Chapter 25

Park Si-jun doubted his eyes. Kim Kyung-ho, who had been pierced by an arrow in his head, was still moving.

‘Did you live? No, I can’t.’

No matter how much a demon is, even if his head is pierced, he will be fine.

In fact, the movement was also somewhat strange.

I felt the stiffness of a doll being controlled by a puppet.

-Aha… … .

A sound like an elastic came out of Kim Kyung-ho’s mouth. Gigging giggling, he groaned and shook his head.

-… It was great work.

“That’s not Kim Kyung-ho. He has a different character.”

The piercing eyes stared at Park Si-joon. Lee Min-ah, who came closer to her, whispered softly.

Her sword pointed towards Kim Kyung-ho.

– You’re quick-witted. That picky swordsman deserves a contract. Young, strong, full of possibilities.

Kim Kyung-ho’s eyes were full of greed. Lee Min-ah, who received that gaze, flinched her body for the moment.

What should I say about those eyes? It was like looking into something really deep beneath a cliff.

“Who are you?”

Park Si-jun carefully selected his words.

Not an ordinary opponent. I felt something bad.

Kim Kyung-ho smiled with an eerie smile.

– What you call malignant.

Malicious people who create demons and villains.

Behind the scenes that corrupt people and cause chaos.

– As you call it, the ancestor of ashes. What a shameful name. Jim has a better name.

ash growth. She and those she contracted with are transformed into vampire-like appearances. Just like that Kim Kyung-ho.

So are the traits and skills that are sponsored.

“Why did you appear here? Why did you sign a contract with Kyung-ho Kim, and how did you sign the contract?”

-I wanted to see a player through Jim’s eyes as the rumors spread in the community these days. That’s it.

“So, that’s why you made it into Magic?”

-Jim just gave this kid strength, he’s up to him how he uses it. He did what he wanted, and he only got what he paid for.

Kim Kyung-ho patted his head. It was a very bizarre sight.

He, no, Jae’s Jinjo looked intently at Park Si-joon’s face.

– You are very mysterious. no talent

Potential is as small as a stone on the side of the road. I don’t even feel the presence of a background. But it’s strangely bright.

It was full of curiosity.

-A player who gains strength and grows alone without a background. If it’s behind the scenes, you can’t help but question it.

“Are you too?”

– So why didn’t you show up here? If possible, in Jim’s estate, I would like to have a close and deep conversation… … .

Park Si-jun frowned.

The Holy Land is the territory ruled by the hinterland.

They are scattered throughout the Abyss and are accessible only to the chosen ones.

‘The hinterland can only operate in the Holy Land.’

They watch the players there, select high-potential players and sign them.

And have them explore the Abyss on their behalf and subdue monsters.

“What do you want from me?”


The Jinjo of Ash asserted.

-If you make a contract with Jim, I will make you my executor.


Cho Sung-jae let out a shock mixed with shock.

A small number of players who have a very close relationship with the background. They can wield many of the powers of the mastermind and possess enormous power.

‘And it moves to represent the will of the mastermind behind it.’

With great power comes great responsibility.

Executors are those who represent and symbolize the background.

‘… You’re going to give it to me who just signed a contract?’

Of course, the executioner is an opportunity to return to those who have served the hinterland for a long time. Only to those who have achieved the most outstanding and remarkable achievements among them.

This is not a chance to return to the one who just signed the contract.

– I saw you taking the exam. The sight of smashing the contractors of those handsome divinities… It was really exciting. And it was amazing.

“…wasn’t that surprising?”

-okay. To deal with the power of the mastermind, even the power of the majority, even though there is no contract with the mastermind. And the appearance of rejecting the contract of the gods.

A deep smile appeared on the corner of Jinjo’s lips.

– Jim likes you. Other than Jim, it’s probably the same. So I couldn’t stand it and showed up.

“You mean enough to make him an executor?”

– That’s why I value you highly. With that unknown power you possess, you can become stronger than any other enforcer.

‘Should I be happy or sad about this?’

Park Si-jun smiled inwardly.

You’re in a situation where you’re being obsessed with not only the nine masters, but even malicious people.

But his answer was already decided.

“I will decline.”

-… arc.

Jinjo’s eyes narrowed.

“I have no intention of signing a contract with the mastermind. Especially if it’s a rogue that turns players into demons.”

-Are you angry by making interest into a demon?

“It doesn’t matter.”

Jinjo of Jae’s eyes widened at the unexpected words.

“Whether Kim Kyung-ho dies or not is not my part-time job. It’s just that I hate Mai, I.”

– You don’t like us who create those mines?

Park Si-jun didn’t answer anything.

Kim Kyung-ho’s body began to crumble. Like a vampire in the sunlight, it shattered into ashes.

– Did the butterfly interfere? That’s it for today.

Kim Kyung-ho’s body is falling apart. I saw several instructors running from behind.

– Keep that in mind. Jim is watching you. And the other hints too… … .

Jinjo of Jae left his last words.

-… I look forward to the day we meet again.

Soon, Kim Kyung-ho’s body completely crumbled. All that was left was a few handfuls of ashes.

Park Si-jun saw something sparkling between them and swept up the ashes with his hand.

Then something followed.

