Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1572 A sword flashed by

A treasure worth one yuan, such a young generation, how can it be cheaper, let you go wild for a while, wait for you to get the baby away, and see how you can escape this time? "

Only when his voice fell, his face suddenly changed, and just between him and another mountain range, a thousand miles away from this light column, a similar light column was erected.

Suddenly, the monks talked about it in shock.

"This is the direction of Yechenya Mountain, why is a column of light rising?"

"Over there! Qingfeng, over there too."

"Look at Mirror Lake, the light there is brighter than the light in other places!"

In this skill, all directions of the Himalayas were raised one after another, and there was not much difference between them.

Of course, only one of these beams was real, in fact, as long as they were closely observed, it was easy to distinguish them.

However, the people were afraid of being killed, and they dared not approach them.

Looking at a series of rising lights, the face of the old man Lunden looked grimly: "Cunning young man, do you think you can deceive people? Huh!"

After saying this, the old man walked to the foot, turned into a sword, and flashed with lightning.

The pillars of the Himalayas shone brightly and then went out, and thousands of monks were completely confused and completely ignorant.

Although some disciples knew that most of the beams were fake, they were driven to go anywhere and dared not wander in the place of the pillars.

However, during the Dakum period, some noose monks sulked on their faces and called Ye Chen cunning, but they had nothing to do.

Just as many monks in the Himalayas were confused by these lights, one of them faded.

A black figure borrowed a ferocious Ye Chen from the mountain, stayed where it was, rushed into the dense forest, and looked at its face, it was Sky Ye Chen Ye Chen.

It's just that he didn't fly very far, and then a huge red sword fell down, with burning red flames around it, like a red shield wall, hitting the ground and blocking the way to heaven.

At the same time, a middle-aged man with red hair fell down, standing on a huge hilt, looking at the sky below Ye Chen, sneered: "Do you think you can hide it with these little tricks?"

At the same time, a purple sword shot out from the right, a woman in purple clothes, standing on a big tree, looking into Ye Chen's eyes, and killed everything.

"Hey, I'm catching up too." A voice fell from the woods on the left, and suddenly a red snake came out, and a thin old man sat on the python, with an evil light in his eyes.

At this time, the 60-year-old man also fell from the sky, blocking Ye Chen's retreat and the cold tunnel: "Give me the ingot!"

Among the four people, the two who appeared before were people from the Alliance of Gods, and the latter two were brothers from the Alliance of Gods.

Although the four people belonged to different camps, they were like a tacit understanding, blocking all the roads of Ye Chen.

Looking at the four people around him, Ye Chen looked calm and depressed, watching them for a week. Suddenly, when he saw the greed in the eyes of the four people, he laughed. Haha, four friends, don’t you know Ling?

When he put his hands on his face, he suddenly looked like a middle-aged man.

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