Reading to Become a God

Chapter 916: Unspeakable suffering, a selfish desire

Ye Chen could be attacked and abused almost anywhere in the mainland, which had a great impact on his cultivation and life. For this reason, Ye Chen felt miserable.

Ye Chen also knew in his heart that those people who came out of the Palace of God were killed by the people from the Palace of Darkness and put the blame on him, but he knew in his heart that it did not mean that outsiders also understood that others thought those people It was Ye Chen who killed him for selfish reasons.

Therefore, even though Ye Chen has now obtained the Palace of God, in the eyes of outsiders, he is an out-and-out big devil. He wished he could kill Ye Chen before he could stop.

But they also knew that Ye Chen's magic power was already strong, and after obtaining the Palace of God, it had improved to a higher level, so it was even more difficult for them to kill Ye Chen. Therefore, they could only abuse and attack Ye Chen after meeting him, but did not dare to actually fight Ye Chen.

But this brought a lot of trouble to Ye Chen, and indirectly caused some friends who were good friends with Ye Chen to stay away from Ye Chen.

Ye Chen also thought about other disguises, but he remembered that once, he disguised himself as an inconspicuous little demon and walked into an inn. Who knew that as soon as he sat down and ordered food, he heard him A man in white clothes at the table next to him said, "Hey! Have you ever felt that the atmosphere around us has changed?"

After hearing what the man in white said, several others at the table felt it, and then agreed, "Yes! Changes have indeed occurred."

"Yes, it is indeed different from before."

"Well, that's true. I also felt a hint of familiarity, but I just can't remember it now."


Hearing what the table next to him said, Ye Chen felt something strange in his heart, and he was no longer in the mood to eat. It wasn't because he was afraid of them, but because he didn't want to cause unnecessary confusion. Therefore, Ye Chen had no choice but to abandon the meal he had ordered for me and walked out of the inn.

Later, Ye Chen also disguised himself in other appearances. However, no matter how many appearances Ye Chen disguised and changed, he would always be betrayed by the aura of the Roar that emanated from his body. It was even directly exposed by others once. Ye Chen was attacked and abused by everyone, and almost caused a chaos.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's eyes flashed with sadness. In fact, when Ye Chen knew that the Palace of Darkness killed all the trialists who came out of the Palace of God, and then blamed him, he did not think of this. This matter actually developed to such a serious level that people across the entire continent now regard him as a big devil.

This also caused Ye Chen to be easily discovered no matter what he disguised himself as. Ye Chen secretly wondered in his heart, could there be no place for him in the entire continent now?

In fact, in response to all these matters and facing so many troubles, Ye Chen has not thought of using force to suppress everything, but this is the world where he was born after all. He was afraid that if force was used, it might have different consequences. So after careful consideration, Ye Chen gave up the idea.

Ye Chen thinks in his heart that even if this is a conspiracy of the Palace of Darkness, with the magic power and cultivation of these people on the mainland, they will slowly understand this matter soon. Therefore, even if he does not intervene now, Eventually this matter will slowly calm down.

But the result was not as good as Ye Chen expected. Not only did the matter not settle, it ended up becoming more and more intense.

Soon the crusade against the big demon Ye Chen became an uproar throughout the continent. By chance, Ye Chen blended into a crowd after carefully disguising himself.

It turned out that the group of people were discussing the matter that Ye Chen was a big devil. Ye Chen also wanted to know how far this matter had developed, so he hid in a corner and listened carefully.

Then I saw a man in purple clothes stood up and said, "Hey! You guys said that Ye Chen went too far. You said he had already obtained the Palace of God, why did he still kill those insignificant trialists? ! Do you think he is too cold-blooded?"

After saying these words, the man in purple seemed very angry, waved his sleeves, and sat down.

After the people around heard the words of the man in purple, it seemed that their dissatisfaction and anger towards Ye Chen were aroused. So they all agreed, yes! It's so cold-blooded. "

"Yeah, yeah, that's too much."

"Yes, if you ask me, for someone like Ye Chen, cutting him to pieces with a thousand knives is not an exaggeration."


Just when everyone was talking, a man in white stood up and said, "Everyone, be quiet, be quiet." After hearing the words of the man in white, the other people slowly calmed down, their faces He looked at the man in white in front of him with a curious expression.

Seeing everyone looking at him, the man in white had a touch of pride on his face. He coughed lightly, and then said to everyone present, "We all know now that Ye Chen is a murderer." The unblinking big devil, now he can kill those trialists who compete with him to rob the Palace of God. In the future, when we have conflicts of interest with him, he may also kill us. In other words, if we have any conflicts in the future, When something makes him unhappy, he may kill us at any time. We are threatened all the time now!"

After saying these words, the man in white took a look at the expressions of everyone present. Sure enough, everyone present had frightened expressions on their faces after hearing what the man in white said. After seeing this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of the man in white's mouth, but it flashed past and was not seen by everyone present.

Everyone present looked at the man in white and asked with panic, "What this young master said makes sense! We don't have Ye Chen's powerful magic power or high cultivation level now. If it really falls into his hands, we will definitely Death is inevitable."

"That's right! Then what should we do!"

"Yes, what should we do?" Everyone present looked at the man in white in front of them with hope.

When the man in white saw the situation in front of him, the proud expression on his face became even more obvious. He looked at everyone present and said passionately, "Ahem... I think that since Ye Chen can't get along with us and threatens us everywhere, Then we won't make it easy for him. Although our cultivation and magic power are not as strong as his, as the saying goes: We can't beat him with two fists, so how can we not defeat him, don't you think? ah?"

After hearing the words of the man in white, a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of everyone present. It's like seeing new hope again. They all agreed, "Young Master is right!"

"Yes, as long as we strike first, no matter how many of us there are, we can't defeat Ye Chen alone."

"That's right, that's right, no matter how powerful he is, we must make him look good."


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