Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1242: Joint sniper, no way to escape

Chapter 1242 Joint sniper, no way to escape

Gao Shiwei retracted his gaze, looked at Lu Yu thoughtfully and asked, "This guy, isn't this the sunset killer who attacked you last time?"

"Yes, it's him!"

Lu Yu's expression was indifferent, but deep in his eyes there was an extremely cold glow: "It seems that I am still too kind to the enemy!"

After speaking, he faintly looked at several members of the investigation team, and said without any doubt: "I have completed my self-certification! Everyone, is there anything else to say?"

After several people looked at each other, they all shook their heads.

Since Tan Yanwu died in the hands of the person in the video, it has nothing to do with Lu Yu, and of course he is innocent.

"Chief, please help me deal with the next thing, please!"

Lu Yu looked at Gao Shiwei again.

The latter nodded, immediately got up to face the members of the investigation team, said a few words, and sent the person away.

After he returned, he said to Lu Yu, "Do you need my help in this matter?"

"No, my own business, I have to solve it myself!"

Lu Yu's words were cold and he was obviously really angry.

In the face-to-face confrontation, Lu Yu can easily solve it with just one person, and kill the killer, but with little effort.

But if the opponent makes up his mind to run, he is really difficult to deal with alone, and must rely on the strength of the other personnel in the a team.

If in the last assassination, someone fully armed and coordinated to support himself, that assassin would never have a chance to escape.

"I want to return to brigade a immediately, organize my strength, to capture the killer alive, and then pry something out of his mouth!"

Lu Yu made a decisive decision, and after leaving Gao Shiwei, he left the Southeast Military Region without stopping.


Inside an abandoned chemical factory on the outskirts of Donghai City.

This factory has been abandoned for many years, and no one has cleaned it all the year round, making it dilapidated. It is covered with weeds and moss everywhere, and it is inaccessible.

From a distance, due to the arrival of the cold winter, many weeds and fallen leaves are covered in withered yellow coats. The green is mixed with withered and lonely, giving people a sense of loneliness.

A cold wind blew by, depressing a lot of weeds, undulating like wheat waves.


Among the tall grass, suddenly, an agile figure passed by and hurried forward.

The figure is extremely fast, and the most surprising thing is that there is no sound under his feet, like a long-lost feat in the martial arts, a reed crossing the river, like flying on the grass.

In today's highly developed information technology, even the earth is called a village. Except for a few special locations, such as the Bermuda Triangle, and the top secret military factory areas of some major countries, nothing can escape the surveillance of satellites. .

It didn't take long for Lu Yu to accurately locate the sunset killer hiding in Donghai City with the help of seven US satellites.

In the original video, the killer once confided to Tan Yanwu that he was sick. In fact, Mingren could tell that his disease was dwarfism, also known as dwarf.

Although the age has grown and grown, the appearance has always remained in the shape of a child, never growing up.

This time, Lu Yu organized the arrest operation of Team A, and its code name was defined as: Little Girl!

Just now, it was Lu Yu who hurriedly passed over the grass outside the factory as if performing a light effort.


He is shaped like the wind, with weeds on his toes, like an elegant knight in a martial arts TV series, galloping forward.

At the same time, the miniature walkie-talkie worn in the ear was blasted with a whistling sound.

"Report Captain, I am Falcon, Sniper No. 1 is in place!"

In the headset, He Chenguang's report sounded first.

"Shura, Shura, this is the Raiden Commando! I am the main sniper Yama, and the second sniper is in place!"

Next, Hades from the Raiden Commando also responded.

"Captain, I kill the enemy, and Sniper No. 3 is in place."

Ye Cunxin, the Phoenix Sniper, finally replied.

The three main snipers, each ambushing at their own sniper points, set up their sniper rifles, aimed in the direction of the factory, and waited for shooting instructions.

"The outer passages have been completely blocked, and even a fly can't fly out, so fire attacks are launched at any time."

In the headset communication channel, Lei Zhan also replied.

In this operation, Lu Yu personally led a brigade, Raiden Commando and Fire Phoenix to set up a net around the factory.

This tight blockade is like a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, all demons and ghosts have nowhere to hide!

Listening to a report from the earphones, Lu Yu replied in a unified way: "Keep in touch at any time and be vigilant!"


As soon as the voice fell, the golden light in Lu Yu's eyes flowed, like the fiery golden eyes of Sun Dasheng that made a fuss in the sky, golden brilliance bloomed from his pupils.

Two golden arrows shot out faintly, just like the substance, seeing through the illusions in the world, and letting all evil manifest itself.

Invincible golden eyes!

Lu Yu instantaneously opened the golden pupil and looked up to the factory.

I saw an abandoned factory not far away. All the complete structures, including the concrete steel bars embedded in the building, were clearly reflected in Lu Yu's eyes.

Everything in the world is invisible under the perspective of the golden is more powerful than satellite monitoring.

This factory has been abandoned for many years and is inaccessible. Of course there will be no workers.

The only heat induction source that appeared was the sunset killer hiding here, a little girl suffering from dwarfism!

When Lu Yu locked onto the target inside, his eyes waved slightly, and the corners of his lips rose in a strange arc.

This little girl killer does have some skill.

Their operation was a surprise attack, and no news was leaked.

Moreover, in order to stay secret, Lu Yu went to the factory alone to avoid being scared by the grass.

But when his eyes were locked on the killer in the factory, they were clearly separated by a hundred or two hundred meters, separated by countless obstacles.

At that moment, the girl assassin who was born in the factory was suddenly excited, as if sensing something.

He immediately got up and looked around, and then without stopping, he quickly left his original position and ran towards the outer passage madly.

However, nets of heaven and earth have been laid around the factory, and the killer's move is the grasshopper after autumn, making the last dying struggle.

Under the omnipotent observation of the golden pupil, Lu Yu's eyes are like the most sophisticated scanner, which has already seen all corners of the factory.

Any channel connecting to the outside could not escape his sight.

"Want to escape?"

Lu Yu smiled coldly, his steps quickened, and his figure leapt forward quickly.

However, he did not follow the direction of the killer's escape.

Instead, in my mind, filter out all escape routes, predict the path that the killer will choose in advance, and rush to the exit location.

Waiting for the killer to throw himself into the net!

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