Chapter 186

The time has come to move.

Park Si-jun turned on the broadcast without any hesitation. I saw viewers who had just come in chatting.

But now was not the time to worry about it.

“I’m a little busy today, so I won’t mind chatting.”

-What? Is it a declaration of No-Mike Pakgame?

There is only one reason to turn on the broadcast. It was to raise the ability to the maximum with a crazy presence.

‘Let’s get up to 15% of the maximum today.’

There was enough publicity for that.


Monsters are coming What to do in this situation? Park Si-jun knew his role well.

“Park Si-jun! Get some troops!”

‘I know.’

The subjugation team fought better than expected. Maybe even if you leave it like this, you won’t be pushed by those monsters.

If I had driven it, I would have driven it out.

However, the goal of the subjugation group is not to catch these monsters. It was a catch-up.

‘I attract the attention of the monsters.’

A black energy emanated from Park Si-jun’s body. He detected the presence of corpses around him with his senses.

‘have. in the snow.’

There were corpses buried beneath the snowy field. a lot of it too. Is it a human or a monster?

It wasn’t his concern now.

“Get up.”

Black energy was scattered in all directions.

The scattered energy permeated the ground and awakened the dead who were sleeping underground.

-… … . … … ?

The Ice Elemental, which was rushing towards the subjugation team, stopped. Something caught on toe.

The moment the indifferent eyes looked down on the ground.

– Whoa!

-… … !

The blade that rose from the basement pierced the Ice Elemental. Not one, but many.

An old blade that pierces the ice.

Among them, there was a blade that pierced the core of the spirit. The body of the Ice Spirit, which had lost its core, collapsed in an instant.

– Whoa… … !

– Grrr… … .

The dead stand up on the frozen ground.

The number was large enough to reach two hundred.

As usual, Yellowy would have led them.

“Yorong, you go to the forest. If anyone approaches, let them know and block them as much as possible.”

– Whoa.

The guy had a job to do.

Leaving Yellowy. Park Si-Jun transferred his ability by transferring his ability and created a black aura.

A black aura scattered around them dwelled on the dead bodies. It was an ominous aura that strengthened the undead and terrified the enemies.


There was no need to issue complicated orders. Park Si-jun loudly gave orders to the undead.

“Sweep all those monsters away!”

– Whoa whoa!

The dead are rushing The players who watched it were captivated for a moment.

“Uh, it’s undead! Did the enemy summon it?”

“You idiot! Allies! Fight using the undead as a shield! Go through the monsters and go to the place where you can return!”

Erika calmed the bewildered subjugation team. She took a giant battle ax and stepped out in front of her.

“The Red Warriors will clear the way! Follow me!”

Erica and the warriors bravely took the lead.

The Red Warriors Guild was a guild famous for having excellent warrior players.

“Oh oh oh oh!”

Erica, who was at the forefront of running, called out a walk lie. Her warrior’s cries strengthened her allies and weakened nearby enemies.


The warriors smashed the ground in unison.

At the same time, a shock wave bursting out ran through the ground.

shock wave. The monsters involved were smashed. And the undead squeezed into that empty spot.

The following players started to attack the monsters using the undead as a shield.

Kururu, bang!

In the meantime, the wizards desperately blocked the falling lightning with a shield.

And the monsters and subjugation battalions under it.

“Short the distance!”

“When the shield is maintained, close the distance as much as possible!”

“We can’t last long!”

The wizards continued to drink magic potions while maintaining their shields. The shield was still holding up, but it looked precarious.

‘Is it time?’

Erica bit her lip as she slashed her monster. There is also a limit to maintaining a shield.

If you do, you will be swept away by that natural disaster.

‘Is that guy infinite magic… … !’

Waiting for the magic power to run out is also pointless. We must close the distance unconditionally and prevent him from using magic.

can you do it or can’t you



Then someone passed by Erica.

A new, blurry like a long shadow.

She narrowed her eyes. It was Park Si-jun.

He dug right into the middle of the monsters.

-… … ? … … !

-Carr… … .

The monsters created by Hwansu made incomprehensible sounds.

What I do know is that they have great hostility towards them.

– Kirreuk!

