Reading to Become a God

Chapter 947 Eastern Backer, the Ancient Forging Clan

In the mountains, it was foggy and windy at night, and Ye Chen had been observing the surroundings of the Gudian clan for seven consecutive days. The Gudui clan is located in the mountains, and dozens of houses are built together in the mountains, roughly forming a circle. The east side is against the mountain, the south side is close to the cliff, and the northwest two directions are surrounded by wooden walls.

Ye Chen hurriedly came to see the Gudian clan that day, but was turned away without even saying a few words. From his words, Ye Chen could tell that the Gudui clan was very repulsive to outsiders. However, the people of this clan are related to his destiny of returning to the world of light, and Ye Chen must not give up.

In the past few days, Ye Chen tried many methods to enter the Gudian clan's territory first, such as pretending to be sick, selling things or exchanging money and treasures, but he was rejected by the Guduan clan. However, most people in the Gudian clan knew about Ye Chen's existence.

In order to continue fighting for a long time, Ye Chen built a temporary thatched shed on the mountain in the northwest facing the gate of the Gudian clan.

That night, Ye Chen was sleeping on the straw mat when he suddenly heard a low roar. This roar has the power to penetrate the soul and shock the mind. Ye Chen was startled in his sleep. He quickly got up from the straw mat, walked out of the hut and looked in the direction where the roar came from. He saw several will-o'-the-wisp eyes on the hilltop to the north looking at the Gudui clan's camp. The Guduan clan was all busy at this time. Their village was brightly lit and bustling with people running around, and there were many weapons on the wooden walls.

It was obvious that these people were on guard against wild beasts on the northern mountain. However, this threat did not last long, and soon the beast on the north mountain left. The village of the Gudui clan has also settled down. Ye Chen felt bored and went back to the hut to continue sleeping.

Early the next morning, Ye Chen ran to the gate of the Gudui clan and asked the villagers guarding the gate.

"What happened last night? What happened to those beasts?"

The villager looked at Ye Chen and said, "Why haven't you left yet? This is the Monster Mountain, don't you know?"

"Why do you want to live in the Monster Mountain?"

"Who knows, we live here anyway, why are you asking so many questions? You should leave early, we won't welcome you."

Ye Chen was feeling disappointed when he suddenly felt the ground move, and then an overwhelming sound came from behind him. Ye Chen looked back and saw the trees on the distant hilltops falling down one after another. Ye Chen asked:


But the villager looked into the distance with a serious expression, and suddenly shouted to the village:

"Be on guard, be on guard, the monster is coming."

Then he picked up a hammer and struck hard on a large iron block hanging next to him.


The sound of the iron block echoed throughout the valley. All the people in Gudui Village came out, taking refuge and guarding.

Ye Chen saw that the weapons launched last night were moved onto the wooden wall. It turned out that those were giant iron crossbow arrows. It's just that this big weapon is different from what Ye Chen has seen before. It shoots a very thick arrow. Ye Chen felt that firing one big arrow at a time was useless.

This is the group of monsters that has arrived on the mountainside behind the nearest hilltop. When they ran together, the whole valley shook, and the sound they made was like the sound of huge thunder.

"Why don't you leave?"

A villager shouted to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was a little scared when he saw this momentum, and hurriedly ran to the south cliff.

At this moment, the group of monsters appeared on the hilltop. Ye Chen looked back and saw that his hut had just been trampled to pieces by them. At this time, he heard someone shout "release" from the wooden wall.

Then one after another large crossbow arrows were launched. Those crossbow arrows made a "pop" sound as they flew into the air. One instantly turned into dozens of small crossbow arrows. Suddenly, the sky was full of arrows flying towards the group of monsters. .

Ye Chen was secretly surprised when he saw this. It seemed that the ancient forged people had improved their weapons when they faced the monsters many times. The monsters on the hilltop fell to the ground one after another after being hit by arrows, but soon the monsters that followed rushed up again, stepping on the bodies of their companions and continuing to move forward.

Similarly, the ancient forging tribesmen also kept firing arrows, but there were too many monsters. The number was far beyond their ability to deal with it, and soon several monsters rushed under the wooden wall, followed by twenty, thirty, and even hundreds of monsters.

Ye Chen thought that the Gudui clan would be fighting hand-to-hand at this time, but he didn't expect that there were thorns piercing the ground, holes were also opened in the wooden wall, and large arrows as thick as wrists were shot out.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel chills on his back. Speaking of which, he had been walking near the wooden wall these days. If the mechanism suddenly activated, he would probably become a skewer.

But the wave of monsters had just seen the tail end, the rain of arrows had been used up, the ground thorns were suppressed by the corpses of monsters, and the big wooden arrows were gone. But there were still one or two hundred monsters rushing over. The two hundred monsters kept hitting the wooden wall, and soon there was a snap, and a hole was knocked into the wooden wall, and then more and more wooden walls were damaged and knocked down. The cry of killing rang out in the ancient forging village.

Ye Chen felt secretly angry when he saw this group of crazy monsters, but he thought that if the Ancient Forging Clan was finished here, he didn't know when it would take him to get to the World of Light.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen also flew into the ancient blacksmithing village to fight against the monsters. This battle lasted from morning to night, and it was not until the middle of the night that Ye Chen killed the last monster.

Everyone was exhausted at this time. However, in order to avoid the undead monsters, Ye Chen and the villagers of the Ancient Forging Clan patrolled the village together. After this battle, Ye Chen also gained the favor of the people of the Ancient Forging Clan. They kept Ye Chen in the village and arranged a place for him to live.

The next day, the people of the Ancient Forging Clan began to clean up the battlefield. In order to prevent the corpses of the monsters from stinking, men, women, and children in the tribe began to throw the corpses of the monsters down the cliff. However, some corpses of monsters were still left behind.

Ye Chen slept until the afternoon and woke up. When he came out, the corpses of the monsters had been almost dealt with. But there were some crying in the village. Ye Chen asked around and found out that 32 villagers who participated in the battle last night had also died. The families of the dead were crying. However, the Ancient Forging Clan probably had more than 700 or 800 people, so facing such a terrible group of monsters, the casualties were not too heavy.

Ye Chen was walking in the village when suddenly someone called him to the village chief's house. After the village chief asked Ye Chen to sit down, he said bluntly: "I am very grateful for your help, but we will not agree to your request. You should go back to where you came from."

Ye Chen was confused. He thought he should say "Thank you very much for your help, we are willing to help you go back", how could it be...? Ye Chen immediately leaned against the table and shouted: "Oh, I seem to have injured my bones when I was fighting yesterday, and I can't walk."

The clan leader looked at Ye Chen with a dark face, and it was not easy to drive Ye Chen away.

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