Reading to Become a God

Chapter 973: Hungry, a little weird

However, the scale of the battle between the world of light and the world of darkness did not affect Ye Chen who was unconscious in the cave. At this moment, Ye Chen was still unconscious in this secluded cave. It must be said that the cave that Ye Chen found at this time was too secluded. Since he had been unconscious for such a long time, no one had come here at all, and naturally no one had discovered Ye Chen who was still unconscious.

At this time, the frost on the surface of Ye Chen's body had slowly receded. On this day, when the sun slowly shone on the cave, Ye Chen, who was unconscious in the cave, moved his eyes slightly, and his fingers also moved slowly, and then Ye Chen's brows also wrinkled slightly.

Then, when the sunlight completely shone on the cave, Ye Chen, who was in a coma, slowly opened his eyes. The eyes of Ye Chen who opened his eyes were not as dark and sharp as before. Instead, they were pure and confused. Ye Chen slowly stood up from the ground, and then began to look around the cave in large quantities.

Just as Ye Chen was walking forward slowly, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his mind. At this time, Ye Chen felt that something flashed in his mind, but when Ye Chen wanted to catch them, those things suddenly flashed again.

At this time, Ye Chen's mind was blank, and he didn't know what his name was. Looking at the surroundings of the cave, he was also confused. Ye Chen was very confused now. His heart was full of questions, such as: Who is he? Why is he here? What did he do here? Why is he here...

But at this time, Ye Chen's mind was blank, and he couldn't remember anything. Ye Chen didn't know why he was here, and he didn't know where this place was. So he could only rely on observing the surroundings to slowly let himself recall something useful to him, but Ye Chen observed here for a long time and didn't find anything useful to him, because there was nothing in this cave except stones, and at this time Ye Chen gradually understood that he was amnesia.

But in fact, Ye Chen's current situation is more serious than he thought. Because Ye Chen is not only amnesiac now, because the last time Ye Chen absorbed the rune, the rune with will, the fierce roar caused a lot of changes in Ye Chen's body, and the inside and outside of the body were frozen. Although the frost on the surface of Ye Chen's body has disappeared, Ye Chen has also awakened, but Ye Chen's Dantian and mind are still frozen, so this is the reason for Ye Chen's amnesia.

And because Ye Chen's Dantian is frozen, Ye Chen, who has lost his memory, is now an ordinary person with stronger physical fitness. And Ye Chen now doesn't know that he still has such a great power lurking in his body.

Just when Ye Chen was observing this cave without getting any results, he suddenly felt a sound coming from his stomach. After hearing this sound, Ye Chen's face flashed a strange look. He looked around again and found that there was nothing to eat in this cave. After that, Ye Chen touched his hungry stomach and decided to go out to find food.

Just like that, after waking up, Ye Chen, who had lost his memory, wandered aimlessly in this small world. As Ye Chen walked, he looked for food around him that could fill his stomach, but after searching for a long time, he still didn't find anything edible.

After a long time, when Ye Chen felt desperate, he suddenly saw some food not far from him. After seeing these foods, a trace of joy flashed in Ye Chen's eyes.

But just when he wanted to go forward and get these foods, he suddenly stopped because he didn't know what he thought of. In fact, although Ye Chen had lost his memory, his original vigilance still existed.

So, when Ye Chen saw these foods, his first reaction was to take these foods, but he also knew that these foods could not be placed here for no reason, so this must be abnormal.

After thinking about this, Ye Chen stopped, but just when Ye Chen wanted to leave, his stomach made another noise. Hearing this noise, Ye Chen looked around again and found that it was impossible to find food around.

After observing this, Ye Chen looked at the food on the ground again, gritted his teeth and walked towards the food on the ground. Ye Chen walked very carefully, but just when Ye Chen was about to get the food, he suddenly felt dizzy.

Then, when Ye Chen reacted, he was already in a big pit. At this moment, Ye Chen had already reacted. He fell into the trap set by ordinary hunters when hunting.

Although the trap was not deep, because Ye Chen had just woken up and his body was still very weak, and when Ye Chen fell into the trap, he did not have any precautions, so Ye Chen who fell into the trap was inevitably injured.

But fortunately, the food also fell with Ye Chen, so Ye Chen temporarily ate some of the food to save his energy, and then slowly thought of a way to get up.

In fact, Ye Chen had figured it out at this time. Since there was a trap set by a hunter, it proved that there were still people living here. Although Ye Chen had lost his memory, he also knew that once the trap had prey, the hunter who set the trap would soon come, so when the hunter came, he would be saved.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's anxious mood slowly calmed down. He began to rest well in the trap to recover his strength.

Just as Ye Chen was thinking this, he suddenly heard a sound of footsteps coming from above his head. After hearing this sound of footsteps, a glimmer of hope flashed in Ye Chen's eyes.

At this time, a woman's voice came from above Ye Chen's head: "Who are you, how did you fall into our trap, and why are you dressed differently from us?"

After hearing this voice, Ye Chen hurriedly looked up and found a woman with beautiful hair, looking at him with a pair of big eyes, alertly, and with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

Ye Chen looked at the woman's attire, then looked at his own attire, and finally understood why the woman was looking at him like that.

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