Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1647 Ancient Powers, he roared

And you, the mountain where the third brother sits, Qingshan, isn't it very comfortable? "His eyes seemed to be spewing fire like that, very scary.

"Did you hear it, brothers? Miss Lin Yu is going to cut off this guy's tongue. Now that it's all said, whether it's guilty or not, it doesn't matter, just sign it. Let's cut off this guy's tongue, so that Miss Lin Yu will be very happy, ha, ... At this time, the factory owner came to several guards inside, in order to please Lin Yutang, in fact, really want to cut off Ye Chen's tongue.

Suddenly, the master was really angry.

However, it was difficult for Ye Chen to find the awakening of the ancient powers, and no losses were allowed.

"You dare!" He roared.


The door broke.

He strode in.

"Well, the plant master is here!"

"Come to see the plant master, how did you come in person?"

"Did this guy insult you too? Don't worry, we will avenge you!"

Several guards were startled, met the master, and said flattering words with their faces.

Only, their answer was a gloomy face and cold eyes.

Several of them seemed to be lifeless corpses in each other's eyes.

"Dare to do anything to my two disciples, it is death!" When the master of the plant waved his hand, the space shrank, as if a storm was coming.

"What two disciples?"

"You mean, the person we caught is your second one."

"We, Rao"

Before he could speak, countless vines suddenly appeared in the sky, like green snakes, and rolled up the three people, and then, as if to eat their prey, curled up like a python and knocked their ears. The three people roared through the prison, and then, like a bubble, they spurted and exploded into pieces.

Suddenly, the air was full of blood. The master of the plant is a sixth-level strongman, and this hand is irresistible damage. The fastest updated chapter outside Lin Yushan and Shan Qingshan thought Ye Chen was injured, who knew that those bloods came to each other's front and were suddenly pushed away by invisible things, as if there was a protective shield.

"This, he has energy" Shan Qingshan shouted.

"This is impossible, there is no feeling at all, isn't it a waste?" Lin Yutang couldn't accept this reality.

However, Ye Chen smiled and panted, and then the ropes that tied his limbs broke immediately. He slowly took off the vines and came to the owner of the plant.

"The master left, how did he come back?" he asked.

Shan Qingshan and Lin Yu were also very curious about this.

"I came back to get something, and I felt your danger, so I came to save you immediately." The owner of the plant frowned slightly, looked at Ye Chen, and said somewhat helplessly.

"Oh, that's it, but the time is right, otherwise I really don't want to stay here anymore." Ye Chen shrugged and said it easily.

"Dawei, don't play like this next time, you see, there are still three dead people." The master of the plant looked at Ye Chen angrily, although he knew that the other party was testing himself.

"Don't dare to do it next time" Ye Chen apologized.

The master nodded, turned around, and looked at Lin Yushan and Shan Qingshan.

"Your second brother was tied up in there, and you two went out to watch the show, especially you, Lin Yu, who wanted to cut off Dawei's tongue. Oh, I really can't see it, it's hidden so well, maybe one day you will do the same to me." He clenched his fists, his face was dark, and his eyes were like fire.

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