Reading to Become a God

Chapter 647: Their respective plans, Ye Chen's countermeasures

As for what Ye Chen said, even if the Lord of the Forbidden Zone believed half of it, it was impossible to believe everything. Otherwise, he would not be qualified to become a true immortal. Especially the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, who has lived for millions of years. How could he live for such a long time without any thought.

In fact, Ye Chen did not expect that the master of the restricted area could believe everything. All he needed to do was to let the true immortal help him enter the foreign land. As for other things, he was not within the scope of his consideration.

After Xiao Chen was thoughtful and was stopped by the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone slowly looked in the direction of Mount Tai Demonic Land.

"When I send Ye Chen to a foreign land later, you will go with me."

After Xiao Chen heard this, there was a hint of surprise on his face, and then he nodded slightly without saying anything. Master and disciple understand each other. So at this point, there is no need to point it out. All you need to do is just obey.

After saying these words, the owner of the restricted area looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Don't think too much, just pay attention to some things after entering. Moreover, you and Ye Chen are not the only ones in the entire world of heavens. After that, the War Emperor and the Sword Master will also be unable to help themselves. The strongest one A lot of young people will enter.”

Xiao Chen nodded. They knew too little about the meaning of things. Only in this way can they fully understand the foreign land. Not only did they pay some attention to Ye Chen, but of course they also wanted to know themselves and their enemies.

Thinking of this, the owner of the restricted area disappeared in place, while Xiao Chen lowered his eyes slightly and stopped talking.

A few days later, Ye Chen had returned to Taiyi Holy Land. At this time, the Black Emperor, the Greedy Monk, and Emperor Shitian were all standing behind Ye Chen. On the side, a red figure gently played the piano, putting great pressure on the greedy and angry monk and others.

Who knows when this woman will recover? She couldn't kill Ye Chen, but they didn't have to. They swallowed ten thousand holy bodies and the essence of various powerful people, and played with Nan Shao Emperor, Yaoguang Holy Master and others in the palm of her hand.

Can such a woman be simple?

It's completely impossible.

"How about it?"

The Black Emperor looked at Ye Chen and asked, of course they knew what Ye Chen was doing when he went out before, so they asked such a question.

Ye Chen nodded, and Black Emperor said with some confusion.

"The lord of this restricted area has lived for millions of years. It is impossible not to have any doubts about your words. Now they value you extremely, but in a certain aspect, maybe it is a kind of gift given to you by the true immortal. It’s superficial.”

Emperor Shitian and others believed that Ye Chen was useful to the world of the heavens. He had saved the heavens before, but when it came to domination, would these true immortals still be so generous?

They wouldn't believe it, and after Ye Chen saw their reactions, he said with a smile on his face.

"I have considered everything you said. If I can enter a foreign land, it means that others can also enter. Even if it is impossible for them to be true immortals, their descendants and their disciples can also enter."

Several people nodded one after another, and then the greedy and angry monk said.

"Brother Ye, are those people spying on you?"

Ye Chen didn't say anything. If a true immortal is so narrow-minded, then he is not a true immortal. Then he looked at the ancient immortal in red, who had a slight smile on his face, and Ye Chen said.

"I won't be alone."

Suddenly, several people looked at the woman in red. Although the woman had a bright smile, they looked creepy. Why did this woman smile? It was only in front of Ye Chen. In the few days since Ye Chen left the world, this woman seemed to have turned into the same ancient immortal.

Without showing any color towards anyone, they could completely feel that, except for Ye Chen, this ancient immortal would kill anyone at his will.

In the past, the ancient immortal would still think that Ye Chen was not interested in Black Emperor and Emperor Shitian, but in the past few days, the current ancient immortal usually only had cold eyes.

She would only look like this when Ye Chen was present.

If the True Immortal really wants to attack Ye Chen, then in the entire world, let’s not discuss whether those people will be Ye Chen’s opponents. Even if the woman in red wants to kill them, it will be very simple. Thing.

After all, there is one who is first in eternity, and one who is second in eternity.

Which one is easy to mess with?

"Master, in this case, wouldn't Fairy Gu be exposed?"

Several people were shocked. Indeed, as long as they were the families that the Ancient Immortal had devoured, they would definitely want to do something to the Ancient Immortal. After all, the Immortal Body of Ten Thousand Spirits was not innate. They couldn't take action against Ye Chen, but they could take action against Ancient Immortal.

Another point is that if Ye Chen wants to protect the ancient immortal, it will inevitably have an impact on himself and Taiyi Holy Land, although to Ye Chen, this is nothing. It's just that after Ye Chen leaves, there's no guarantee that those who covet the Taiyi Holy Land will do something behind his back.

In the past, when people of all races united, it was only under the pressure of foreign lands.

Now there is no pressure from a foreign land, fullness makes the mind full, hunger and cold arouse the heart.

This is not said for nothing.

Ye Chen shook his head slightly after hearing what Emperor Shitian said.

"Of course I won't care about her. Now she has a perfect eternal divine body, and the mortal immortal cannot come out. Who can hurt her? If I am here, the mortal immortal dares to do it?"

When Ye Chen said this, his whole body was full of vigor. Those Red Dust Immortals can harm the Ancient Immortals, but only when Ye Chen stands behind the Ancient Immortals, those Red Dust Immortals will consider not to be enemies with Ye Chen at this time.

As for those below the Red Dust Immortals, who in the entire world of the universe can be the opponent of the perfect ancient divine body Ancient Immortal.

Especially the current Ancient Immortal, who has no feelings for outsiders, as long as anyone who provokes her will be killed by her without mercy. At that time, it will not be them who will cause trouble for Ye Chen and the Ancient Immortals.

I hope those people will not be so stupid.

Thinking of this, these people immediately felt relieved. The Red Dust Immortals need to consider the attitude of the True Immortals, after all, it is a bullying of the weak. And those people of the Ten Thousand Races do not need this. If they attack the Ancient Immortals, the True Immortals will not care.

But in that case, I am afraid that the Ancient Immortals will really kill everyone.

At this time, everyone present began to feel relieved. Ye Chen was not there, and the strongest group of young people in the world of the universe were not there. After that, it would be the time for people like Emperor Shitian to compete.

When Ye Chen returns again, the world will be completely different.

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