Chapter 956

Lu Yu sat slumped on the ground, the sadness in his heart came and went quickly, and quickly retreated like a tide.

"I...what's wrong with me?"

Touching the liquid that blurred the corners of his eyes, Lu Yu looked inexplicable.

I just felt that just now, it seemed that there was another consciousness invading my mind, and it controlled him at that moment.

Similarly, he also felt the sadness from that consciousness, and made these incredible actions.

Lu Yu closed his eyes and experienced it carefully, the inexplicable consciousness gradually disappeared in his mind.

Finally, when he was about to dissipate, he left a word to Lu Yu: "Destroy this place!"

Instead of being put in a glass jar and enduring endless loneliness and loneliness, it is better to use this human hand to completely destroy this tomb.

Lu Yu understood what the other party meant, opened his eyes, looked at the countless glass jars, and sighed secretly.

Soon, he took out explosives from his backpack and placed them in various key positions of the underground tomb.

Then he picked up his companion and stepped into the elevator.

The elevator took Lu Yu and the others, gradually climbing towards the surface.

Looking at the beating floors in front of him, Lu Yu couldn't tell what it was like.

This time, his mission is to rescue the agents who were in trouble, and then destroy the research base as much as possible.

But it's all here, just like in the fifth district last time, this research institute has accumulated so many years of materials, of course, I can't let it go.


The elevator reached the top floor and the door slowly opened.

A group of guards stood outside, raising their guns in unison: "Put down your weapons, stop reaching..."

I didn't finish speaking, but found that there was no one in the elevator. The leader of the team was puzzled, but he was secretly relieved.

Just now, they followed the sound of gunfire and went to the cell.

It was discovered that the alien was dead, and the person held in another room was also missing and seemed to have been rescued.

Only the dead guards were left all over the floor.

In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, all scientific researchers were arranged to retreat to the top floor.


Just when this group of people relaxed their vigilance, several grenades were suddenly thrown out of the elevator.

The grenade rolled to the ground and scattered quickly, and everyone had no time to react.

The power of the grenade exploded, all blasted away.

For a while, weeping all over the field, all kinds of stumps and arms were broken, and blood splashed.


In the smoke of gunpowder, Lu Yu jumped from the elevator with his back on his back and walked out.

Just before arriving, Lu Yu used a laser dagger to dig a hole in the top of the elevator, enough for the two of them to go in and hide.

He knew that someone above would be waiting for him if such a movement occurred.

If you go above it so grandly, you will definitely fall into the trap.

as expected!

Those people blocked the door, ready to shoot him as soon as the door opened.

Lu Yu wore a bullet-proof vest and had a steel body to protect him, so he would not be afraid of bullets.

But no one is willing to be a living target, right?

These defensive methods, in fact, are passive and forced to stop.

In addition, there was a comatose person beside him, and he couldn't guarantee that the bullet would not hurt him.

The outside world at this time was already surrounded by a large number of guards.

Lu Yu knew clearly that it was impossible to walk out of the front door anyway with an oil bottle.

He flew to a computer quickly, plugged in the USB flash drive, and connected to a palm-sized personal computer.

With a crackling tap, the security network was broken, and the information in the database was downloaded, and a self-destructing program was implanted into it by the way.

Lu Yu's trick was not sinister.

Even if the other party was able to rebuild the research institute in the end, the information in it would disappear and cease to exist.


There was footsteps outside, and Lu Yu immediately knelt down and hid behind the table.

"Come on, found that guy!"

Someone yelled.

The sound of footsteps gradually came in and became denser.

Knowing that he couldn't hide, Lu Yu flew out from under the table and shot the guard who found him.

Bang bang bang!

At the same time, a rain of bullets poured out, and they all greeted Lu Yu.

Can't avoid it.

Lu Yu shot forward fiercely, da da da!

After a random shot, the guards were all resolved, and the bullets that came over were all stuck in the body armor.

Fortunately, all the bullets were under Lu Yu's crotch, and he didn't hurt his companion behind him.

When he came to the computer, he saw that the progress bar on the screen had reached 100%. Lu Yu pulled out the USB flash drive and placed explosives in the computer room.

After doing everything, he rushed to the top of the top floor carrying the people.

At this moment, on the corridor on the top floor, all the researchers gathered, as well as the doctors who gave the aliens injections before.

Lu Yu temporarily hid behind a box to avoid being discovered by them.

"What? Someone broke into the research base?! Tell me clearly what's going on! Also, what about my experimental body?"

The doctor's expression fell into extreme ferocious and madness, and he grabbed a guard and shook it vigorously.

The guard was helpless and did not dare to push him away: "Doctor, you don't need to panic, this matter has been sent to deal with it, and there will be results soon! And your two experimental subjects, the aliens just Confirmed dead, the other one was rescued and his whereabouts are unknown."

Upon hearing this news, the doctor grabbed the few hairs with both hands and snarled frantically: "You trash, do you know that this is the last alien test body? Just the last bit of data, you can succeed immediately, why not Protect it? Stupid, all idiots!!!"

The doctor fell to the bottom, desperate.

The alien subject died, and in the end, all efforts were wasted!

This sentiment also infected other scientific researchers, who fell into silence one after another.

However, the guards did not understand these so-called experimental data at all, and stared at the doctor coldly.

These two groups of people, the proper thing is that the talent meets the It is unreasonable.


When the two sides were in a stalemate, suddenly, a gunshot sounded.

A bullet pierced the guard's neck and lay down in a pool of blood.

Lu Yu walked slowly from behind, carrying people on his back.

When he saw Lu Yu and the person on his back, the doctor's eyes lit up, and he swooped in three steps and two steps.

Coming to the front, grabbing Lu Yu's clothes, he became a little excited: "You...are you here to save this experimental subject? This base has been destroyed, I can go back with you and work for you, as long as you are willing Give me the subject!"

The doctor doesn't care who works for.

He was full of brains, only the data, and the test body behind Lu Yu.

As long as you get these, it's the same everywhere!

It is a pity that Lu Yu didn't catch a cold at all when he embraced him.

Ignoring the latter, Lu Yu aimed at the upper ventilation duct.

Above it, there is a giant fan spinning hula la, outside is a steep snow peak, below is an endless ice field.

Lu Yu banged several shots to stop the fan, then put the person on his back on the ventilation duct and crawled in.

Knocked his feet and kicked the fan out of the ventilation duct.

Upon seeing this, the researchers present also wanted to climb out.

However, the years of scientific research have made them weak and unable to climb up for a long time.

"! Take me with you, I'll go back with you, and leave the test subject!"

The Doctor Zhuangruo yelled frantically, but his fat body made him feel like a meat ball, unable to get up at all.

Lu Yu turned his head and glanced at him contemptuously: "Those of your experiments make me feel disgusting! It's not my race, and their hearts will be different. Let's bury it at the bottom of the mountain with your team."

After speaking, he leaped down without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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