Monsters attacked Park Si-joon with shouts.

The ice spirits changed their body like sharp blades and narrowed the distance.

An ice blade that seemed to cut even steel with ease. Many ice arrows flying in the sky with him

“Park Si-Jun!”

I heard someone scream.

Park Si-jun took no action. He simply raised the Magi that remained quietly.


The rising black energy became a solid barrier, blocking the enemy’s attacks. The blade of the ice spirit that struck the curtain was about to break.

Not to mention the flying arrows.

-… … !

The Ice Elementals made an unknown sound and were startled. Park Si-jun looked up at the monsters that surrounded him.

“It’s nice to get together on your own.”

-… … ?

The moment when the monsters are puzzled by those words.


The black energy that surrounded Park Si-joon turned into intense flames. With a huge flame that surrounds everything.

A flame of ominous light bursting from the center of him swept the surrounding monsters at once.

-… … !

-key… … !

The body made of ice melted in an instant, and the nucleus inside it exploded at once.

Park Si-jun held the sword without looking at the monsters’ fragments. His sword was young with the flames of the Cheonma Ganggi.

‘It’s a skill I’ve recently learned.’

It was a skill, so it was a leftover skill. Because he just loaded the magic as if he were loading the sword on the blade.

But the effect was clear.


Park Si-jun ran wild like an angry horse while dealing with the fierce flames. The monsters hit there could not even resist properly and melted.

“Push! Attack harder!”

The subjugation squad followed.

Erika fought desperately as if this was her last chance, and narrowed the distance with Hwansu.

-… Cre.

Seeing that, Kaios growled. He looked at the subjugation team like a bug.


trampled on the ground vigorously. Then the ground shook, and a strong cold arose around him.

The cold air that had arisen spread out in a circle around the water exchange. The scene looked like a landslide.


“I can’t see ahead!”

The players screamed. It felt like being caught in a landslide on a snowy mountain.

It was unbearably cold. I literally feel like my whole body is freezing… …



But the players were fine.

There were places like armor that were frozen or covered in thin ice, but his body did not freeze.

When I think about it, the cold doesn’t seem that bad either. The cold is cold, but enough to endure.

-… What?

Seeing that, Kaios was puzzled.

He used intense cold magic. To the extent that human beings have no choice but to freeze.

But the people under your feet.

– Why are you all okay?

Although it was hard on the incoming cold, his body did not freeze. It was impossible.

Somewhere in the body must be frozen.

“Why? It sucks.”

The reason was simple. The food that Park Si-jun fed the subjugation team, the cold resistance there.

Thanks to it and the cold protection effect, it was able to not freeze even with that powerful freezing magic.

“Ah, yes! Buff! Ha, this is true.”

Erica laughed out loud. I had forgotten that the effect of the buff had cold resistance.

No, even if I had known, I would have thought that it would have such an effect.

“Wizard, archer! Rear Joe!”

Kaios is losing his mind as if in embarrassment.

It’s an opportunity. Erica gave orders to the ranged attack squad, which had been waiting in the rear until now.

“Shoot it!”

The long-distance players who had quickly re-established their stance poured out their skills all at once.

Rain of arrows shot from the sky, a charge shot with powerful power, and even powerful fire magic.

All kinds of magic attacked Chaos.

“Wings! Aim for the wings!”

The main target of the players’ attacks was the huge wing of Chaos.

I don’t know anything else, but I have to stop that guy from flying.

It was from that thought.

– Kyaaaaah!

Kaios cried out in pain. Its gigantic wings began to flap.

He was about to soar into the sky.

“Where! Use bind!”

It was a fact that any person in the subjugation team already knew that a gnome would fly into the sky.

What Erika was most wary of was that as soon as Kaios met him, he soared into the sky.

So she has prepared her own countermeasures.


That’s the bind magic scroll.

As the wizards tore the scroll, a whip of light erupted from the ground. The whip bound Kaios’ body and prevented it from flying.


A continuous attack, a bind that tied the body. Chaos was forced to set foot on the ground.

The guy glared at the subjugation team fiercely.

– Creepy… … .

“His feet are tied! Now stone…!”

“No, don’t go!”

