Reading to Become a God

Chapter 985: Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine; Compassion and a Touch of Gratitude

Although Ye Chen has conquered the War Clan, there are still many people who are dissatisfied with Ye Chen, and many are shocked. But the person who was most shocked was none other than Ella. Ella would never have imagined that Ah-Dai, whom she rescued unintentionally, would eventually become the king of their war clan.

Ella's heart was filled with shock. She just looked at Ye Chen quietly not far away. He was standing there aloof. She looked at Ye Chen like this and suddenly began to miss her. She had just met Ye Chen. The scene at that time.

Ella remembered that day when she received the news that another prey had entered the trap, but she did not expect to meet the amnesiac Ye Chen there. Ella still remembers that scene.

Ella remembered that when she first met Ye Chen, Ye Chen was in a very embarrassed state. But after she saw him, she felt compassion for him, so she asked him, "Who are you? How did you fall?" You fell into our trap, and why do you dress me differently than we do?”

After hearing this voice, Ye Chen hurriedly looked up. After spotting her, he opened a pair of big eyes and looked at her warily, with a trace of curiosity in his eyes. After seeing Ye Chen like this, something strange flashed in Ella's heart.

After Ye Chen looked at her for a long time, he softened his expression, and then said to her above his head, "I don't know why I'm here. As soon as I woke up, I was in that cave over there. Inside, but I was too hungry, so I went out to look for food, but accidentally, I fell into the trap. "

After listening to Ye Chen's words, something strange flashed in her eyes, and she seemed to be thinking about the credibility of Ye Chen's words. But when she saw the serious expression on Ye Chen's face, she didn't know Why, her intuition was that Ye Chen was not a bad person. Besides, she had just discovered that Ye Chen seemed to be injured. For a person like him, even after rescuing him, he would not do anything to him.

So she thought for a while and then said to Ye Chen, "That's it! I think you are not from our world. Maybe something happened in your world, so you came to our world. I just saw You have been injured. I think your inability to remember anything must be related to your injury."

After saying these words, she glanced at Ye Chen again, and then said to Ye Chen, "Well, I don't think you are a bad person. Let me rescue you first!" After saying these words, she A long rope lowered the trap.

After hearing what she said, Ye Chen's eyes flashed with gratitude, and he hurriedly said to her, "Well, I have to thank you girl." After saying these words, Ye Chen grabbed the rope and slowly climbed up.

Seeing Ye Chen climb up and seeing Ye Chen's embarrassed look, she said to Ye Chen, "Well, my name is Ella. Since you don't remember anything, why don't you go back to our tribe with me first?" Come on! At least you can heal your injury first." After saying these words, she looked at Ye Chen expectantly.

After listening to Ella's inquiry, Ye Chen thought about it carefully and suddenly felt that Ella's proposal was the best idea for him at the moment. Because she can't think of anything now, and she's not familiar with the place here, and there are so many traps here. What if he falls into a trap later?

After thinking about this, Ye Chen agreed to her proposal. When she heard that Ye Chen agreed to his proposal, a hint of joy flashed in her eyes, and he hurriedly took Ye Chen back to his tribe.

On the way, she explained to Ye Chen that his tribe is called the Zhan Clan. She and her tribe have lived here for generations and have never left here. Moreover, the Zhan Clan is a large tribe here, not just a small tribe. The tribe dare not provoke them.

In this way, she brought Ye Chen to their Zhan clan. The Zhan clan people were not an outsider like Ye Chen, and they were dressed differently from them, so they treated Ye Chen coldly. Not only did they not treat Ye Chen coldly, they were also very enthusiastic towards him.

Moreover, with the arrival of Ye Chen, the Zhan clan people who used to live an ordinary life became lively, because the Zhan clan has lived here for generations and has always lived an ordinary life. Although in their small world, they used to live a normal life. It's very lively, and we used to see many people from other worlds, but in recent years, for some unknown reason, they haven't seen people from other worlds for a long time!

Therefore, Ye Chen's arrival made the Zhan clan lively. The Zhan clan people, who had not seen people from other worlds for a long time, were quite friendly to Ye Chen. Many people even took the initiative to invite Ye Chen to live in their homes. Of course, there were also many girls from the War clan who fell in love with Ye Chen and confessed their feelings to Ye Chen. Ye Chen expressed his frustration at the enthusiasm of the Zhan clan members.

She also didn't expect that Ye Chen would be welcomed by so many people from the War Clan. Ella remembered that she had rejected many people's invitations on Ye Chen's behalf, and also rejected many girls from the War Clan on his behalf.

After dealing with the enthusiastic Zhan clan members, she brought Ye Chen to her home. Looking at Ye Chen in front of her, she said to Ye Chen, "Anyway, you have lost your memory now and don't remember your name, so why not I'll give you a name."

Ye Chen heard her words, and thought of how she had saved her life, so he agreed to her request. Seeing Ye Chen agree to her request, a trace of joy flashed in her eyes, and then she said to Ye Chen, "Since you don't remember anything now, why don't you call yourself Ah Dai! It fits your current situation, what do you think!"

Hearing her say this, a trace of helplessness flashed in Ye Chen's eyes, but after thinking carefully, he felt that what she said made sense, so he agreed with her.

Seeing Ye Chen so obedient, she felt better. In this way, Ye Chen lived in her home, and then Ye Chen settled down in the War Clan.

Slowly, Ye Chen began to follow her out to hunt wild animals every day. Ye Chen seemed to have a talent for hunting wild animals, and he quickly learned it. With Ye Chen's help, she could hunt many wild animals every day and gain a lot. Ella was very happy.

After thinking of this, Ella's eyes flashed with a trace of confusion, and there was also a moment of absent-mindedness, and a trace of bitterness flashed in her heart, but Ye Chen above didn't know these.

At this moment, Ye Chen has conquered the Anzhu and Zhan clans, so now in Ye Chen's heart, he just wants to leave this place quickly, because he knows that the battle between the light world and the dark world is still going on.

But when Ye Chen, who conquered the two clans, began to prepare to break through the air and teleport to leave this small world, he found that his spell was suddenly restricted in terms of teleportation. After realizing this, a strange flashed in Ye Chen's eyes. In the dark, Ye Chen felt that this world was hiding unknown secrets.

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