Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1645 Convinced, worthy of respect

He immediately contacted the guards who were bought by his family.

After all, there are several prisons in the headquarters, and it would be too much trouble if one person went to find it.

However, the guards didn't even know, which immediately made Shan Qingshan feel a little uncomfortable.

"The man also said that he had notified Lin Yu's sister, but in her temper, I'm afraid she won't help, but more." He ran out of the factory area quickly.

Of course, as he thought, Lin Yuyi didn't want to help at all, but he was happy to watch the show.

"If you hit hard, if you don't hit hard, you just don't have a long memory." She yelled.

"It looks like you are not only harsh on me, ha." Ye Chen looked at Lin Yutang coldly.

"As a foreigner and an unqualified person, why can you be in front of me?" What are you doing? Brother Shan has done a good job. He has been taking care of us and working hard for us. Why are you in front of him just because of time? I don't like him like this. Why is the master so paranoid? "Lin Yu punched, thinking of the power of chess being driven out of the teacher's door, and when it appeared, he wanted to tear Ye Chen off.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly, Shan Qingshan appeared.

"Look at what you are doing, sister. Don't forget, we are all masters. If you let the master know, what will you and I do in the future? "He cheered.

"Brother, it's okay. When you were accused, you didn't dare to tell the master, that's what you said-don't worry, don't forget, it was because of him that you became the third brother, and it was because of him that you were driven out of the master's door. All this is because of him, the alien partner Lin Yu indifferently persuaded the lonely Qingshan.

"Sister, what are you doing? This is all arranged by the master. And don't forget, the master said in the morning that he could get a diamond medal. If you treat him like this now, how can you be with the master in the future?" Single Qingshan whispered in the road.

However, he never looked at Ye Chen from beginning to end.

A respectable person.

Ye Chen looked and knew that on the surface of Qingshan, he was persuaded, but he didn't look at him. He had been teasing Lin Yu, and Lin Yu just wouldn't let the guards let go. On the surface, it seemed that he was thinking about him, but in fact, he deliberately made Ye Chen experience a more bitter and longer memory.

Sure enough, they would not accept their own. At this time, although Ye Chen felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, he could not express it. This article. After all, he and they were just a stranger, in fact, not a brother of these people, but a cover for discussing with the master of plants. Although I don't know why, but, at present, Ye Chen feels very satisfied that he is still alive.

"What is pain?" He took a deep breath, and his heart was firm.

Pain only makes a person stronger and braver, and stimulates his potential.

"Okay, sister, don't be like this. If we let the master see it, we will really be punished. The chess teacher is a role model. Do you want to be like him and be kicked out of the master's door?" Shan Qingshan frowned and looked at Lin Yutang, who was different from the past, and wondered in his heart why he suddenly changed his personality.

However, he didn't know that Lin Yuquan was actually this stubborn character.

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