Reading to Become a God

Chapter 608: The Dao Clan no longer exists in the world of the heavens

At this time, in the heavens, those former fighting spirits, who were once the most powerful existences in the world of the heavens, are now looking at Dao Wuxian in the distance. His eyes were like blades. If it hadn't been for Dao Wuxian in that battle a million years ago, it wouldn't have been defeated so quickly and it wouldn't have caused such huge losses.

It cannot be said that everything was caused by the person in front of me, but the death of hundreds of millions of creatures in the world millions of years ago was caused by Dao Wuxian's actions. No matter what happened, this Wuxian bore everyone's sins.

As if inspecting, Dao Wuxian was a little afraid. He never thought that there would be a day when those who had been cheated by him would stand completely in front of him, and everyone would look at him from the opposite side. he.

"No matter what the reason is, it is impossible to escape the punishment you deserve."

God Emperor Qi Xuan spoke, and the world resonated. He is the master of the world, and his hole has not been completely dissipated. The entire world is strengthening with his breath. Although he has fallen, he is still the master of the world, and he is the most invincible existence in the past.

Wherever he stood, he put the greatest pressure on everyone.

With Ye Chen aside, these fighting spirits appeared for the last time. After returning for a battle, they completely dissipated. Even if he now controls the entire general station, he will not interfere with what these fighting spirits do.

After all, millions of years ago, it was not enough for them to sacrifice themselves for the entire world. What is more, it has existed for millions of years, and the silence of the physical years is just for this last moment. At this time, it is time to understand everything.

Emperor Qi Xuan took a step forward and stood in front of Zaodao Wuxian with a calm expression. He used to love his disciples so much. In order to intercept the way of heaven and change his own bloodline, he could create his own clan.

But in the end, his favorite disciple, the disciple he once trusted the most, betrayed all his trust. Now, he no longer has any nostalgia for this disciple.

"It's time to atone."

God Emperor Qi Xuan spoke, the heavens were turbulent, and the true immortal aura in Dao Wuxian's body was unstable. His body was trembling. He looked at God Emperor Qi Xuan in astonishment. This being who had already died, because of Dian Jiang Tao's reasons , returned with the most powerful attitude.

Even though he has touched the threshold of domination, he has not yet taken a step forward, and the gap between him and living in it is really too big. What about true immortals? Are the masters the strongest in the world of heavens? Only a few masters have appeared in all eternity?

Dao Wuxian felt that his Tao was collapsing, and the power in his body was completely out of his control. At this moment, he, who had always been steady, was completely panicked. He looked in the direction of the foreign land and shouted.

"Ask the king to save me!"

But after he said these words, the figure of Taishan Demonic Land did not change at all. He just stared at everything without any intention of taking action.

Emperor Qi Xuan shook his head slightly, looked at Dao Wuxian and said.

"You are just a pawn to a foreign land, and now you are a discarded piece!"

Feeling that the foreign master did not show even a trace of breath, he was now completely desperate. Just like his master said, he was just a chess piece, and when it was useful, he would be taken seriously.

But now he is of no use at all. He is just a discarded child who can be abandoned without mercy. When Ye Chen completely summoned the fighting spirits on the general stage, he was no longer of any use.

Will all the races in the heavens and heavens that were allied with him still listen to him when they see his ancestor? He knows that there is no room for redemption in all this. The person who caused all this was Ye Chen, the Ye Chen whom he always valued but didn't care much about.

He appeared and destroyed everything he had carefully arranged for millions of years. His perfect plan was completely unsolvable in front of Ye Chen.

"No, I can't die like this, no way!"

Dao Wuxian exploded with shocking holy power. Behind his head, an extremely powerful and dazzling divine ring appeared. This divine ring could suppress a true immortal. This was the power of his Dao. The power of dependence.

However, what was in front of him was not only a master, but also the true immortal who knew him best.

When God Emperor Qi Xuan saw this, his eyes showed a hint of determination, and he said immediately.

"What I can give you, of course, I can also take back."

Emperor Qi Xuan directly recruited him. Immediately, the divine ring behind Dao Wuxian collapsed and collapsed, and Dao Wuxian directly fell to the realm of true immortal.

At this moment, all the people from the Tao clan were vomiting blood and their faces were horrified. Their Dao Ancestor bloodline was now completely gone, and the divine rings they had been born with all collapsed at this moment. And Dao Changsheng, under this influence, fell directly into the mortal realm again and became a great emperor.

The entire Tao clan was directly destroyed under the hands of Emperor Qi Xuan.

Dao Wuxian's face was pale. He looked at God Emperor Qi Xuan with a hint of pleading in his eyes. He didn't want to die yet, but now, God Emperor Qi Xuan, in front of the dead fighting spirit, would not be able to spare this former one. The culprit.

"This is just punishment for being a million years too late."

Emperor Qi Xuan spoke, and then took a step forward. Dao Wuxian collapsed and completely turned into nothingness. At this time, everything about him, everything about him, disappeared.

Originally, if it were any other master, it would take some effort to do this, after all, Dao Wuxian's realm and accumulation were there, but now, it was Dao Wuxian's master, Emperor Qi Xuan, and it was of course easy to deal with his own disciple.

"From now on, there will be no more Dao Clan in the world of the heavens!"

There was a rumbling sound between heaven and earth, and everyone in the world of the heavens heard this sentence and was immediately shocked. This was the power of the master. Just one sentence destroyed one of the most powerful races in the world of the heavens.

The Dao Clan, along with the fall of Dao Wuxian, everything disappeared. In this world of the heavens, from now on, the Dao Clan is a taboo, but the master has spoken.

The surviving people of the Dao Clan trembled all over, but now, the War Soul of the Heavens did not pay attention to those people, but looked in another direction.

That was where the foreign land was, and it was their real opponent!

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