Chapter 248

“Hey, where did these guys come from?!”

A small fortress in a frontier area.

The fortress with an ominous energy was now being attacked by numerous enemies.


“Wow! Stand, the wall!”

“Stop it! Damn it, stop it! If you hold out, the reinforcements…!”

“How can I handle this!”

Shouts and shouts resounded everywhere.

Enemies literally attacked the inside of the fortress like waves.

Ascal, the leader of the guild under Jormungand, the owner of the fortress, looked at the scene in front of him blankly.

“Why the hell is that bitch here…?”

The enemies attacking from the front are spirits, and it is the golem that destroyed the huge wall. There is only one person who can handle this level of summoned creatures.

“Lee Seohyun…”

The guild leader of the Requiem and the executor of the master of the infinite library.

“Yeah, that’s my name.”

Ascal muttered his name, an eerie voice was heard behind him.

The moment he was about to react quickly.


A stone-like fist hit his head.

Ascal could not even counterattack and lost consciousness. Seohyun looked down at him coldly.

The occupation of the fortress ended in an instant.

“Check the inside carefully. There may be hidden devices, so check them all out.”


Seohyun Lee gave orders to the guild members and thoroughly investigated the inside of the fortress.

He dealt with hidden enemies, and made sure those who learned the trait had a hidden device.

Meanwhile, Seohyun Lee interrogated Ascal.

“I want to commit suicide, but I can’t let that happen. Until you vomit out all the information you have, even if you want to die, you won’t be able to.”

“Huh, what a X…!”

Seohyun laughed.

In the Abyss, there is a pioneering area ruled by the Requiem Guild, and there is a guild house.

If there is a facility there, you can literally dismantle this villain. I was thinking of taking him there.

“Guild Master! I found something.

“It’s a passage to the basement.”

First, the subordinates who inspected the inside of the fortress reported. Seohyun Lee went straight to the passageway.

Down the dark stairs, there was a shady basement. A rancid cellar.

“Uh, uh…”


There were people in the basement.

It was not known whether it was a resident or a player. That’s also why I came here.

“They may be enemies, so please arrest them all.”


The guild members rescued and bound those who were imprisoned. I won’t let you go until you figure it out.

Seohyun Lee went through the long corridor and went to the innermost part of the basement.

Someone was there.


Seohyun’s eyes widened.

The ghosts of the past were there.

* * *

Park Si-joon lived as Lee Baek-seon for a while.

It wasn’t easy. Although he has limited information, he has to move according to Lee Baek-seon’s schedule.

And he knew Lee Baek-seon and he had to meet Lee.

“Shin Yun-woo, he doesn’t know his subject and wants to become the president of the association… How about Tsutsu and Han Min-hyuk, director…?”

“I am very angry.”

Baek-seon Lee, no, Si-jun Park laughed bitterly. In front of him stood a middle-aged man with bald head.

He was one of those who agreed with Han Min-hyuk.

“No matter how much Shin Yun-woo flies and crawls, isn’t it? If you contact them and take care of them…”

“Anyway, I’m going to leave the country soon and come back to see them. Then everything will be resolved.”

“I’m glad that’s the case. But I heard that the restoration work is in full swing in Seoul these days…”

Park Si-jun laughed.

The man in front of me was the president of a famous construction company. He’s probably trying to get involved in a restoration project that’s in full swing.

“I’ll tell you.”

Park Si-joon accepted the man’s story appropriately. The man stood up, nodding his head with satisfaction.

“Then I’ll see you next time.”


The room was quiet. Park Si-joon stretched out on the sofa.

“Ah, there are too many dirty people I’ve ever met.”

It would be fine if we just met with good intentions, but most of them met to take care of each other.

But not bad. No, it was rather fine.

‘Evidence is accumulating one after another.’

I could tell who was entangled with Han Min-hyuk.

And they were collecting evidence that they were committing corruption by taking advantage of Lee Baek-seon’s position.

This will be of great help later.

“Besides, there was some interesting information.”

Park Si-jun smiled quietly.

‘By the way, how long do I have to do this… … ‘

Park Si-joon faithfully fulfilled Lee Baek-seon’s schedule and ended conversations with people he met without questioning.

In fact, it was easy enough not to be suspicious. In other words, it can be said that it is thanks to the effectiveness of the characteristic.

[Smoke God (B+)]

It is a characteristic that only those who are crazy about acting can learn.

It helps you to fully immerse yourself in the role and understand it, and it makes the acting more natural. It makes viewers believe it.

[Effect: Significantly increase the understanding of the role, reduce the time to understand the role, enhance resilience, greatly increase the observation ability][Skill: Method Acting][Method Acting: After observing the subject for a long time, he can be completely possessed by the subject and act. It can be used to immerse yourself in a role or to imitate someone else.]

god of smoke. The name was really great.

I used up the stack I had built up to implement this. Park Si-jun moved according to Lee Baek-seon’s schedule and read web novels in his spare time during the rain.

‘If you need something, then you have to implement it again.’

As the speed of reading web novels has increased, it has become easier to implement the characteristics.

There is no need to think about what to implement because the stack is a waste like in the past.

Therefore, Si-Jun Park decided to implement and deal with the web novel according to the situation.

‘I’m collecting information one by one, but… … ‘

There were many people who knew Lee Baek-seon.

And his personal network was connected with Han Min-hyuk. Park Si-joon made the most of these connections to identify those connected with Han Min-hyuk.

“Are you recording well?”


