Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1926: The head of the family, stubborn

As one of the elders of the former fox family and the biological mother of the leader of the ice fox family, Fox Ying has always been stubborn.

??However, she knows a lot of things. If the fox faces brokenness and emotions, there is no way to break through the imprint of fate.

??That is to say, before the fox's face broke through the imprint of its own fate, it is certain that it has not hurt its body and has never been in love.

??After the breakthrough, even if the emotions are broken, it doesn't matter.

??"Ancestor, we are the only disciple of our elder Liu Jiang of Shuangta Academy. I have been eating the spiritual meal he made for me, so I have a breakthrough. How can you treat him like this? Isn't this our iceberg people's revenge on him?"

??"Disciple of Elder Liu He?"

??"Sincere chef?"

??Everyone in the room was stunned. This is different from what the fox said. The fox had a look of surprise again. The fact that the fox's face would break through was enough to surprise her. Today, we became mediums again and helped to break through the fox's face.

??“It’s not that we became the hope of the Ice Fox Family, or even some kind of savior of the Ice Fox Family?”

??Yingying took a deep breath, and then said “Girl, you are with us, I don’t care.” Let’s talk about how he helped you break through. “

??“Wait, old man, what did you just say?” We looked at Fox Face strangely, opened our eyes and said “Old Ancestor, look, what are you talking about?”

??“What, aren’t you two together? You said that you spent no less than 20,000 credits on him. Most of the resources their family gave you were exchanged for his credits. ”

??“That’s because the spiritual meal is bought with credits. Do you think the spiritual meal of the academy is free?” Fox Face spent its credit on a spiritual meal, not on me. Old generation, I didn’t know until now, it turned out that you came to ask for guilt. “

??We listened to the words of Jinying and Ying, and understood thoroughly that it turned out that these people were not here to thank themselves, but to ask for guilt.

??Ying was completely embarrassed, the fox face was not very good-looking, the fox face was a face of fear.

??Whether it was the fox face, we or the old ancestor, he could not offend casually. Moreover, the old ancestor had to calm our anger.

??At that time, luck must be her fox you. Hu You had some regrets, she felt that she should not be jealous of the fox, nor should she sue because of some credit.

??It's late now. At this time, the old ancestor bird's eyes fell on her "Fox Youyou, what's the matter, at first, what did you say to me." Why did this happen. "

?? "My ancestor, it's my fault. You let me go, cousin, you used to love me the most, it's my fault, I shouldn't complain because of a little credit. I misunderstood. "

?? "It's useless to compensate us, but we won't compensate us. "Fox Ying took a deep breath and said.

??Fox Ying's voice just fell, a guard came in "My ancestor, the two deans of Shuangta Academy have arrived. "

??The fox warbler's pupils condensed for a moment, and then said "Please."

??Soon, a man in a black robe and a woman in a blue robe walked out.

??The woman smiled when she saw us first, and then said "We, you are here."

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