Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1964 The stench was overwhelming, and he frowned

As soon as He Gang's voice fell, the four-year-old Lei Ye covered his belly and ran out quickly.

He Gang's face became a little ugly, but her strength and his reaction followed closely the second and third times.

He didn't have time to turn his back on us and rushed out.

After a while, the yard smelled so bad that even the mystery in the house disappeared. He Xin was shocked when he walked out.

"You five idiots, why don't you go to Liuzi and go to the yard for convenience?" She pulled out the whip to hit, but we stopped her and said, "Senior doesn't do this."

"Dad, this is all his fault. He told us to take the elixir, and we took it after we finished the elixir." She just picked up his pants and pointed at us, but soon his stomach started crying again .

She frowned and we laughed and said "Look at their skin color."

She swayed with the mysterious eyes behind him, and then said, "You gave them the antidote?"

"Yes, they all need some support. In fact, their poison is not that deep. As long as they refine this detoxification pill, they can rest assured, but Xiao Wu Shebin's poison seems to be more serious." We Chang sighed, Then say.

"What if the situation is more serious?" She is the most concerned about this matter. After all, it is because of his practice that his son is like this. Although his wife and son do not blame themselves, this burden is also in his heart.

We seem to have solved these problems with elixirs, just like his father did in the beginning.

We smiled and said, "It's easy, just take another pill."

Because the smell was too strong, she discussed it with Xuan Ming and decided to leave the place altogether.

After her five brothers detoxified, they became energetic and lost a lot of weight. Duke(;

"Ah, today is such a good day." She held the withered leaves in her hands and said with a smile.

We nod and say "Yes, congratulations, senior."

"Same happiness, same joy. We, since you have helped my family so much, the old man has nothing to say. The old man has a problem. I want to know if you have a wife." She smiled and then said.

We nodded and said, "Yes, I think you have heard of the Shengguangyuan family. My wife is the only daughter of modern Marquis Yuanyang. She gave birth to my child before I entered the ancient Kingdom of Heavenly Gods."

We naturally know her new meaning. They wanted to repay their daughter for her kindness. Their daughter, if anything, is really beautiful.

But we have Liu Xuerou, and you don’t know she has her.

Sure enough, our words made Xuan Ming and her face change, she was speeding up, and then said "I've finished eating." He left.

"This child," Xuanxu sighed, and then said, "Let's see, my daughter is not bad, and don't you think there is a way out after entering this dark kingdom of ancient gods?"

We shook our heads and said "my family was also expelled into his kingdom by the ancient god." But I have been working hard that my ancestors should be able to cope with the power of the ancient god and successfully get rid of it. "

"You haven't seen the true power of the ancient gods, that's why you say that. Well, I think you and my daughter are completely free of it." Xianming waved his hand and said

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