Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1363: Army Academy Secret Mission

Lu Yu didn't bother to pay attention to them, and continued to read the information in hand.

After he finished reading roughly, he spread the folder with both hands, frowned slightly, and asked Fan Tianlei seriously, "Make it clear, what the **** is the order? Did you and the old leader cheat me last time? ?"

Fan Tianlei smiled awkwardly: "How can you say it so ugly? I was discussing with Lao He to get you out. If it weren't for the last opportunity, you are still feeding pigs on the farm. Thank me and Lao He. what!"

   Thanks? I thank you uncle!

Lu Yu rolled his eyes with anger, but he was not interested in discussing what had happened. After finishing his thoughts for a while, he suddenly looked at Fan Tianlei's old fox-like face seriously: "Then this time, let me take this group of students. What does it mean to perform special tasks?"

   Lu Yu has just read the content on the file, and he knows everything.

   This temporary transfer order actually expresses two meanings in total!

   In addition to giving the reasons, there is also a special **** hidden mission. The location is in Kyoto and requires special forces to complete it. There is also the participation of the military academy. It is a troop training activity.

   And Lu Yu was the instructor who escorted the team this time.

   Under Lu Yu's gaze, Fan Tianlei knew that he could not escape, so he shrugged helplessly, and the long-lost smile appeared on that calm face.

   "Hehe, don't worry about so much, Chief Zhang, Chief Hu, and Lao He and I will protect you. Just rest assured and go ahead and go through the process!"

As soon as the voice fell, before Lu Yu hugged a little remark, Fan Tianlei's smiling old face continued to bloom into a blooming chrysanthemum, and then added: "Of course, I didn't come empty-handed, and I brought you a gift! "

   said, winking at Chen Shanming secretly.

   The latter knows, and immediately starts to leave.

   Lu Yu looked at Fan Tianlei suspiciously, why didn't he believe it in his heart?

   You, Fan Dahuyou, is a petty devil in the famous military area. You actually want to bring gifts to people?

   The sun came out from the west?

   How come I always feel like a conspiracy.

   Lu Yu glanced at his mouth disdainfully: "Old Comrade Fan, what should I say to you? You have lost the most basic trust between people!"


   Fan Tianlei touched his nose and said to his heart, is my image in your heart so bad? It's too much to say it in front of me!

   However, Lu Yu seemed to have really misunderstood this time, and Fan Tianlei did not dig a hole for him.

   bark bark!

   Outside the house, there was a familiar dog barking. Even at a considerable distance, one could hear the excitement and enthusiasm in the sound.

   Lu Yu was startled, suddenly as if he understood something, he turned his head and looked at the door in surprise.


   I saw that a swift black shadow flashed past, rushing in from outside the house like a black whirlwind, and rushed to Lu Yu's side.

   The low whimper, which contains strong emotions, rubbed his head against Lu Yu's trouser legs very enthusiastically.

   This dog-licking look, who else can it be besides the mighty general?

   The dog's eyes were full of tears, his tail swayed desperately, and he looked pitiful and complaining.

   "Wow! (Boss, I want to kill you

   "Bow! (Woo, it's tears when I say too much, you don't know what life I have these days! I get up earlier than a chicken, sleep later than a dog, I'm thinner...

   "Bow bark bark bark! (What kind of **** training camp? No big bones, not even a little bitch! It's really bullying, a bunch of silly male dogs are full of hormones, clamoring and competing all day, so boring!)

   I haven't seen him for a long time, the mighty general is still so shameless, and the realm of shamelessness is even better than that of Fan Tianlei!

  The trouser legs rubbed by this guy were all drooling, Lu Yu's face turned black, and he immediately knocked violence on the head of the mighty general.

   The mighty general squatted on the ground and squeezed a pair of dog eyes, pitifully looking at Lu Yu, wanting to feel wronged.

   Lu Yu couldn't laugh or cry: "Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful in front of me. Later, I will take you to Lao Gao's place to have a meal, and then help me complete the task well."


   As soon as he heard something to eat, the mighty general's dog's eyes lit up and he raised his neck and howled a few wolves, his dog's face filled with excitement.

   "Mighty General, you are a dog or a wolf, don't learn how to call a wolf!"


   "That's right, take you to eat delicious food."


   Beijing Army Command Academy.

   training playground!

   "Li Guangyong!"


   "Yu Dalei!"


   "Zhang Zhipeng..."

   In front of the line, the instructors reported their names one by one, and those who were named immediately strode out of the line to form a new line.

   "The one who clicked the name will stay, and the rest will be disbanded!"

   The teacher shouted loudly, echoing in everyone's ears in the square.


   The order fell, and the squad leader of each team began to give orders, shouting the one-two-one action password, leading their teams and returning to the dormitory in an orderly manner.

   And those students who clicked on their names and left behind, all looked around curiously and saw suspicious looks on their faces.

   Several faculty members lined up and stood in front of the squad. Even the deputy dean of the Army Academy, who usually doesn't show up much, appeared on the scene at this moment.

   The lineup in front of me had to make the students think about it. The serious atmosphere was quietly permeating. Everyone couldn't stop playing drums and didn't understand what they were going to do.

   can only look at the people around him quietly with confused and blank, so as to get a touch of spiritual comfort.

Among them, an older instructor took the information of the students, handed it to the deputy dean, and whispered in a low voice: "This Li Guangyong has a good grade, and his shooting level is also among the best among the students in the same period. It can be said that it is the second phase. One of the best students in the country!"

"Also, this Yu Dalei is not bad too! Before entering the military academy, he was an armored tank soldier and served as a tank driver. Later, he successfully entered the special forces and participated in many actual battles. I think he should be able to do this mission. Done successfully!"

   "This Zhang Zhipeng......"

  The faculty member reported the details of the students to the deputy dean one by one.

  The deputy dean nodded frequently. Whenever he clicked on the name of a student, his calm gaze would be projected over it, slowly sweeping across the faces of the students, as if he wanted to keep these faces firmly in his mind.

   The atmosphere of the scene also became more serious as the two talked.

   All the students uncontrollably developed a sense of tension in their hearts, breathing slightly heavy.

   They are keenly aware that something seems to be happening!

  In the queue, unlike the other students, Yu Dalei, who had already been through the wind and waves, did not have the slightest fluctuation in his eyes from beginning to end, and stared straight ahead without changing his face.

   The corners of the lips rose slightly, Yu Dalei did not squint, but he had already seen everything in his heart.

   The scene in front of me, even with my toes, can imagine what will happen next.

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