Reading to Become a God

Chapter 501: Changes in the Abyss, the King in Mouth

Ye Chen stepped on the Immortal Mausoleum, and white light appeared on his body. A variety of powerful auras continued to emerge, and nameless tombstones appeared from the ground and stood in front of the tomb.

The further he went, the faster Ye Chen's speed became, and no one knew what the person in front of them was saying, which made them feel a little confused. But given what Ye Chen had done before, no one would think that Ye Chen would do something completely meaningless now.

In the Tianhuang Ancient City of the World of the Heavens, the people present were concerned about those few people, and Ye Chen was the top priority of their attention.

"What is this human Ye Chen doing, what means is he using?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a means of ancient times, but what is he doing with those tombs erecting nameless tombstones?"

"Is this also a way to obtain inheritance, but it doesn't look like it."

"Maybe he wants to be recognized by everyone, but this method is a bit strange."

Many people were discussing, and the War Emperor had been looking at the figure that appeared on the tombstone facing the War King, with a trace of sadness in his eyes. He didn't know why his father abandoned the entire Zhan clan at that time, but he knew that his father must have his reasons for doing so.

What happened a million years ago made him feel like a mystery. Things that happened a million years ago are still like a mystery. Even now, he can hardly trace them, as if they were forcibly cut off by some supreme being.

While Ye Chen was constantly setting up tombstones, in the depths of the Immortal Mausoleum, on a desolate stone platform, white light poured into the stone platform. It seems that there is a mysterious power, but no one has set foot here yet.

No one knows about this change on the Immortal Mausoleum. Even the three true immortals who appeared high above did not fully notice it.

At this time, there is another place that is undergoing major changes, that is, in the Taishan Demonic Land, behind the road to becoming an immortal, that piece of hell. In the bottomless abyss that Ye Chen once saw, countless demonic energy is really emerging.

The huge millstone had a few cracks. As the demonic energy continued to invade, the millstone began to change. The mountains of corpses and blood in the whole hell exploded one by one, and after being stained by the endless demonic energy, they turned into nothingness.

At this time, a hand appeared from the abyss, and the whole hand presented a strange black light, but disappeared directly in the next moment. Then another hand appeared, and a figure appeared, the whole body was as black as ink, but at this moment, it turned into an existence exactly the same as the human race.

"I haven't been to this place for a long time."

The figure muttered to himself, and no cultivation could be seen, but the terrifying aura was constantly rising and falling with his breathing. He looked at the strange galaxy in the void, and in the abyss, a figure appeared, looking similar to him, but with a completely different appearance.

"After a million years, we are finally no longer restricted by heaven and earth."

The figure said, with a hint of cold light in his eyes, and the other person ignored him, just observing the surrounding environment, and then said directly.

"This world is not our goal yet, but the once ruined fairyland, the real world of the heavens, has not yet appeared in front of you and me."

"It doesn't matter, that world will always be ours."

"This world no longer has that kind of supreme existence, which is a good thing for you and me."

Then, the abyss kept trembling, and everything changed at this moment. The previous hell was even more weird, and the huge millstone also completely collapsed at this time, and the corpses disappeared completely.

The whole hell was empty, and at this time in the abyss, everything changed at this time. The abyss began to merge, and human figures appeared one after another. In a blink of an eye, there were tens of thousands of human figures, which made the whole hell tremble.

The two human figures that appeared at first said after seeing those people appear.

"This world is about to complete the evolution of the fairyland. Our king asked us to come to this world as soon as possible. By then, we will be the people of the fairyland!"

"But now, there is no need to rush. After all, the heavenly way of this world is still rejecting us. After our king comes, breaking the heavenly way of this world is the time for us to really fight!"


Everyone held the Heavenly Spear, and the whole hell was shocked. At this time, on the other side of the hell, a fairy gate was constantly appearing. But in this dazzling fairy gate, a series of black auras gradually began to permeate the entire fairy gate.

Then in the fairy road, when the entire fairy road is permeated, their king will lead the world of the heavens to usher in a disaster again. But now, no one in the world of the heavens has noticed it.

This Taishan is a backup left by the foreign land for them in the world of the heavens.

Millions of years have passed, and now there are basically no people in the world of the heavens who can know what happened at the time. And after so many years, even if they know these, there are only some records in ancient books.

But how could those who think they are the most powerful beings in the world think that there is an even more powerful foreign land? Of course, there are still some people who know the existence of foreign lands, but they have no intention of stopping them at all.

Just like in the secret realm of the Taoist clan, the second ancestor of the Taoist clan, Dao Changsheng.

At this time, he opened his eyes and looked outside the void. Around him, willow branches appeared one after another, imprisoning everything about him. Now his cultivation was even weaker than ten years ago, and this weakness would last for three thousand years.

At this time, above the secret realm where Dao Changsheng was, another figure appeared. He was an old man, wearing hemp clothes, and looked like a little old man. When Dao Changsheng saw the old man, he bowed his head slightly.


This person was Dao Changsheng's father. The Dao Clan's first ancestor, who had always been rumored to be non-existent, appeared. He was the oldest true immortal in the world of the heavens and one of the most powerful true immortals in the world.

"I have no way to deal with the Lord's restriction, but after Wang comes, he has his own way."

"Wang. Is he really that strong?"

Dao Changsheng asked, and the Dao Clan's first ancestor's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Do not allow questioning Wang!"

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