Reading to Become a God

Chapter 945 Hiding and Roaring

When Ye Chen was being hunted, he had no time to check his martial arts and didn't know if his martial arts had improved.

He was hiding every day, so he didn't feel any changes in himself until one day an enemy found out where he was hiding.

In the fight with that man, he subconsciously used the roar method, which made him retreat again and again. His ears were buzzing, and he realized that there was something wrong with his roar method.

However, that was not the time to pay attention to these things. He glanced at his enemy.

It turned out that the owner of the roar method couldn't stand the buzzing in his ears, and the enemy certainly couldn't accept it. The ears that were roared by him were obviously bloody and his expression was a little confused, obviously he hadn't come back to his senses.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen immediately raised his eyebrows and secretly rejoiced in his heart, and shouted at the man: "Are you coming again?"

He would roar, but it was just to take care of the other person's ears. After all, he felt better for a while, and the ears were buzzing and his mind was not clear. The people on the other side must be no better than him.

However, no one responded after he spoke. The person on the other side looked confused as if he couldn't hear what he said.

Could it be that he made the person deaf?

Ye Chen thought to himself, and didn't continue. He didn't want to get entangled with this enemy, so he left directly.

However, the man didn't catch up. It was obvious that he was now in a state of panic.

Ye Chen cleared his throat. He didn't expect that his power would be so great this time. He was surprised and panicked.

Because there was no way to practice the way of roar, there was no progress. He didn't expect that I would make progress in such a place, and the progress was still quiet. He didn't know when it was made.

"It seems that there is a problem with this dark world." He didn't practice much, it couldn't be because of practice that he made progress, so it might be a problem with this world.

Generally, this kind of situation will occur, and there must be people who practice this in this world.

Thinking that there is no way to practice the way of roar, Ye Chen decided to give it a try to see if anyone knows this martial art.

It is certain that someone has practiced it, but it is not certain whether he can find that person. Sometimes he is lucky and he can find it. Sometimes he is unlucky and he can only do this.

Thinking that there is a way to practice the Way of Roar, Ye Chen got excited and started to look for anyone who knows this martial art.

"We have a gang called Longzi here, and they all practice martial arts like yours."

No matter which world, there is a person who knows many things in this world. As long as he can afford the spirit stones, he will tell everything he knows.

Ye Chen found such a person and the person gave him the answer very quickly.

"Are Longzi and others dragons?" I didn't expect that people who practice the Way of Roar in this world would have such a name.

"They can't be called dragons, but because this martial art is a bit like dragon roar, they are called Longzi."

The Way of Roar is indeed a bit like dragon roar and can hurt people like dragon roar. Ye Chen didn't refute this.

"Then give me their information and the address of the gang." He sighed and took out a few spirit stones and asked the person to give him the information and address.

It's a good thing to have a gang practice, at least it won't be like a person who just wants to pass it on to the person he wants to pass it on. At that time, even if Ye Chen tries his best, it will be useless.

If there is a gang, it proves that those people want to spread this martial arts. If Ye Chen goes there, there is a high chance that he will get the martial arts training method.

"One hand pays the money and the other hand delivers the goods." The man who was talking to Ye Chen saw the spirit stone in Ye Chen's hand and laughed. He took the spirit stone while giving the information to those people.

Ye Chen did not delay. He was not here to find the training method of the roaring way. This was because he suddenly found out that he had no time to find the training method.

So he could not delay.

Following the information and address given by the man, Ye Chen quickly arrived at the gang of the dragon son.

Those people formed a small group of their own. Of course, they did not like Ye Chen who asked for the training method of the roaring way.

"We do want to pass this method on, but can we give it to you if you want it?" The person who was asked by Ye Chen about the training method of the roaring way retorted to Ye Chen unsatisfiedly, thinking that Ye Chen might have heard some gossip and wanted to steal these martial arts.

Ye Chen frowned and said, "I need the cultivation method of the Way of Roaring, because I practice this, but I don't have a cultivation method, so I have been stagnant."

When he said this, Ye Chen looked at the man again. He knew that the other party was wary of him, so he didn't rush but explained to them in a good tone.

The man who heard that he also practiced this martial art and was asked by him, his face improved a little, but he didn't intend to tell Ye Chen the cultivation method.

Ye Chen didn't expect to get the cultivation method at the beginning. Although these people obviously wanted to pass on this cultivation method, he was a newcomer after all, and his origin was unknown.

"Since you said you have also learned martial arts, can you show it?" Suddenly, another person standing next to the man spoke. The man who spoke was a teenager who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old.

He said this sentence with a bit of insulting taste. After all, martial arts are originally learned to strengthen the body, not to look good.

When Ye Chen looked at his expression and eyes, he knew that he had not insulted him, he was just curious.

Ye Chen didn't care about the child's unintentional mistake, he just nodded towards him and showed off his roaring skills.

The two of them, who were still a little hesitant at first, changed their expressions after hearing Ye Chen's roar and took Ye Chen to find the gang leader.

Ye Chen also knew that after he improved the way of roaring, he had used this martial arts method to its fullest. It was normal for those people to have such expressions.

Being led by them, after meeting the gang leader, the gang leader planned to give the cultivation method to Ye Chen without hesitation.

"But he is a newcomer with unknown origins. Who knows what he will do with this cultivation method?" The gang leader agreed and the others were indeed reluctant to agree.

After all, Ye Chen's origin is unknown, but the gang leader waved his hand indifferently: "What we want is a genius. This kind of person is rare in a century and I don't want to miss it."

His words touched the hearts of many people for a while. Those people became silent, but they still looked at Ye Chen with some unkind eyes.

Then Ye Chen really stopped because he had successfully obtained the cultivation method.

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