Chapter 126

sold out to 8 billion.

“Tongue, brother.”


“Congratulations on becoming rich…?”

Kim Baek-kyung’s voice trembled. Park Si-joon was also surprised.

‘I thought it would sell expensive.’

I didn’t know it would go up to 8 billion.

The amount was beyond my imagination, so it didn’t even feel real.

“Congratulations. I can put it in the bank and live on interest only.”

“Did you get it while catching the dragon?”

“Uh. How do you know that?”

“I saw it on Viewtube.”

Last time, I edited all the videos related to the four dragons and uploaded them to Viewtube.

The reaction was, of course, explosive.

“…I also subscribed.”

Lee Min-ah blushed slightly.

Park Si-jun sighed. Maybe that kind of attitude misunderstood people and sparked dating rumors.

“When will the deposit be made?”

“As soon as the auction is over. I will deposit money into my account, so please wait.”

“Is that possible?”

“It must have been because it was possible.”

Park Si-joon took a deep breath.

If it were another player, he would start worrying about taxes as soon as he received 8 billion, but he was different.

‘I say duty-free.’

Duty-free for player-related activities.

This will also be the case.

“…Hey, are you okay?”

“Uh, uh. I have something to think about.”

“If you have a lot of money, buy a few buildings. You will retire later… No. If that’s enough, you won’t have to worry about retirement.”

Hatherin laughed bitterly.

In the meantime, the auction went on.

Starting with Park Si-Jun’s stuff, more and more high-end items were coming out.

“It’s all in 1 billion units.”

How much money is going in and out of this auction house today?

I couldn’t even guess.

“If it were you, Isaac might want to meet you.”

“You want to meet me? Why?”

“That man, he sponsors players with the proceeds from this.”


It was an unexpected word.

A player who has come all the way to this place would have enough money, but how do they support it?

No, why sponsorship in the first place?

“I don’t know for sure, but he said he lost both his wife and children during the cataclysm. Could that be the cause?”

“Did you lose it to a monster? Or.”

“I don’t know for sure. But I might have lost it to a villain or a mine. I hate that person, those guys.”

I was in a similar situation to myself.

“Well, rather than money, items or materials… I heard that you sponsor it. If you have a chance, see you.”

“Yeah, it wouldn’t be bad.”

There’s no reason to refuse if you’re giving it away for free.

Park Si-joon watched the auction and glanced at Lee Min-ah.

“Everyone, today I…”


She was in the middle of filming a video with her smartphone.

‘He’s also become a view tuber.’

Rather, you should blame yourself for not thinking of taking that picture.

“…well, what are you looking at?”

“No, because I wanted to become a view tuber.”

“The marketing department told me to take a video. So…”

Lee Min-ah let out her sigh.

She suddenly remembered, and when she looked at her channel, she had 300,000 subscribers.

“I don’t think it would be bad for you and me to join together once. How about it?”

“Didn’t I tell you last time? I… I don’t really care.”

“Is it going to be okay for both of you? I heard that there was a dating rumor or something.”

Kim Baek-kyung suddenly interrupted.

Then Hasherin intervened.

“Ugh, please stop dating rumors this time. It’s pretty annoying to deal with, isn’t it?”

“I’m not interested in him.”


At Park Si-jun’s words, Lee Min-ah’s expression became strange.

“It feels weird. I have to say it’s offensive because it’s cut short…”

Wherever I go, I don’t get this kind of treatment.

As Lee Min-ah was trying to choke her, she noticed that her wine glass was empty.

“Ah, there. Wait a minute.”

Lee Min-ah grabbed her waiter who was passing by and grabbed her wine glass she was holding.

“thank you.”

“No, I’m sorry.”

The waiter smiled and left.

Park Si-joon looked at him without thinking.



She felt her intuition warn her.


A waiter passes by. Then the warning of intuition began to weaken.


Intuition warns of danger.

It means that that woman will bring some great danger to Park Si-joon.

But, why?

‘Besides, great power… … .’

I felt it from the female waiter.

