Chapter 19

And finally that day has come.

‘Are we finally going to the Abyss?’

Day to Abyss. Park Si-jun and other trainees have been on the bus since early morning.

The bus was heading to Namsan in Seoul.

‘The day will come when I will go to the Abyss.’

When he was initially assessed for potential, he thought it might be tough.

When he wasn’t given the choice of the surname behind him, his eyes just went dark.

But this day will come

‘Well, I’m only at the starting point… … .’

The current situation was quite satisfactory.

Si-Jun Park picked up the reader and started reading the novel.

‘Reading this will fill the stack.’

This was the last novel. Now I can implement one novel I’ve read.

Manifestations can only be used on novels read while filling the stack. This means that you cannot write to the novel you read when you filled the previous stack.


As Park Si-jun was reading his novel, he heard a coughing sound from the seat next to him. It was Lee Min-ah.

She was looking out of her window pretending she wasn’t.

However, she was a glimmer of something she wanted to say.


Park Si-jun ignored it.

Then the groan grew louder. He couldn’t ignore it any longer.

“…do you really want to sit next to me?”

“There is no place to sit in the same group.”

“No seats? Yes?”

Park Si-jun looked around.

In fact, the trainees were sitting together and having a friendly conversation.

‘Is it like a university group assignment?’

Outsiders like Park Si-joon and Lee Min-ah tend to be reluctant to do such group assignments.

‘I think a lot of people are looking for him.’

Still, it’s the second seat of the training camp. There must have been a lot of people who wanted a good trainee.

Because there were such people to Park Si-joon himself.

‘I turned down the offer because I thought it would be better for me to do it alone, but he… … .’

Park Si-joon’s eyes twitched.

Not having friends is an excuse, and there must be some other reason.

“Did you check the equipment I brought?”

“Uh, they were all C+ level. That sounds good.”

“I could have brought more than that, but the ones that could be used for training were up to C+ grade. He said he didn’t need a sword…”

Lee Min-ah glanced at Park Si-joon’s sword.

‘Oriental sword. It doesn’t look very good.’

She tried to bring a better sword, but Park Si-jun refused. that this was done

“It’s a sword I just got, so I have to get used to it. For now, we’re just the two of us, are you okay?”

“Excellent… no, that’s fine.”

What Lee Min-ah wanted was to watch Park Si-joon fight. He’s much better off without anyone else.



After those words, there was silence between the two of them.

But the observers did not.

“They’re talking better than I thought.”

“Isn’t that what we hate each other…?”

Park Si-jun, Lee Min-ah. Both of them were the subjects of discussion at the training camp. The eyes of the trainees had no choice but to gather.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen anyone close with Lee Min-ah.”

“Is that close? Joonghyun-ah, do you see that?”


Han Joong-hyun, who was listening to the story, shrugged his shoulders.

He was also looking at Lee Min-ah.

‘Even if I die soon, I don’t want to do the same.’

Han Jung-hyun quietly clicked his tongue.

Lee Min-ah is not such a social person. It was the first time she had ever seen her try to be with someone.

‘Park Si-Jun, it’s Park Si-Jun… … .’

Han Jung-hyun’s face turned cold.

It’s a name that keeps coming to his ears these days. In fact, it is also the name of the one who interferes with him.

“What should I do?”

Han Joong-hyun’s fingers tapped his armrest.

“Come on, quiet. I’m sorry on the bus, but I don’t think I’ll have much time, so I’ll give a brief class about the Abyss here.”

Jung Soo-min in the front seat stood up as if trying to clear up the noisy bus.

Some trainees complained about it, but they didn’t care.

“Okay then… from the Cataclysm you all know.”

Ten years ago, a rift connected to the Abyss appeared around the world.

Enormous monsters poured out of the rift, slaughtering humans.

“People of future generations call it a cataclysm. It means a great catastrophe that has occurred in this world and a cataclysm that changed common sense.”

A desperate crisis facing mankind.

It was the rulers of the Abyss, now called the hinterland, who saved those humans.

They made contracts with those with potential and gave them some of their powers.

Those who signed the contract, now called players, awakened the status window and defeated the monsters by borrowing the power of the mastermind.

“Most of the rifts are closed, but there are some that haven’t closed yet. That’s this rift right here.”

Jung Soo-min pointed to the huge crack visible through the glass of the bus.

High barriers and soldiers guarded the rift.

‘That’s the gate… … .’

After the Cataclysm, huge rifts and gates were created all over the world leading to the Abyss.

And players can freely enter and exit the Abyss through such a gate.

“You know what you’ve seen and heard, but this inside is literally another world. The fantasy world you’ve seen in movies, games, and cartoons lies beyond this rift.”

