He Chenguang immediately understood, and nodded without hesitation: "Yeah, yeah! Commander, we reasoned with them, saying that we are all soldiers of the Iron Fist regiment and cannot attack the old troops! But the military order is hard to violate. If we don't agree, Will be expelled from the army."

Wang Yanbing immediately said: "Head, you have to believe in our loyalty. Look, these two knees of mine are about to kneel and swell, and I begged the leader again and again! But the leader said that we must let us go to fight the iron fist team. , I also said that on the battlefield, even if you encounter your loved ones, you can still pick up the sword. This is the best soldier! There is no way for us all, we are all forced..."

This guy was talking, crying, as if he had suffered so much grievance, even Kang Lei's gloomy expression eased.

Lu Yu secretly gave him a thumbs up.

Comrade Wang, the acting is good, good!

"Our leader said, if we quit the Iron Fist this time, let us roll back home!"

Lu Yu's tone was slightly low, and his expression dim: "Everyone still wants to stay in the army and repay the leader's cultivation. No one is willing to go... No, when we visited you a few days ago, I wanted to explain this. Yes, you can see that everyone is so enthusiastic, and you can't say what you want to say."

The three of them sang a harmony, and Li Erniu who was watching was stunned by the side, with a pair of eyeballs snarling.

Kang Lei sighed in secret, looking at the soldiers who were ‘revealing their true feelings’ in front of him, he didn’t seem to be lying, his anger was mostly gone.

"You are the soldiers I brought out. I also know what kind of character you have! It can't be the kind of white-eyed wolf who eats inside and out. I believe you."

Kang Lei nodded and said: "Now you are doing the right thing. This is an exercise. Everyone is an enemy! But I believe that if you go on a real battlefield, your guns will not be aimed at your old troops."

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Since Master Kong said so, this level is basically passed?

"Head, rest assured! We are all brought out by you, and will always be soldiers of the Iron Fist!"

Lu Yu solemnly said: "I'm really going to go to the battlefield, and the iron fist group has an accident. Even if we die, we will definitely not hug the iron fist group!"

"Head, I don't want to die, and I will escape behind your back!"

Li Erniu, who finally figured out his escape route, followed with a roar.

Upon hearing this, Conley suddenly smiled, remembering that Li Erniu almost jumped off a cliff while carrying himself on his back.

He can disbelieve others, but this silly cow will never cheat.

But how did he know that the current Li Erniu, under the infection of Lu Yu, Wang Yanbing and others, has more eyes than before...

"Okay, I believe you! I won't do such ungrateful things, this time it's not your fault, it's that **** leader, **** is not a thing! Specially instigated discord!

After that, Kang Lei asked suddenly: "By the way, who is your leader?"

Several people looked at each other, and Li Erniu scratched his head and said, "Yes, it's Chief of Staff Fan..."

"Fan Tianlei? What a dog!"

Kang Lei slammed his fist on the floor angrily, and shouted: "Last time I beheaded, he took the opportunity to get me drunk and deceived my best soldier. Now, he sent my soldiers to take my command! You bastard, I'm at odds with you!!!"

The eyes of several people alternated, Lu Yu coughed dryly, pointed to the bottom and said, "Leader, Chief of Staff Fan is commanding the battalion below."

"Okay! OK! Get the plane down for me, I'll settle the account with him!"

Kang Lei rolled up his sleeves, and the flames in his eyes were about to burn.

Lu Yu looked at He Chenguang, and a smile appeared on the corner of He Chenguang's mouth. They knew that Fan Tianlei might be doomed to escape!

Who told this old boy to **** them specifically?

As a courtesy exchange, you have to taste this no matter what, you can't favor one another.

After a while, the helicopter landed on the command camp square.

Fan Tianlei couldn't wait to learn how Kang Lei was beheaded. He led Chen Shanming and others to greet him outside.

"Golden Eagle, these guys are not bad! The news came back over there just now that the Reconnaissance Regiment Base was bombed and lost its defense and control capabilities, and it was completely maimed by our armed helicopters breaking into the nest." Chen Shanming smiled.

Miao Lang sighed: "We veterans, sooner or later, we will be replaced. Don't be shot dead on the beach by the waves."

Fan Tianlei triumphantly: "Don't you see, who taught me the soldiers? I didn't have my eyes to discover them at the beginning. Will they have the current results? I believe that red blood cells will definitely become the three elites of Spike, even Spike. the first!"

Chen Shanming and Miao Lang looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

This old guy, just this one stinking problem, can't boast, the more you boast, the more utterly.

After the plane stopped, the hatch opened and Fan Tianlei greeted him with a smile on his face: "Hehe, welcome our hero home! This time, you bombed the Iron Fist Regiment headquarters and decapitated Lao Kang. You can't help it..."


The words didn't finish, but suddenly stopped, and the old guy's smile stiffened.

Damn, fuck! Why is he here?

Because from the cabin, the first person to stick his head out was the beheaded Master Kong, Kang Lei.

Fan Tianlei's mouth twitched, and he agreed to behead the action, why did he bring people back?

However, he adjusted his expression quickly and said with a smile: "Brother, I haven't seen it for a long time, how come you are free..."

"Fan Tianlei, it's been a long time since I saw you, I want to kill you!"

Kang Lei looked at him and nodded seriously.


After speaking, he jumped off from the plane ~www.ltnovel.com~ A hungry tiger threw a fist into Fan Tianlei's eye socket.


Fan Tianlei held the panda's eyes, stepped back and screamed.

Kang Lei wouldn't let him go easily, and rushed up, just punching and kicking.

He yelled at Fan Tianlei, screaming, his face was stunned.

"Ouch! My old brother, what are you doing?"

"Stop, stop hitting, don't hit your face, if my handsome face is disfigured...ah!"

"Damn! You're real..."

What is this?

When the two met, why did they fight?

Chen Shanming and Miao Lang were taken aback, and hurried up to stop them.

Kang Lei grabbed Fan Tianlei's ear and stared at them fiercely and shouted: "Who dares to come over? This is my personal grievance with him, no one is allowed to intervene! Go away, or I will break this ear! "

The two reluctantly stepped back.

Kang Lei is about to be qualified as the deputy brigade commander, this official position is much bigger than Fan Tianlei!

The gods fight, don't interfere with these little fish and shrimps.

"Lao Kang Lao Kang, my old brother, save me some face! This... this person is here, don't fight, can I make you apologize?"

Fan Tianlei had a blue nose and swollen face, begging for mercy bitterly.

"You bastard, do you know you want a face? I'm so shameless today! Two times in a row, I took my command and beheaded me at the beginning. Did you save me a face? "

Kang Lei sneered again and again, yelling at the same time, relentlessly.

"Fortunately, I saved you back then, you white-eyed wolf, just repay your benefactor like this? Let me see if I won't kill you as a dead turtle grandson!

Snap, Kang Lei pulled a big mouth, Fan Tianlei howled and screamed.

No temper at all from being beaten...

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