Chapter 28

Silence passed for a moment.

community broadcast. Anyway, it was in the comments of the article. Park Si-joon said that he didn’t do community broadcasting

“Although I am the daughter of a large corporation, there are many successors besides me. Each is running a different field. My father is testing us with it.”

Ha Seorin continued her words as if singing.

“This time, a new brand will be launched in Haseong. It is a brand that makes and sells equipment for players. It is a kind of guild….”

“It will be a guild that you are in charge of.”

“That’s right. My father told me to take charge of the management and deliver results. Achievements that exceed the GF group. It’s a difficult task. How is it, isn’t it sad?”

“No, not at all.”

At her firm answer, Serin Ha jabbed her mouth.

Is there any reason for her to feel sorry for the second generation chaebol? She must have had enough money to overflow.

“Ugh, it’s a difficult task, but it’s a good opportunity for me. If I succeed in this guild, my position in the group will improve.”

Park Si-joon’s eyes narrowed. She had a rough idea of ​​what the woman in front of her wanted from her.

“I manage other parts besides that. It’s the typical guest streaming part. I want to sign a contract with you for streaming. Because it’s excellent.”


There are also guilds that contract with players who do community broadcasts, support broadcast activities, and generate profits.

Hatherin seemed to be doing something like that.

“Now, look. Our guild weapon, isn’t it pretty?”

Ha Serin took her bow out of her bag. It was a bow that was lined with leather and looked of good quality.

Park Si-jun took the bow and looked at it.

“Did your guild make it?

“Yes, is it okay? But if we launch it like this, it will be ruined.”

“I think it’s fine. But why are you ruining it?”

“Because it can’t be promoted. Lectures, you know? They’ve been in the player equipment market for a long time and have achieved great results. They have a half monopoly on the market. The rest of the pie is owned by other guilds.”

Even among the players, when it comes to production equipment, it was the GF group. It was a famous and reliable company.

“PR is when the right opportunity arises.”

Ha Seo-rin suddenly reached out her body and she looked into Park Si-joon’s face.

He said, pulling her chair back.

“You want to use me as an advertising tower, this is it.”

“That’s right, we need an advertising model.”

“Isn’t it better to use famous players rather than trainees like me? In terms of advertising effectiveness and other things.”

As if she didn’t find it funny, Serin smiled.

“You are more famous than that player right now.”


“A player who uses all sorts of traits and skills even without signing a contract with the mastermind. Their specificity is not comparable to that of ordinary players.”

Ha Serin shook her fluttering glass of wine.

“Do you know how much you’re talking about in the internet community? You don’t know. If I knew, I wouldn’t say that.”

That was correct. Park Si-joon himself did not know much about the Internet, as he was only watching training and novels all day.

“The player community is uproar. Your existence is a kind of cataclysm for players, because you can use talents without a background.”

“And you want to use that interest.”

“That’s correct. Of course…”

“It won’t be free.”

Hatherin smiled softly.

“I’m going to do it like a PPL commercial. You use our guild’s stuff while you’re broadcasting. First of all, it’s about 60 million won per episode.”

6 million won per episode. Park Si-joon’s eyes lit up.

“And what about the broadcast side?”

“If you sign a contract with that one, I’ll take care of editing the video, uploading it to the broadcasting platform, and promoting it.”

“Yeah? Think about it first.”

This is a proposition that makes more money than you think.

“If you can use our guild’s items from head to toe, I’m thinking of doing it more than double that.”

“First of all. What is the thing you want me to write?”

“You don’t seem to be using any special equipment.”

Ha Seo-rin looked at Park Si-joon’s body.

She has been watching closely since the licensing exam. There was no special equipment.

“I’m in my mid-180s, and that’s fine. My face is… normal. Oh, I can cover this level. I usually only stay in the training room, but my body is very nice.”

All of a sudden, Seo-rin Ha started criticizing Si-jun Park.

“Once we start broadcasting, we will promote it at the corporate level. We will also actively make image in places like portals.”

“It’s funny. Why are you even doing that to me?”

They give you money and they even advertise. Because it was such a sweet proposal, I naturally felt suspicious.

“It’s an opportunity for me too.”

Ha Seo-rin’s eyes gleamed with a smile. Park Si-joon, who received those eyes, had a sad expression on his face.

‘I want to stand out among the successors, this is it.’

She said something similar a while ago. If you can float a guild like Gyeryuk, it will be a great achievement.

‘It’s not a bad thing.’

You can earn money every time you broadcast, and Ha Seo-rin will take care of the necessary publicity.

As a bonus, you can build a good relationship with Haserin.

“There’s no reason not to.”

“Is that right? It’s good that you talk quickly.”

Park Si-joon and Ha Seo-rin looked at each other and smiled broadly.

It wasn’t a smile that came from the heart, it was a business smile.

