Chapter 203


Song Baek-chan was in deep darkness.

The surroundings are dark. He couldn’t see an inch ahead.

All he could do was wait for his eyes to get used to the darkness.

‘What are you doing here?’

It’s definitely on stage. What I am curious about is what the curtain covering the stage is used for.

Is it simply unfolded to block the inside from the outside?

– Sasak.

I heard something moving around me. and metric.

Song Baek-chan raised his head.

“I know you’re there. Come out.”

His gaze was directed towards the air. who locked him in this. Exactly where there is a man named Maengju.

A low laughter was heard in the air.

[Your senses are sharp as always.]

“Do I look like the old man who will turn up tomorrow?”

[If I had, I wouldn’t have come this far.]

Again, again. I heard someone walking.

Song Baek-chan looked straight ahead. A hazy figure appeared in the darkness, not even an inch ahead.

“Did you say Maengju? You have a grand name.”

[It’s not a name I like that much, but everyone calls me that.]

“Does it feel like a king when you treat thugs as subordinates?


Song Baek-chan grabbed the giant sword. He was ready to fight at any moment.

But on the other hand, Maeng-ju didn’t seem to want to do that.

Just spread his arms wide.


At that moment, something sprung up from the floor.

human shape. that’s not the only one

Ten, not enough dozens. Song Baek-chan frowned.

Their appearance was somehow familiar.

[Do you remember?]

A dim light shone in the darkness.

Then he saw a face he had never seen. Song Baek-chan’s eyes narrowed. All were familiar faces.

I don’t know who he is now, but he was someone he knew.

[These are the people you sacrificed to establish the justice you are today. There were your co-workers, your friends, your family.]

Those who fought together during the Cataclysm in the past. Those who fought with the government.

And those who formed the association together. They were once heroes, but not now.

“The ghosts of the past.”

He had a colleague. In today’s world, those who are praised as heroes. But some became villains, some became demons, and some died.

“Some people I killed and some I didn’t.”

Song Baek-chan snorted a little.

“So, you want me to feel guilty?”

[Did you have a conscience enough to feel that way?]

“Well. It’s been a while since I threw that away.”

Song Baek-chan stretched out one foot wide in front of him.

At the same time, his wide sword slashed the slowly approaching shadows in one stroke.

The shadows screamed and fell.

[How many people did you kill to keep the rules you set? Association and you… Do you remember the corpses of your victims?]

But for a moment, the fallen shadows rose again. Their appearance gradually began to change to ugly. Like a monster.

[I can’t remember.]

Song Baek-chan looked at Maeng-ju.

He didn’t know what he was doing.

He could only know that he had a strong hatred of himself and of the Players’ Association.

“Do you know why I am called the Iron-Blood Lord?”

A haze flowed from Song Baek-chan’s body.

It was magic. A huge amount of magic was scattered around, and the magic soon took on the form of a human.

– Clap!

Just in the form of a knight in splendid armor.

And not just one or two, but dozens, or almost a hundred. The knights surrounded Song Baek-chan as if escorting him.

“I don’t know if he brought me to this space with the intention of killing me, but if he thought that way, it would be a big mistake.”

The knights aimed their spears at the surrounding enemies. A smile crept on the corner of his mouth as he watched it.


Song Baek-chan, who was looking for an opportunity, rushed in.

The knights who supported him rushed forward in unison.

[You want to fight me in this space?]

The monsters that stood in the way were swept away by the spear and the blade. Song Baek-chan freely swung a sword wrapped in intense energy.

– Whoops!

Flames rose from the tip of the blade.

A huge fire engulfed the surroundings.

The approaching monsters were caught in the flames and burned down at once.

Song Baek-chan broke through the fire and rushed to Maeng-ju.

– Koo!

He twisted his waist wide as he hit the ground with his right foot. And with all his might, he aimed at his neck.

Meng Joo put her hands together. A muddy darkness hovered over his fingertips.

– Get a card!

approaching blade. Meng-ju spread out his gathered hands.

The squishy darkness quickly turned into a hideous gauntlet and wrapped around his hands.


Song Baek-chan’s greatsword was locked in the gauntlet.

Meng Joo was holding his sword with both hands. He let out a small sneer and trampled the ground.


A huge thorn that rose from the floor aimed at Song Baek-chan. A hideous string tied his ankles as he was about to retreat.

“this guy……!”

The lord stretched out both his hands wide behind him.

Darkness wrapped around his hand again.

He stepped forward with his foot and struck Song Baek-chan’s stomach.

– Kwaang!


The moment the fist pierced the stomach, the condensed dark energy exploded. The explosive energy hit Song Baek-chan’s stomach and spewed out from behind.

Song Baek-chan clenched his teeth.

“You have a tricky talent!”

He raised his sword high. At the same time, the knights from all directions rushed in aiming at the master.

A blade that slashes heavily with flames engulfed in it.

– Kaaan!

But all those attacks were blocked. The mud that rose from the floor blocked it like a shield.

Meng-ju suddenly changed his hand like a blade.


And he stabbed Song Baek-chan’s abdomen. His face contorted badly.


He swung his fists as he broke his back. Paang! The lord’s face turned wide.

At the same time, an explosion of flames hit his face.