Park Si-jun whispered into Ha Seo-rin’s ear next to him.

“Oh, what is it? Go away.”

“Hey, waiters are also selected as players here, aren’t they? They’re good at that too.”

“Are you a player? No, a waiter is just a waiter. Well, he must have been more educated than the average waiter, right?”

That’s right.

There is no reason for the player to work as a waiter. I don’t know if it’s a hobby.

“…I’ll be there for a while.”

“Where are you going?”

“Toilet, big one. Take care of him.”

Hatherin was terrified.

Park Si-jun entrusted her with her Ishimi. Ishimi was dozing off, tired of her auctions.

And he quickly followed the female waiter.

‘Where are you going?’

Park Si-jun hid his presence as much as possible.

The woman walked a long way down her hallway and then she went into the women’s bathroom.

‘Is it just a feeling?’

There was nothing suspicious about the action.

Just an ordinary waiter. But the problem was that my intuition wasn’t like that.

‘Intuition doesn’t lie.’

He never lost money by trusting his intuition. So it will be this time.

Park Si-jun hid himself nearby and waited for the woman to come out.

But no matter how long he waited, the woman did not come out.

‘what? why not me… … .’

Just as Park Si-joon was frustrated, a man came out of the women’s bathroom.

Muscular man in a suit.

His appearance was familiar.


Why is he in the women’s bathroom?

‘No, no. Something’s strange.’

As soon as he saw Eston, his head pounded. It was a different feeling than seeing him in the hall.

‘It’s like the waiter from a while ago.’

His mind was complicated. Why?

Eston looked around for a moment and then began to move his steps again.


After pondering for a moment, Park Si-joon detected a presence inside the bathroom.

‘No one is here.’

He had no signs of being felt. The only one in the bathroom was Aston.

‘The waiter entered. But the waiter disappeared and only Aston came out. Is he a disguise?’

I couldn’t understand.

‘… I will follow you.’

Park Si-jun made the most of his stealth and pursued him.

As he was walking down the hallway for a while, Aston happened to run into a guard passing by.

“Uh, Mr. Aston. Where are you going? Aren’t you in charge of storage today?”

“Ah, I have something to talk about about security. I’m on my way to the stage.”

Park Si-jun frowned.

‘Did you talk in the bathroom?’

Something was strange.

After breaking up with the guard, Aston walked again.

Park Si-joon, who looked at the back of his face, made a decision.

‘Let’s hit it.’

know each other face-to-face. You’ll see how you react.

“Hey there, there’s a guard.”

Aston was walking down the hallway and stopped. And he looked back at Park Si-joon.

“Yes, sir. How are you?”

“I want to go to the bathroom, ah, it’s too big here. I don’t know where the bathroom is.”

Park Si-jun smiled brightly.

“The bathroom is over there…”

“I’m really sorry, could you please guide me to the restroom?”

“…Are you talking about guidance?”

Aston looked slightly perplexed.

Asking the guard to take you to the bathroom is ridiculous.

“Because I’m a little tame. If it’s just this, I can go alone, you just need to guide me up to that point.”


Eston nodded his head. Seeing this, Park Si-joon’s eyes narrowed.

‘You don’t know me?’

Although it was brief in the hall, I even exchanged greetings with Park Si-joon. there is no way to know

Park Si-jun took a small breath.

‘who are you?’

Aston walking in front looked like a mysterious monster.

“You can go this way. There is a guide in the middle, so it won’t be difficult to find.”

“Yes, thank you.”

Park Si-jun bowed his head.

Aston was about to go back the way he had come without any doubt.

‘I don’t know who it is.’

Park Si-joon grabbed the sleeves of his clothes.

A wooden dagger and nature flowed through them and entered his grasp.

He just used poison. The turbid poison was young on a natural day.

‘Let’s attack first.’

A shadow covered Si-Jun Park. He used his deathbed while hiding.

Whoa… … .

The blade wrapped in shadows slammed into Aston’s back.