When Erica was about to give the order to rush, Park Si-jun, who was watching, suddenly intervened.

“It splits left and right! Hurry up!”

“What? Suddenly what…!”

The moment when Erica reacted to the sudden remark.


Intense magical powers gathered in Kaios. The magical power quickly clenched and exhibited the property of lightning.

Something’s unusual

“Get away…!”


In an instant, a flash of light flashed.

I had no choice but to express it.

The huge Hwansu’s body was engulfed in lightning and dyed pure white. Then it literally ran in a straight line like lightning.

“Woah ah ah ah ah!”


Right in the middle of the subjugation squad.

The sound of lightning bolts in all directions, the fishy smell of burning flesh, and a terrible scream.

Park Si-jun opened his closed eyes.


Silence came out of nowhere. In the place where Hwansu passed, there was a huge soot in a straight line.

And around them were burnt and crushed players.

Those numbers were not alone.

“Does a person who uses magic know how to use something like this?”

“Buu, heal the wounded! Where is the return…!”

“My colleague! Heal me from here!”

The subjugation team fell into chaos in an instant.

Seeing their comrades seriously injured, the players raised their voices and called the priests. The priests rushed to heal the wounded.

“Damn, while the undead are blocking the monsters, hurry up and heal!”

Erica bit her lip.

It was unbelievable speed and power. You’ll realize the danger later, but it’s already too late.

‘About a third of… … ‘

That amount of damage was done in one attack.

Kaios, who did the damage, was looking down at the subjugation team from where it was originally located.

His wings are flapping.

“No! You can’t let it fly!”(Read more @

Erica exclaimed hastily. However, the situation was too congested because of the attacking monsters.

There was no one who could afford to stop Chaos.

‘How, how should I… … ‘

Something appeared in Erika’s troubled eyes.

At the feet of Kaios soaring into the sky. A new form of man was seen there.

It was Park Si-jun.

‘Why don’t you keep using the attack from a while ago?’

Under the shadow of Hwansu, Park Si-jun thought.

If you keep using that attack, the subjugation team will be annihilated without even having a chance to respond.

that it didn’t.

‘A lot of mana is consumed? Or do you need time to recharge? So are you flying?’

It didn’t change the fact that either side had to drop him to the ground.

Chaos is flying higher. If he shoots the same magic as he did before from high in the sky, he has no way of dealing with it.

He must drop it before that.


As always, there was a way.

Park Si-joon clenched his sword, the nameless sword.

Memories of the fights won by holding the sarong. The effect obtained by feeding it, summoning a special undead.

‘You said you were sacrificing something.’

I don’t know what the sacrifice was, but it doesn’t seem to be directly related to my life. If it was, my intuition would have warned me like crazy.

‘Still, I don’t know.’

Park Si-joon raised his magic as much as possible and converted his honor into divine power. He wondered if it might help to relieve the burden.

“Heukwoon, let’s do something.”

uh uh

A young black energy moved softly on Park Si-joon’s wrist. The magic he had previously fed him began to flow into his body.


The nameless sword in his hand vibrated violently.

And the sword began to greedily suck up the magic that Park Si-jun had.

without leaving any.

“Turn it off…”

– Kyaw… … .

It wasn’t a very pleasant feeling. Seeing Si-Jun Park frowned, Ishimi cried anxiously.

But it wasn’t as heavy as I thought.

‘This is worth doing.’

The nameless sword that had absorbed a lot of magic was dyed black.

Park Si-jun raised his sword toward the air as if possessed by something.

“Come out.”

While aiming precisely at the flying chaos.

“A dragon.”

said the starter. OK.

Bump, jump!

Right in front of Kaios, the empty space shattered like a broken window.

As if a crack appeared.

– Cree, this is… … ?

Kaios frowned at the sudden change.

The moment he tries to deal with his unexplained anxiety.

Get a card!

The crack cracked loudly.

And a bony arm protruding from between them grabbed Kaios’s neck.

– Big… … ?!

Completely broken cracks. A huge monster appeared from the space. A monster with only bones in its body, reaching hundreds of meters in size.

– Aaaaaaaaaah!

The dragon appeared.

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