– Puff!

Song Baek-chan kicked Maeng-joo’s stomach and swung his bayonet as he stepped back.

surprise attack.

Meng Joo’s stomach was greatly cut.

[Well… … .]

The guy staggered for a moment. Song Baek-chan was the same. He stepped back and pushed his stance.

‘The power is gone. Is it the power of this space?’

I felt that my movements were slower than usual. and power too. He stared at the mage.

‘… You don’t chase?’

I thought that this guy called the lord would come after me, but he was just watching.

His wounds healed quickly.

“Dude, what the hell is your purpose? To kill me? Or are you simply ruining this event?”

[Well, what do you think?]

“Isn’t there a grudge against me?”

Mengju laughed silently.

[no… … .]

obvious laughter.

[My purpose has already been achieved.]


The moment when Song Baek-chan frowned.

– Aww!

The black curtain disappeared with a roar.

* * *

A fierce battle was taking place on the defensive line. Meanwhile, Seohyun Lee was also there.

“Damn things.”

There was something like black debris in front of her. Her spirit that fought fiercely with her is the trace of her escape.

“That’s why I hate the tribe called Majin.”

Seohyun moaned while wiping the blood from her face. It’s not her own, it’s the demon’s blood.

‘It’s strange no matter how you think about it.’

– Whoa!

The golem who had lost its target ran wildly. Instead of demons, she was holding monsters and slaughtering them.

Seohyun Lee recalled the Mine from a while ago.

‘I’m not very active for an attack of this size. Are you trying to kill Song Baek-chan? no.’

There was a sneak attack at first, but it was also somewhat clumsy. something bothers me

What the hell are these guys aiming for?

“Damn, did you catch it?”


Her Lee Hyuk-ho approached her.

He, too, had blood all over his body.

He looked like the blood of a monster or demon.

“Lee Hyuk-ho, where have you been?”

“No, because there are bastards who are annoying. Did they say that they were apostles. The bastards didn’t think about fighting properly and just wasted time.”

“…you too?”

Lee Seo-hyun and Lee Hyuk-ho’s eyes met.

He looked towards the stage while crushing the face of the approaching monster. A curtain could be seen covering the stage.

“I have an ominous feeling, am I the only one?”

“No, neither do I.”

Their faces turned cold. Something is strange. They felt they were missing something.

“Shin Yun-woo, where did this child go?”

“…Lee Hyuk-ho, look at the stage.”

Seohyun Lee said suddenly. Their eyes turned to the stage. The stage was wrapped in a black curtain.

Park Si-joon swung the blade under it.

– Kaduk!

The black curtain was broken. And.

– Aww!

There was an explosion on the stage. It was such a loud explosion that the ground rumbled loudly.


But that wasn’t the end.

A very short time passed, and another explosion was heard not far away.

Seohyun turned his head.

“No, this is…”

Her face hardened.

* * *

The curtain is broken.

As the magic stone broke, an intense explosion occurred.

It was a powerful explosion that swept around the stage. Park Si-joon, who got caught up in it, flew backwards.

– Kaung!

Ishimi’s hastily unfolded shield caught him.

Park Si-joon adjusted his posture and looked up at the stage. The curtain that covered the stage is disappearing.

And I saw what was inside.

‘That’s… … ‘(Read more @

Song Baek-chan, surrounded by unfamiliar knights, and black monsters filling the stage.

Song Baek-chan covered his bleeding abdomen.

“President of the Association!”

Han Go-woon exclaimed urgently. She and Park Si-joon slashed the monsters and went to the president of the association.

“Are you hurt?”

“No, it’s not a big wound.”

Song Baek-chan stopped Han Go-woon from trying to smash. He stared fiercely at the man who was facing him.

[I’m already going to wake up.]

Meng-joo’s eyes turned to Park Si-joon.

Unlike Song Baek-chan, he did not have any major injuries.

“Why are you surprised?”

[okay. I thought it would take more time.]

The lord laughed quietly. It was an ordinary laugh for being the head of a huge group of villains.

Park Si-jun held the sword.

“There are a lot of things I want to ask you.”

He took a deep breath. The opportunity to get the clue she wanted so came right before her eyes. He had no intention of leaving.

[Park Si-Jun. Yes, I know you too.]

A long shadow fell under the man’s feet. Below it was a dark space like an abyss.

[A map of what you are looking for.]

Park Si-joon’s expression turned cold.

[But that’s not what we’re talking about now.]

Mengjoo looked up at the sky.

[Is it time now?]


The moment Park Si-joon questioned.

– Aww!

A powerful roar was heard. It was a different level of binge than the binge I had heard a while ago.

It was a sound I had never heard before.


Everyone turned to where the sound was heard.

Beyond the city, towering buildings. A huge building that stands out among them.

“The association…”

The player association was on fire.

No, it was exploding. Only in the upper floors of the association, there was a persistent explosion.

The windows were blown away, and the building was broken.

and soon.

– Kururu!

The upper layer is broken.

The collapsed upper floors descended to the ground as they were. The association, which had been fine until a while ago, was torn in half.

The faces of everyone who was watching became confused.


– Whoop!

And there was someone moving after that gap.

[This… message.]

Park Si-jun’s face hardened.

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