddenly made He Tao feel a huge pressure, and there was a strong crisp feeling in my heart.

Where he was, the situation was even worse, and under the pressure of this breath, his forehead was already sweating.

Then, in the horrified eyes of the He brothers, the clouds in the sky suddenly condensed, as if they were strangled.

In the next moment, the whole cloud burst out, as if it had been hit by a huge impact, sweeping across the ten sides and scattered everywhere! Towards

The clouds dispersed, the sky was bright again, and Ye Chen in the sky raised a knife in his right hand, rising up and down in the sky, all the stars were shining, and his forehead was also shining.

Behind Ye Chen's head, a purple giant star sent out a terrifying wave, dragging a long purple tail light, passing through the top of Ye Chen's head, and then fell! To

The moment they saw the star, He Shi's brothers were stunned, stunned with a pair of eyes, and screamed in horror: "The stars are falling, how could this happen!" "

The two men wanted to escape in fear, but the new star was too overbearing, giving them a lot of pressure, locking the two men's breathing tightly, unable to move half a step.

The purple meteor hit the earth, generating a huge impact force, hitting the He brothers' heads, and directly hitting the ground, sinking several feet, and hitting a huge crater within the radius of the earth.

After a fierce roar, everything calmed down. The magic illusion of the meteorite was transparent, dissipating the wind, revealing the bottom of the rock wall.

He was hit by a star and hit into a pile of mud, and he couldn't die anymore.

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