It was a fatality that was strengthened even more fatally by the effects of nature.


He didn’t even respond.

It was only natural that he never imagined he would be attacked.

“Ugh…! What!”

“Mr. Eston.”

Park Si-jun rotated his dagger and took it in reverse. And without hesitation, he slapped his shoulder down.


Eston turned quickly, but the blade slid past his shoulder.

He had enough.

Destruction is like poison.

A skill that inflicts a fatal blow even if it misses.

“Ugh, aww!”

Shadows flowed into Aston’s body, paralyzing him.

poison there. A deadly venom poisoned his body.

“I don’t know?”

“Intruder! Villain! Hey, if anyone is listening…!”

“who are you?”

Park Si-joon’s face turned cold.

If this man is the real Estern, there’s no way he doesn’t know him.


Park Si-Jun changed his gloves to a gauntlet and rushed forward.

“The villain will be you!”

Advancement, the shredding power that continues from there.

Park Si-joon’s strike, which narrowed the distance at once, was directed at Aston’s abdomen.


Eston tried to avoid it, but felt his body’s movements slowed down.

He reluctantly pulled out his weapon.


Conflicting fists and swords.

Park Si-joon and Aston, each other’s impressions hardened.

‘You are higher than me.’

Park Si-jun was intuitive.

I don’t know if it’s real, but this Aston’s level was higher than mine.

for a long time too.


– Ooooooooh!

There is nothing that cannot be won.

Debuff of death and poisoning. If this is enough, the condition of the body is not normal.

Park Si-jun summoned Yellowy.

The guy who jumped out of the magic circle immediately ran towards Aston.

“Calm down! I…!”(Read more @

“If you were the real Aston, you wouldn’t know me!”

You can confuse faces, but you can never know them at all.

Park Si-jun attacked with confidence.

“…what, did you know each other?”

Hearing that, Aston’s expression changed drastically. expressionlessly.

“I would have done the investigation for sure, but where did you make a mistake? I didn’t hear that you and I knew each other.”

“That’s right!”


Park Si-joon slammed Aston down with his leg, and continued the attack with an unknown sword.

Until then, Yellowy’s attack.

“Because we’re not dating today!”

Aston frowned. The targets to be disguised were carefully examined.

The only time I missed it was when the hall suddenly became crowded.

‘It was then.’

Aston sighed heavily as he received the attack.

“…you made a mistake.”

Eston pulled something out of his arms and popped it right away.


Something exploded with a cheerful sound, and light filled the field of vision.

Park Si-jun frowned and stepped back. He was blind and his ears were deaf.

‘… Standing!’

But he couldn’t even paralyze Park Si-jun’s senses. He sensed the presence of his surroundings and moved.

“Still, it’s too late… K-hak!”


Park Si-jun’s sword pierced Aston’s abdomen. Aston stumbled heavily at the completely unexpected attack.


– Goo!

If it was Yellowy, it would be visible even in this light. He ordered the guy to attack Eston.

“…Boy, do you mean you can see it? Still!”

– Whoa!

In my ears, I heard the sound of something hitting the wall.

Park Si-joon looked around with his eyes recovered belatedly.

No one was there.

“Damn! Where did you go?”

He looked for signs everywhere, but he felt nothing.

There was no fake Aston anywhere.

“Yellow! Are you okay?”

– Whoa… … .

“Write. Go in and rest.”

Yellowy was nailed to the wall.

His arm was completely smashed. Reluctantly, I reverse-summoned him.

Park Si-jun was vigilant about his surroundings.

‘Where… … . Are you alone? No, I can’t work alone.’

It is highly probable that several

‘Their goals are… … .’

He had nothing to worry about.

S+ grade item. It was the only thing a villain could covet.

“What? What’s going on?”

“Blood… quickly call the guard!”

Hearing the commotion, people began to flock. Their suspicious eyes turned to Park Si-joon.

‘driving me crazy.’

No time to explain. Park Si-jun ran towards the hall without hesitation.

I feel bad.

I had a very ominous feeling.

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