Reading to Become a God

Chapter 2234: Good power, but not very respectful

The bald old man is very short, and if he wears sunglasses and a tortoise shell, his white beard will tremble.

"It's not too late to shake hands with the young and look younger, old man. I'm going to take a step." My figure is a little lazy, and my words are not very respectful.

Wudi didn't care much, "Come on, let me see the glory of this era."

"Firecrackers in form"

"Oh, the power is good, and the speed is fast, but it's useless if you can't hit people." The steps under Wudi's feet changed, like butterflies scattered in a storm, but his own raindrops did not touch.

"Soft punch, Bagua 64"

"It's also good to deal with another style of school."

The two came and went, basically I was attacking, and Wudi's old man was dodging defense, and time was consumed quickly. Although the two games were fierce, continuous observation would also be visually exhausted.

Until in a punch, I instantly burst out twice the power, and then the old man's Udi, who adapted to his speed and rhythm, a solid hit.

) I'm free after the end of the day. I don't know if I can add it in at 10 o'clock. )

The Emperor Dragon Qigong wave smiled at the sky with silver light


"Hey, old man, hit a few more punches." I took advantage of this opportunity to deceive myself, my strength was twice as much as I had not recovered, and began to suppress the old man so that he would not be beaten.

The old man blinked and turned into eight statues around me.

"Hey, it's useless to me"

At such a close distance, the mental scan will clearly see the figure of the old man.

"The tiger went down the mountain."

"The strength of this teenager is the strongest, except for the red-haired woman. If the Emperor Wu had no tricks, he might be defeated by a teenager." This is different.

"In hand-to-hand combat alone, except for the captain, we will not be their opponents, but the emperor is the strongest weapon, no matter how powerful he is, he can't resist." Seru stroked his biological emperor with a small scale.

"Don't underestimate those who are not emperors, let alone them. Even before I got the emperor, I killed many emperors, no matter how powerful they were, they were used by humans as tools to enhance human power. But humans themselves can become stronger without relying on external forces." Estes shook his head and issued a warning.

"This punch really hurts. I haven't been injured for a long time. This young man is really bad, and he hasn't tried his best. Old man, I will be serious too." After being hit on the left face, Wudi retreated to the edge of the experimental table, showing a solemn color.

"If you have something to do, do it. Even if the turtle is Qigong, I will continue." I hooked my fingers, revealing a little sense of war.

"Ah-ah~" With the deep roar of the old man Wudi, the green veins all over the body burst, the thin body began to swell, and the muscles full of explosive power bulged like inflated muscles.

After a while, the original thin old man, has become a strong man nearly two meters tall, with a full body momentum, more powerful than before.

"Hey, me too." I smiled and controlled my muscles to start expanding, turning into a tall superman, the old man's two meters long is more like a wolf in front of a tiger.

"That's good"

"Come on"

Watching the excitement outside the door, such a great opportunity to change life, this group of audiences did not see it, naturally cheered.

Only a few experts know that if you want to change your body, you can do it, only if you want to have a strong control of the body. The two people on the stage are the absolute masters of this matter, and the silver-haired handsome guy has reached the realm of perfection.

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