– I’ve caused trouble, so don’t leave a small present.


Gorgeous patterned ring. It was an unusual ring, as if made by weaving blazing flames.

[Ring weaved with flames (B)]

It was made by weaving blazing fire.

There is a strong fire energy, and it has been blessed with the origin of ashes.

– Fire magic power +5%

-Magic regeneration speed +10%

-Intellect +5

– Firewave available

– Access to the Holy Land of Ashes is possible

– Required level: none

– Wear restrictions: none

Surprisingly, it was a very good item.

And it was surprisingly disgusting.

‘You can enter the shrine. It’s an entrance pass.’

Park Si-jun sighed. Jinjo of Jae seems to like him very much.

The problem is that it doesn’t do you any good.

“Is everyone okay?!”

Instructors running.

Park Si-joon let out another deep sigh.

* * *

The case was closed.

Kim Kyung-ho died, and the instructors examined the body. Park Si-joon and his teammates were also the subject of investigation.

Park Si-jun explained what had happened.

“…the true ancestor of ashes has descended?”

“You call it Advent?”

The woman, Han Go-un, frowned as if her head hurt.

“Yes, the mastermind’s possession of the contractor’s body is called Advent. Of course, it puts a huge burden on the contractor.”

“Then, Kim Kyung-ho’s body was also broken.”

“It’s because of Advent. Since he died before that anyway, it didn’t matter whether he was burdened or not.”

Park Si-jun took a sip of his tea.

He is now in the drawing room in the Players’ Association.

Mine-related work is not something that the training center can handle. They handed over the case to the Players’ Association, where Park Si-jun was investigated.

“I heard that you killed Kyung-ho Kim… Ma-in. You found out his identity before he even transformed. How did you do it?”


“You mean you stabbed someone because you feel bad?”

“It was precisely cut.”

Han Go-woon’s eyes twitched.

“I always thought it was suspicious. He looked at me like an enemy. But when I entered the dungeon, he was friendly like a friend.”

“Was that suspicious?”

“Once I started to doubt, I was suspicious of it all. It was also that I suddenly became stronger. In my own words, I was sponsored by the master behind the scenes.”

“I’m not generous enough to give a chance to those who fail the license exam, Lord of the Arena.”

In addition, Kim Kyung-ho’s potential is also low.

If he became stronger, it means that he was sponsored by the trait. Was the lord of the arena so generous behind the scenes that he even gave traits to those who failed? It wasn’t.

“I know this alone is not the answer.”

“I was skeptical, but I wasn’t sure. I just did what my sense told me. It worked out, right?

“In the end, it would be.”

Han Go-woon let out a small sigh.

Anyway, Kim Kyung-ho was a magician. Attacking him turned out to be a good thing.

It was a problem because the process was questionable.

“Can I go now?”

“Yeah, I know everything about it, I don’t have to ask any more questions. Oh, and the ring…”

Han Go-woon showed the ring on his hand.

“Are you confiscating?”

“No, there’s nothing special about it, so I’ll check it out a little more and then return it to you.”


That ring is no ordinary ring. It is no different than a pass that allows you to enter the holy site of the ancestral dynasty.

The problem is that they can’t see it.(Read more @

To them, it looked like an ordinary ring.

‘Should I say I’m happy?’

Park Si-jun got up from his seat and left the room.


Shit, the door is closed. Han Go-un’s expression, who was looking at the back, disappeared, and his eyes became sharp.

“I almost lost my face to see the president of the association.”

Han Go-woon, no, Heuk-young exhaled a long breath.

I followed the fly in preparation for tangle, but an unexpected opponent got tangled up.

‘It’s going to show the true tide of ashes.’

That too, at the training center’s training ground, and even descending. Have you ever been like this before?

there was no

‘If it is the true ancestor of ashes, it is a particularly cautious malignancy.

Then she appeared even after descending. To make a contract offer to one trainee.

‘I’ll make you an executor there… … .’

The impossible was happening one after another.

Does it mean that Park Si-joon’s value is high? What kind of talk is going on between the hinterland?

[Phalaenopsis dream urges you.]

A message appeared in front of Black Young.

It was the message of Hojeopdong, the character behind the service she served.

“Are you really going to invite me to the Holy Land?”

[Phalaenopsis Mong nods his head.]

“But I’m still a trainee. Too…”

When she said that, her message window trembled.

[Phalaenopsis dream urges you.][Phalaenopsis Mong tells him to bring him quickly.][If Phalaenopsis does not do so, he swears he will punish you.]

It was a straightforward statement.

Her background is cruel and cold, but there is something like a childish side.

What she wants, whether it’s the character she wants to get or that intense possessiveness, in many ways.

“I’m not going to just call you.”

[Phalaenopsis Mong says he will prepare a present.]

“It wouldn’t normally be a gift. Look. Jinjo of Ash prepared something like this.”

[Phalaenopsis Mong is arguing that he will prepare more than that.]

Blackbeard took a deep breath.

There seems to be no way for her to convince her. There’s no other way for her.


As a servant of Hojeop-dong, I could not ignore that order. As always.

Heukyoung promised to do the same to Hojeopdong.

[Phalaenopsis Dream is very satisfied.]

The message that appeared just felt silly.

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