Chapter 117

– Oooh ooh ooh!

The monster is howling. That too while shooting down Park Si-joon’s windshield.

Park Si-joon clenched his teeth and quickly put on the equipment.

“It’s a new car, you bastard!”

Trolls were also attached to the car door.

They were smashing down the door with their thick axes.

“You filthy troll bastards!”


Park Si-joon kicked the door hard and pushed the troll away.



Park Si-jun raised his sword as hard as he could while roaring, and struck it down at once.

The troll’s body was split in half.

“Live like this…!”

Trolls surrounded the car. No, it wasn’t just cars, it was occupying the streets.

“I wonder if I’ve ever been angry!”


Park Si-jun grabbed a sword and swept the nearby trolls.

– Human, kill!

“You die!”

It was literally like a storm.

Park Si-joon cut off the head of the troll blocking the front, and cut off the upper body after blocking the flying ax with a scabbard.

After stepping on the advancing angle of the enemy immediately behind him, he smashed it at once with a shredder.

– Whoa!

“Damn it.”

Park Si-jun, who had dealt with the besieging trolls at once, spit and spat out.

The car was in a state of disrepair due to the attacks of the trolls.

“It’s a new car!”

It was also a hot new car that had been pulled out for less than an hour. He couldn’t contain his anger.

“Oh, man! Over there!”


“Baby, why are you mad at me!”

Lee Soo-young, who was in the car, pointed across the road.

– Oooh ooh ooh!

“What kind of combination is this again?”

There was a giant giant running rampant with a traffic light.

It was impressive to wield a traffic light that had been torn from somewhere.

‘A giant has one eye. That one.’

It was Cyclops.

Park Si-jun frowned. It’s a weird combination.

“…something strange?”

Suddenly a monster appeared. Then there must be a crack.

But no matter where I looked, I couldn’t find any cracks. There are only monsters.


Park Si-jun calmly used his intuition to detect the presence of his surroundings.

“…why are there so many monsters?”

“Oh, there are many?!”

The presence of monsters was felt not only on this road, but everywhere.

Not just one or two, but dozens, or maybe even more than a hundred.

– Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

-monster! Mo, a monster!

Unsurprisingly, I could hear people screaming from nearby.

Whoop, whoop!

– Kyaaaaah!

And I heard the howling of a monster.

Park Si-jun held the sword.

“Hey, get ready.”

“Prepare, what…!”

“What is it?”

As soon as Park Si-jun raised his sword, a group of goblins rushed in.

“Ready to fight monsters.”


His sword slashed the head of the goblin coming in from the front at once.

The following series of attacks quickly dealt with the rest of the goblins.

“There are too many monsters. I can’t stand here. We’ll have to find out what happened.”

“Ooh, what do we do?”

“Don’t worry about Simi. The problem is you.”

– Aww!

Ishimi, who has already returned to the form of Imoogi, climbed onto Park Si-jun’s shoulder.

All she had left was Lee Soo-young.

“Do you have any weapons?”

“Oh, yes. I have a sword.”

“It’s fine. You said you’re going to experience a real battle against a monster soon?”

“Uncle, please…”

Lee Soo-young’s eyes trembled.

“Let’s do some practice quickly.”

“Uncle hey hey hey…”

Lee Soo-young, who knew Park Si-joon’s intentions, cried out.

* * *


“Sa, save me! Monster…!”

“Come here!”

“Damn, too many numbers!”

The road was literally a mess.

Monsters that destroy everywhere, people being chased by them, and players trying to stop the monsters.

It was literally Abigail.

“Ugh, ooh!”

A two-headed troll tried to slash the man’s head with an axe.

The man screamed, but no one could help.

“Save me…!”

An arrow flew at the same time as the frightened man squeezed his eyes shut.

An arrowhead lodged in the troll’s head.

– Whoa!

The leather was tough and didn’t go deep, but it was enough to stop the movement.

– Ka… … !

The sword engulfed in the sword slashed the troll’s head at once.

“It’s okay?”

“Yes? Uh, ah, yes.”

“Then get up quickly and run away. Over there. I can’t protect you anymore.”

The man took the pouring troll’s blood with a blank expression on his face, and woke up belatedly.


Then he hurriedly wiped the blood and quickly ran across the road to the place where the players were gathered.

Park Si-jun sighed.

“What is this?”

No one was alone in danger. Still, it was worth helping, as my honor rises every time I help.

“Ah, uncle! Can I say I can’t fight this?! I can’t fight!”

“…I can’t be alone.”

– Kyaong.

Lee Soo-young was fighting the goblins from behind.

“Calm, calmly…!”

Lee Soo-young was fighting with a dagger in both hands and quick movements.


– Kya ha ha!

He knocked the goblin’s leg off with a surprise kick, knocking him out of position and then slamming a dagger down the back of his neck quickly.


Cross the dagger to block the goblin’s attack, or cut off the nape of the neck with a counterattack.

It was pretty great.

– Kia ah!

– Aaaaaaah!

“Chi, calm down… See, it’s disrespectful to fight with the two of you!”

It was a good fight with 1:1. The problem was that when one enemy passed, it was overpowered.

As three goblins surrounded him, Lee Soo-young was noticeably struggling.

‘I thought I wouldn’t be able to fight at all.’

