Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1698: Shocked and planning to leave

Someone is coming," he said.

When I heard these words, I was shocked. Is it someone from the Sandy nationality? Thinking of this, he was ready to run behind the huge rock and hide, but he didn't intend to leave at all, leaning forward a little, his hands on his back, waiting for the arrival of the people.

Soon after, a sharp scream suddenly sounded in the clear sky, and then a gray cloud crossed the void and rushed straight to the direction of and, the speed was very fast, and only a blink of an eye later, they came to the top of the head.

"Don't be afraid, these are the rangers of the Western Kingdom," Xi Luoxi whispered.

Between the two words, the light above the head quickly dropped, revealing the real body, Ye Chen looked and found that there were a total of ten people, all wearing gray armor in military uniforms, probably in the first and second floors of Yuan Ying, with a very serious expression on his face, and a strong hostility in Rossi and his eyes.

"Who are you? ! Don't you know that this is the Western Kingdom?" A leader suddenly said, "Listen to him, as if this desert is his home.

After the Han words fell, He Luoxi suddenly smiled slightly, with a relaxed look on his face. This scene confused the ten armed policemen. They looked at each other, and the big boss began to show a cruel expression again, shouting: "Hey, old man, don't blame me for not speaking!" "

When he was talking, the big boss pulled a hand, and suddenly a ball of yellow sand jumped out of the ground and flew straight to his palm. Under the shaking of his fingers, a group of yellow sand Buddhas began to jump one after another like life.

The most surprising thing about Ye Chen's natural feeling is that the mysterious yellow sand contains the power of Yuan Qi and infants. What surprised him most is that the west is full of yellow sand, which is undoubtedly a paradise for the natives, and there are huge advantages in training and fighting.

In front of us, these patrolmen are now holding a group of yellow sand. I don’t know if it’s because of the geographical advantage or what, but their strength has been improved a lot. For this, Ye Chen is very anxious in his heart. Two to ten, it’s really not easy to fight!

At this time, Ye Chen suddenly looked at the side of the stone calmly, as if he was not worried about anything, which also made him calm and, after all, here is a great master, there should be no big problem.

At this moment, the silence of Xiluoxi and Rossi seemed to offend the bottom line of the ten parade soldiers, and they could no longer bear the cool and proud look, seeing the big man roaring with his right hand. At the same time, the nine rangers behind them also threw the sand balls into their hands. Attack Rossi with the top.

Ye Chen did not doubt the destructive power of these sand balls, the eyes were about to hit themselves, the scalp was about to be numb for a while, and he was ready to give the whole body's strength, at this time, he suddenly found a trace of blue passing through his eyes, and a transparent light suddenly appeared in the air.

A strange scene appeared, and the ten groups of sand eyes wanted to hit Rossi's body, but when they came into contact with the light in the air, they seemed to distort the picture and disappeared in the air.

The ranger, after his attack disappeared, stepped on the ground and staggered back, and the patrol soldiers behind him showed me my face, and I felt that I would not go there.

You are. You are. You are. You are. You are. You are. You are. You are. You are. You are.

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