In the shadows, Lee Soo-young answered with a ballmen voice.

I was recording every time I met someone because I thought it might be a useful tool.

Of course, the person recording was Lee Soo-young.

“Uncle, umm… Now you’re a real man. How long will you stay like that? It’s strange.”

“You should be like this until the day of the meeting.”

“Until we go to Holland?”

Park Si-jun nodded his head.

Baek-seon Lee’s office was in a high-rise building. He could see his face through the window of the building.

An old, wrinkled face.

“But how come you don’t get caught? It’s amazing.”

“Thanks to the quick response.”

Park Si-joon answered indifferently.

Other than that, there were information that Han Go-woon digs out and sends from Baek-seon Lee, and what he finds out while meeting people.

He made good use of those things, so he was not suspicious.


Park Si-jun looked at the clock on the wall. The time has come.

“Let’s go. There’s someone I need to meet just in case.”

Today was the day I decided to meet Lee Seo-hyun.

* * *

After a long time, Park Si-jun walked around the streets in his own image, not Lee Baek-sun.

The place we arrived at was beyond the rift, the Abyss.

It was also where Seohyun Lee’s guild hideout was located.

“What makes you come to the Abyss?”

“Because it’s something you can’t do on Earth.”

As soon as Park Si-jun saw Lee Seo-hyun, he complained.

Her guild hideout was a huge castle. An area ruled by the Requiem after the pioneering is over.

In the center was a castle equipped with all kinds of defense facilities.

“Isn’t that something we can’t say on Earth?”

“Yeah, to be precise…”

Seo-hyun Lee took Park Si-joon to her basement. There was a prison in the basement, and there were a few people.

“It’s an ominous facility. So, did you get any useful information from those people?”

“…There is someone I want to show you first.”

Seohyun Lee pointed to the man who was inside.

A thin man with a robe covering his body. His bound arms and legs were bizarrely long.

Park Si-jun instinctively confirmed his talent.

[Zion][Disposition] One who surrendered

[Potential] A


1. Born Evil (A+)

2. A mutated body (A)

3. Blood Addict (A)

4. Loyalty (A)

‘This… … ‘

Park Si-jun frowned.

Everywhere you look, he was a villain. If there is one thing that is somewhat curious, it is that he has the talent of loyalty rather than a villain.

It means a man who faithfully serves his master.

“He was active in the Villain Alliance in the past. He was famous. He was also a key executive there. He fought with me a few times. He was a troublemaker in many ways.”

“When are you talking about the enemy?”

“It’s been a few years. Besides, this guy was from the early days… he’s pretty old.”

Seohyun patted the back of his neck.

“If the most infamous right now is Jormungand, there was an alliance of villains before that. At that time, the power of these guys was great.”

“Until we are defeated by Jormungand.”


Park Si-jun looked at Zion.

He fought with Lee Seo-hyun several times and did not die. I mean, he’s a pretty good villain. However, looking at his appearance now, he couldn’t have imagined that he was such a borrower.

“So, why is this guy here? Besides, he’s a member of the Villains Coalition. They’ve been gone for a while.”

“I found it in the basement of the hideout in Jormungand that you told me about. It’s been kept pretty tight, so I was wondering what he knew.”

“Is it underground? Why in such a place…”

“It is said that he went to rescue his master.”


Park Si-jun frowned.(Read more @

“Yeah, those Jormungand guys…”

Seohyun let out a sigh.

“It looks like you’re doing a fun experiment with the players.”

It was an ominous word.

* * *

“Does this make sense!”


A roar broke out in an office in a high-rise building.

Han Min-hyuk was bursting with anger as he looked at the face reflected on the screen in front of him.

[What are you so dissatisfied with?]

“Is this a situation where you don’t complain and you’re going to lose? You promised! You’ll support me!”

– It was.

A woman’s face appeared on the screen.

She was a gorgeous blonde woman. There was a gentle smile on her lips, but her eyes were not.

“You said you’d let me be the president of the association! And even a higher position than that… that was our promise!”

– I know. calm down.

“Is this a problem to calm down?!”

The woman smiled without a word.

– Does being angry like this solve the problem? Don’t be fussy and think productively.

The woman’s voice became cold. Han Min-hyuk bit his lip hard enough to bleed.

– Shin Yun-woo has betrayed you… … . That’s something we can do for you. There’s something more urgent than that.


-Park Si-Jun.

The woman lifted one of her fingers.

– If you keep it alive in the future, it will hurt even more. The problem is that it’s hard to deal with. I can’t stand still though. I want to do some damage… … .

The woman snapped her fingers.

– It was quite popular, so why not shake it up first?

“…to call it false propaganda? Is there any basis for it?”

– Where in the world is there a clean person? You can either find it or, if it doesn’t, create it. Do you have connections that can do that?

“I bear the risk.”

The woman laughed loudly.

– Come to the Netherlands. I have a lot to prepare.

I said that and the screen went off.

Han Min-hyuk stared at the screen for a moment, then couldn’t press his button and slammed his desk hard.

‘Damn bitch.’

His lips trembled.

The woman had an attitude as if she was playing with Han Min-hyuk. I haven’t done this before, but my attitude has completely changed.

‘I’m happy because I have my weakness.’

Shin Yun-woo also knows a lot of things that could be Han Min-hyuk’s weakness. Some of them must be fatal.

have to deal with it somehow. as much as that guy.

‘… I can’t help it.’

Han Min-hyuk let out a long breath.

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