Players who fight for the first time often get terrified and do not perform at their best.

Lee Soo-young hadn’t even entered the training camp, so I thought it would be more, but it wasn’t.

‘It’s a pleasant mistake.’

“Ah, uncle! Don’t just look at me with joy! Help me!”

It was not a time to be happy.


– Goo-oh-oh…

I summoned Yellowy after a long time.

He let out a long roar as if he was happy with the fresh air.

“Watch him. If he’s in danger, help him, or leave him alone.”

– Whoa, whoa… … .

“Uncle, aren’t you doing too much?!”

Yellowy followed orders.

Seeing this, Soo-Young Lee screamed, but she didn’t understand.


Park Si-jun used magic and a bow to help people nearby.

Wipe it out with attack magic, or bind it with dissolve.

Woo woo woo!

As I was thinking about what to do, my phone rang.

It was a call from Kim Ha-sung.

-Bar, Si-Jun Park! Can you hear me?

“Then can’t you hear me? Speak up quickly. I’m a little busy right now.”

-… Are you on site?!

Kim Ha-sung’s voice brightened.

Even if he didn’t say what scene he was talking about, I could tell.

“Yeah, I was attacked on my way back. Now my car is smashed!”


Park Si-jun could not fight his anger and cut the approaching Orc in half.

“This isn’t a crack!”

-Yes. Our guess is… I think the villains solved it.

“I think so… it seems like it!”


The ice cannons created by Si-Jun Park blew out cold air. Cannonballs swept the monsters.

– Well, maybe… Can you save the people there? I sent a rescue team in a hurry right now, but I think there will be a lot of damage before that.

“I’m still doing it. There must be some kind of reward, right?”

-Absolutely. It was an emergency, so I put a big bounty on it. You will definitely be satisfied.

“That’s good.”

It’s not bad, but there was one more thing I personally wanted to get.

“And my car…”

-… You said it was smashed. I’ll keep you waiting in the same car.

“That’s good. I’ll hang up.”

A small smile appeared on the corner of Park Si-joon’s lips.

I can only guess why Kim Ha-sung’s side came out in such a low-key stance.

“You need an undead?”

Unfortunately, it is impossible to summon as many undead as then, but it is enough to clear up the situation now.

“Get up.”

Park Si-jun converted his honor to divine power, and created a morale.

The dead monsters became undead one by one and began to rise.

That number is about one hundred.

“Go. Attack your people.”

– Whoa, whoa… … !

The undead rushed. And they attacked their former comrades.

– What, what, these guys!

-The dead are resurrected!

The monsters that attacked people were greatly embarrassed. They fought against the attacking undead.

“Uh, undead?”

“Why do the undead use monsters…”


The eyes of the players who were fighting the monsters gleamed.

have seen A while ago, on Viewtube.

“Park Si-jun!”

People’s eyes turned to Park Si-joon. Their faces brightened.


– Kyahoo!

Ishimi, who realized Park Si-jun’s intentions, immediately summoned the spirit.(Read more @

Fire spirits, Ifrit and Salamander.

The wind spirits, Sylph and Sylphid, appeared in the air.

“Support me.”

– oh oh oh!

Ishimi cried loudly.

Park Si-joon gathered his strength with his posture low and ran out.

‘First, save the people.’

Players outside the field will gather anyway. It’s not too late to save people first, and deal with the monsters later.

It was also because it was difficult to use skills because people and monsters were mixed.



Si-Jun Park, who received Silph’s support, roamed everywhere at high speed.

In the meantime, he killed the monsters that tried to attack people and rescued them.

“Follow these guys!”

“Yeah, Heo Eok! It’s undead!”

And he made them follow the undead or Ifrit.

‘Faster, more.’

Park Si-jun activated a high-speed sprint and moved at a faster speed.

Ordinary people had a hard time following his new model.

“Oh, thank you!”

“Thank you thank you……!”

As the undead and the spirits dealt with the monsters, and Park Si-jun rescued the people, the situation quickly improved.

“Arrival on site! We’re going to rescue people… What? You’ve already saved them all?”

“There may be others left! Find them first while dealing with monsters! The undead are your allies!”

Even the players who came to support arrived there. Then the number of monsters decreased rapidly.

Then Park Si-joon came out.

“Go over there. You over there. There are people in that building too, so go. Hurry!”

“I don’t know how I know… I’ll find out first!”

“Don’t go alone. You and that one, the four of you. Because there are many monsters.”


Park Si-jun discovered people who had not yet been rescued by means of presence detection.

And he informed the players of their location and let them save them instead.

‘… What?’

The player who was moving after hearing the command tilted his head.

I came here to make money, so why am I following his orders? I couldn’t understand

‘Fame rises… … .’

Park Si-jun continued to give orders and rescued people in danger.

Each time he did, his fame rose. Not just one or two, like crazy.

‘It’s a good opportunity to upgrade your talent.’

Park Si-jun ran to save people as if the soles of his feet were on fire.

He was trying to raise the trait, but the people who watched it took it differently.

“I’m moving without stopping…”

“I’ve never seen such a player before.”

I’ve never seen a player who works so hard to save people.

A light of admiration was mixed in the eyes of those who looked at Park Si-jun.


He didn’t even know.

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