The inside of the Abyss is a kind of fantasy world. A world where humans, all kinds of monsters, and different races exist.

Players build up their strength by fighting monsters and exploring dungeons, and build a village in that area by pioneering new areas.

‘It has been 10 years, but there are still many unexplored areas. There are not many villages.’

It wasn’t long before I started exploring the Abyss in earnest. about 5 years now.

It took that much time to rebuild a collapsed civilization and create a systematized system.

Rather, it could be said that it was over quickly.

“But it’s not that romantic. It’s a very dangerous place. It’s a dangerous place that could cost you your life if you’re not careful. But it’s not just a dangerous place either.”

No one will explore the Abyss if there is simply danger.

By exploring the Abyss and hunting monsters, you can get various items, magic stones, and coins.

‘Actually because of the money.’

They all make money and stimulate the players’ desire to explore.


The bus stopped in the parking lot. it has arrived

“…Then we all get off. When we get off, the staff of the association will go through the formalities. You just have to do what you are told and go to the place you are told to go. Okay?”

After getting off the bus, Si-Jun Park and his trainees went straight to the management office.

Going there, Si-Jun Park looked around.

‘Big. really.’

A crack the size of an apartment across the wall. The soldiers who guard it and the players belonging to the association.

It was just a sight to behold.


After the trainees’ formalities were over, it was Park Si-jun’s turn.

The name and age, the background behind the contract, the confirmation procedure and the examination followed.

“You are the famous trainee these days. The masterminds will be thirsty for you to come to the Abyss.”

“I wish I hadn’t waited.”

Park Si-jun laughed bitterly.

I have no intention of signing a contract anyway, so what are we going to do when we meet?

“Do you have any questions? If not.”

“Ah, let me ask you one thing. Do I have to go through the gate to get to the Abyss?”

“Didn’t you learn at the training camp?”

The male employee shook his head.

“Players trusted by the mastermind can go without using the gate. They receive special skills from the mastermind.”

“Ah, to the background…”

“I’m sorry, but you must be tough.”

There is no background for Park Si-joon. It probably won’t happen in the future.

he clicked his tongue

‘Do I have to come to the gate unconditionally?’

It would be nice if there was another way.

Park Si-jun left the management office and stood in front of the entrance to the crack. There were other trainees as well.

“Everyone, put on your gear.”

He gave back the equipment that Jung Soo-min had gathered.

Park Si-jun wore the equipment he received from Lee Min-ah.

‘Armor set, bow, dagger. Not bad.’

The equipment Lee Min-ah received from Nemesis.

All of them were C+ level, so it was usable. In terms of value, it will be between 10 million won and 20 million won.

‘I’ll just give you this.’

I can only guess the reason, but I was grateful that it was given away for free anyway.

‘I still don’t have any money.'(Read more @

Park Si-joon let out a small sigh.

How much money was left in his account? He must quickly adapt to the Abyss and earn enough money to live on.


As I was checking the equipment, I felt a stinging gaze from somewhere.

‘That guy, why are you staring at me?’

It was as if he was looking at the enemies of his parents.

Park Si-jun traced his memory and remembered who he was.

‘Ah, Kim Kyung-ho.’

He is a guy who moved together with other students during the practical exam.

Does he have any resentment because of his experience of being eliminated?

“Everyone has gathered.”

Jung Soo-min came to the place where the trainees gathered.

She led her trainees to the front of the gate and opened her mouth.

“There are two types of players: those who explore the Abyss, and those who only deal with monsters that appear on Earth instead of exploring the Abyss.”

Jung Soo-min looked up at the huge crack with her eyes wet with emotion.

“I don’t know what kind of player you’ll be in the future, but I hope you don’t forget this spectacle.”

The rift in front of you is the rift that has remained since the time of the Cataclysm.

Park Si-jun felt strange. And like the other trainees, they all had similar facial expressions.

“Then everyone goes in.”

Using the gate is very simple.

Just go through the cracks.

end with that Then you can go to the Abyss.

Of course, there are conditions. Except for the player who has awakened the status window, he cannot use the gate.

‘That’s the potential.’

Potential refers to the ability to manipulate the status window and at the same time to the qualification to use the gate.

“Are you ready?”

Lee Min-ah came to the side without a sound.

Park Si-jun nodded his head without hesitation.

‘It won’t be easy.’

Beyond this rift is a lawless area.

People kill people like monsters do. There may be some danger waiting.

‘It’s still worth the risk.’

Park Si-jun has tension and excitement, and a little bit of fear and interest.

He stepped over his cracks.

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