Reading to Become a God

Chapter 968: Wounded and unable to move

Ye Chen quickly fought with the strong man from the dark world. After a long battle, Ye Chen and the strong man from the dark world were evenly matched.

Both of them had small wounds on their bodies, but they did not cause much damage. After Ye Chen and the strong man from the Dark World fought for several rounds, Ye Chen and the strong man from the Dark World were already exhausted. , Ye Chen was panting on the spot, and the person in the dark world was also scarred and couldn't move.

Ye Chen and the strong man from the Dark World were in a stalemate for a while. Ye Chen and the strong man from the Dark World had been in a stalemate for ten minutes. Neither Ye Chen nor the strong man from the Dark World made a move first. No one relaxed their vigilance, they were all on tenterhooks, fearing that the other party would come back and attack suddenly, but neither of them could move. Ye Chen thought that the strong man in the dark world was just pretending, fearing that Ye Chen would be attacked suddenly, but secretly The strong man in the world thought that Ye Chen was just pretending and would make a sudden attack on him. No one knew what would happen to him, so they were all very worried.

Ye Chen thought, such a stalemate is not the solution. What if he is really injured by me? Maybe.

Suddenly, the person from the Dark World suddenly sat up. Ye Chen originally wanted to see what he was going to do, but no one could have imagined what happened next. The surprise on Ye Chen's face almost made his heart beat out...

In front of Ye Chen's eyes - the strong man from the Dark World simply didn't wait any longer and sat up directly, practicing his skills and restoring his cultivation. Ye Chen didn't understand why the strong man from the dark world would practice his skills during a fight. Ye Chen was very puzzled.

Ye Chen thought for a while, if he was still like this, Ye Chen would definitely suffer. The strong man in the dark world would definitely recover soon. Ye Chen, like the strong man in the dark world, would sit down and practice. .

Ye Chen thought, if you don't move, I won't move either. What if I was your trick in the past? I won't be fooled! If it wasn't your trick, I wouldn't go either. I would also use my kung fu to recover my mana, and I would fight to the death for a while!

Before Ye Chen decided what the strong man in the dark world was going to do, it was impossible for him to move before the strong man in the dark world, because what Ye Chen thought was that if the enemy couldn't move, neither could I. Move, we'll just spend it!

After a while, the golden-armored ghoul of the strong man from the dark world began to move. The strong golden-armored ghoul from the world of darkness rushed towards Ye Chen. Ye Chen was agitated and didn't know what to do...

Ye Chen also gave Zhiling to his golden-armored ghoul. Ye Chen's golden-armored ghoul quickly rushed towards the strong golden-armored ghoul from the dark world and attacked head-on. The two sides were indistinguishable. Win or lose.

The strong man from the World of Darkness had almost recovered his cultivation. He jumped up and rushed towards Ye Chen. Ye Chen looked at the situation and acted according to the opportunity. When the strong man from the dark world was approaching Ye Chen, Ye Chen jumped up and avoided the attack of the strong man from the dark world!

On the other side, Ye Chen's golden-armored ghoul was fighting with the golden-armored ghoul of the strong man from the dark world. On this side, Ye Chen was fighting with the strong man from the dark world. The two sides could not tell the winner for a long time.

The battle between the golden-armored ghoul and the golden-armored ghoul, the battle between humans. The fight was extremely intense. Anyone who watched it should be shocked by the battle between Ye Chen and the strong man from this dark world! This is the real battle, this is the direct battle between masters and masters!

At this time, the strong man in the dark world used the "Way of Roar" skill. This "Way of Roar" could only be resisted with the "Way of Roar". Since Ye Chen failed to react to this mistake, he could only use "Way of Roar". "The Way of the Roar" to be on guard against.

Ye Chen also used his "Way of Roar". Ye Chen was obviously inferior to the "Way of Roar" of the strong man in the dark world, but it was too late to dodge. Once the strong man in the dark world used the "Way of Roar" "The Way of the Roar", if it hits or the opponent is blocking, it will not be taken back!

The strong man in the dark world has been using the "Way of Roar", and Ye Chen also used the "Way of Roar" to resist the strong man in the dark world.

After a fierce battle, both sides were injured one after another, but Ye Chen's injuries were obviously more serious than that of the strong man from the dark world.

Ye Chen couldn't move anymore. Ye Chen was seriously injured. The brave man from the dark world went over and said to Ye Chen: "You are the one who caused so much trouble in our dark world before, right? I don't want to kill you." , you can come back with me to see my lord, that way you may still have hope of living."

Ye Chen said to the strong man in the dark world: "You, the dark world, have never caught me before. Are there no people in your dark world?"

The strong man from the dark world said to Ye Chen, "You are so stubborn when you are about to die, aren't you?" The strong man from the dark world said to Ye Chen, "If you agree to go to the dark world with me to see the lord , I can spare your life, and you can even become a member of our world of darkness. At that time, as long as you follow us, with your cultivation level, I may be able to give you a high official position, so that I can go back To receive the reward, you can release a high official, why not do it? "

Ye Chen said to the strong man in the dark world: "Do you think I can really go back with you? Don't think about it! I advise you to give up. Why don't you give me a happy place and let me die early? If not, let me go!"

The strong man from the dark world said to Ye Chen: "What? I let you go? What are you thinking?" The strong man from the dark world laughed and said to Ye Chen, "You want to die, then I will fulfill your wish!"

The strong man from the dark world used all his strength, all concentrated on his fist, and hit Ye Chen's head hard. The strong man from the dark world's fist was very fast and was about to hit!


At this time, Ye Chen rolled outside and rolled to the side. Ye Chen used his last strength and used the "Roaring Way".

After a roar, it accurately hit the strong man from the dark world. The strong man from the dark world was caught off guard and was hit directly by Ye Chen in the vitals. He was seriously injured by Ye Chen's "Roaring Way!"

At the same time, the strong man from the dark world was angry and then used all his strength to roar. He planned to go all out. Ye Chen did not expect that the strong man from the dark world still had the power to fight back. Seeing the attack coming in front of him, he hurriedly launched an attack again.

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