Reading to Become a God

Chapter 977: The forest basin is secretly frightened

"This is the beast cultivator. New students, do you understand?"

On the training ground of the War Clan, the training instructor of the War Clan, a sturdy middle-aged man, was speaking to the players on the field with a pointer.

Ye Chen turned his head and looked around, then looked back, and was sure that he was the only new classmate. So he raised his hand and said, "I don't understand!"

The Zhan Clan's training ground is in a mountain forest basin. It is a very wide area that can accommodate about two to three thousand people practicing at the same time. There are more than a dozen weapon racks on the site and a small hut for shelter from the rain. The site is surrounded by tall ancient trees, and looking up is the bright blue sky and white clouds.

The instructor tapped his hand with the pointer and said unhappily: "You don't understand such a simple thing, so I'll say it again. Beast cultivation is to achieve the purpose of training by absorbing the soul of beasts. To achieve strengthening by eating the corpses of monsters Body……"

"Sorry," Ye Chen raised his hand and interrupted the instructor, "Instructor, what I don't understand is that I am the only new student here. Why do you say 'Dear new students'? It sounds like there are many here. People are the same.”

The instructor suddenly showed a weird smile and walked over to put his arm around Ye Chen's shoulders and said, "Actually, this is a tradition here. When we were building this training ground, we accidentally dug up a hideous nest of a terrifying monster, which resulted in many new... The students died in the mouth of the monster, but we also killed the monster, but the ghosts of the dead new students are still on the field. Every time there are new students, they will stand behind the new students. If I don't count them. Go up there and they will cause trouble for the new students at night.”

Ye Chen felt that the instructor was nervous, and he didn't know whether what he said was true or not, but he felt a little scared. After all, the training ground in the forest was quiet. If there was a ghost standing behind him...

"This is really a scary thing!" Ye Chen felt secretly in his heart.

After returning last time, the people of the Zhan clan thought that Ye Chen should learn to practice beast cultivation. After the test, people from his race had high expectations for Ye Chen because of his strong body. The best instructors from the Zhan clan were also specially sent to guide Ye Chen.

"Are you telling the truth?" Ye Chen asked.

"Of course it's true, look..." The instructor pushed Ye Chen forward, pointed to a tree in the distance and said, "There is a face on that tree. This is the legend of a new student who didn't believe in ghosts. , came to provoke the ghost in the middle of the night, but disappeared. The tribesmen searched for him for a long time but could not find him, and finally found his face on a tree. "

Ye Chen took a closer look and saw that there was indeed a human face on the tree, and it was a face twisted in pain. He really didn't know what to say about this.

Seeing that the goal had been achieved, the instructor patted Ye Chen on the back and said, "As long as you keep the awe in your heart, everything will be fine. Do you know anything about animal cultivators?"

Ye Chen nodded. He originally wanted to suggest that the instructor change places, but the instructor said:

"Now that you understand, let's get started."

The instructor walked to the small hut and took out two birdcages and said, "Let's start with the small one first."

Only then did Ye Chen see that there were two fluffy animals the size of little ducks in the birdcage.

The instructor held up the cage and said to Ye Chen: "This is a shameless swallowing beast, also called a robber bird."

"Why do you call it shameless?"

"Well, because it won't eat anything you feed it, but it will eat whatever delicious food you have in your hand."

After the instructor released a robber bird, he said to Ye Chen: "I'm going to teach you the soul-sucking technique now, watch it."

After speaking, he put his hands forward, with his palms pointed at the robber bird, and then recited a few grunting spells. I saw a faint transparent white light flying from the robber bird to the instructor's mouth. The robber bird immediately fell to the ground. Before Ye Chen could figure it out, the instructor walked over, picked up the robber bird, swallowed it, and then said:

"Just now I was absorbing the soul of the beast and eating the body of the beast."

Ye Chen felt a little disgusted and said, "Would it taste better if you roasted the bird before eating it?"

The instructor nodded, but said: Ruining hair and drinking blood is part of the training of us warriors. "

But Ye Chen still felt a little disgusted. The instructor taught Ye Chen a few spells, then released the robber bird and said, "It's up to you."

Ye Chen squatted down, pointed at the robber bird and said, "Such a cute thing, can we...ah! Let me go." Ye Chen kept waving his fingers.

It turned out that the robber bird actually bit his finger. With a look of contempt on his face, the instructor took a leaf from his pocket and put it into his mouth and bit it.

After finally getting rid of the robber bird, the bird caught up with me. Ye Chen wanted to cast a spell on it but couldn't aim properly, so he had to keep running away from the robber bird on the field. After making trouble all morning, the robber bird was trampled to death.

Ye Chen looked at the robber bird blankly, but he heard the instructor shout: "Eat it."

Ye Chen didn't want to eat this thing raw, but the instructor had already walked over seriously. After careful consideration, Ye Chen still swallowed the robber bird.

The instructor watched Ye Chen eat the bird, nodded with satisfaction, turned around and went to the small hut, took out the third robber bird and said to Ye Chen:

"Go on, your performance is average. But we all think highly of you. So you have to keep working hard!"

Ye Chen said: "Can you just let it stay in the cage? It would be easier for me."

"It's possible," the instructor said, "but the monsters in the wild don't live in cages. We must learn to imitate the wild environment."

Ye Chen had no choice but to chase the robber bird again. Fortunately, this time he completed the task quickly. Just eating a robber bird raw still disgusted him.

The instructor asked: "Very good, how do you feel?"

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "I don't feel anything."

Although the instructor was a little disappointed, he thought about it and said: "Ordinary people will feel something if they absorb it for the first time, but you are a practitioner. Maybe the robber bird is not enough to supplement, so you don't feel it. Tomorrow we will go to the mountains and forests. Find the real monster."

Ye Chen thought that the instructor would release the monsters from the cage for him, but when he practiced the next day, he learned that the instructor asked him to chase wild monsters in the mountains and forests.

Ye Chen is also a man of cultivation, so catching the monster is not difficult enough for him. Over the past few days, he had absorbed more than a dozen large monsters, but his heart became heavier. Even the instructor's face looked ugly.

After Ye Chen absorbed another monster, the instructor came over to test Ye Chen's spiritual power. After testing, he shook his head.

It turned out that Ye Chen had absorbed so many beast souls in the past few days, but he didn't have any spiritual energy from beast cultivators at all.

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