“Considering the traits you deal with… I think swords, armor, and bows would be enough. These are the ones that expose the most.”

“Give me a dagger as well. I might have something to use.”

“A dagger? Hmm, okay.”

Hatherin coughed for a moment.

“So, when are you going to do the broadcast?”


Park Si-joon’s fingers tapped the desk.

“By the way, didn’t you have another practice after this?”

“Yeah, this is probably the next one…”

* * *

“This practice is to explore the Abyss freely. Do whatever you want, whether it’s a dungeon or a quest.”

training room classroom.

Park Si-joon listened to the instructor standing in front of the school table.

“The duration is a week. How many dungeons and quests have you cleared during that time, and what are the levels of those dungeons and quests? I’ll score it with this.”

The other day, I heard Instructor Jung Soo-min secretly whispering. But when it actually happened, it felt different.

Kim Sook-jin, who was listening to the story, raised her hand.

“Hey, are you going without the instructors?”

“Yeah, we’re going together. We’ll be waiting at the frontier. Unlike the previous practice, you won’t be able to get help from the instructor.”

“Uh, but the Abyss is dangerous.”

Kim Sook-jin was embarrassed and stuttered her words.

“What if I die without the instructors?”

“I’ll take care of the body.”


Kim Sook-jin opened her mouth with the rest of her startled. Other trainees showed similar reactions.

“Training is coming soon. You will also complete the training camp in a little while, and you will explore the Abyss as a single player.”

The instructor looked at the trainees.

“The goal of this practice is to test whether you can stand on your own as a full-fledged player. If you die here, you’ll be the same as a player.”

Silence fell inside the classroom.

‘It’s pretty tight.’

It wasn’t wrong.

In any case, if you are at the training camp, you can receive the protection of the instructors. And being a player means getting out of their protection.

‘I need to be independent from now on.’

Park Si-joon thought for a moment.

‘To get a high score, you have to discover a lot of dungeons or clear a lot of quests. if not… … .’

Break high-level dungeons or quests.

Choosing a dungeon that doesn’t fit your fraction in order to get a lot of points is a good way to lose your life.

“I will not prevent you from cooperating with the same trainees. The number of people will be limited to a maximum of four. However, it is strictly forbidden to receive help from established players.”

At those words, some trainees flinched.

“Then I wish you all the best. Oh, make sure you use the recording function of the community broadcast. If you don’t have a recording, you won’t be able to give a score.”

So the class ended.

As soon as the instructor left the room, the inside of the classroom became chaotic.

“Junghyun-ah! Who are you going to play with this time?”

“Huh? I haven’t thought about it yet.”

“Oh, go away. You decided to do it with me.”

“Still, there will be empty seats, huh? It’s Yeonseo.”

“Hey, Lee Min-ah. If you ever get a party… I’ll think about it.”

Some trainees headed to where Han Jung-hyeon was. There were people who went to where Lee Min-ah was, but they were all rejected with a single blow.

“Miss, what should I do? I’m not confident. What if I die?”

“You were a hinterland hunter? Let’s party with me.”

Those who were confident in their skills or who were close friends started talking to each other and forming a party.

“Hey, Sijun-ah. If you don’t have a party…”

And the other trainees flocked to Park Si-jun. In fact, considering the number of people gathered, the one with him was the most.

‘If you catch Si-Jun Park, you’ve got five players.’

‘The king of the arena, the essence of magic, the owner of the infinite library, the hunter of the deep valley, even the Phalaenopsis dream.’

The trainees who were driven by Park Si-jun met each other’s eyes.

‘You must catch it.’

On the other hand, Park Si-jun, who was surrounded by them, was bored.

‘The insides are clearly visible, these guys.’

Park Si-jun looked around. Likewise, Han Jung-hyun and Lee Min-ah are crowded with people.

The eyes of Park Si-joon and the two collided.



Han Joong-hyun’s eyes looking at Park Si-joon were not good. I’m smiling, but I’d say it feels like I’m sharpening a knife inside.

On the other hand, Lee Min-ah was looking for something.


Park Si-joon’s smartphone rang.

– What if you don’t have someone to work with?

Someone said it was Lee Min-ah’s text message.

Park Si-joon looked at her and shook her head. She had a surprised look on her face as she didn’t think she would be rejected.

‘This time I have to do it alone.’

Ha Seo-rin was looking at Park Si-joon. She signed her contract with her a while ago.(Read more @

‘It would be better for me to get the most attention.’

Hasherin is hoping for a big advertising effect. However, she gets distracted when she is with immigration or other players.


Park Si-jun said he would think about it and got up from his seat.

‘Should I go to wake up today’s quest?’

* * *

Park Si-joon’s daily routine was simple.

When I wake up, I read a web novel through the system window and solve my meal and face wash. After listening to lectures, all the rest of the time was spent on personal training in the training room.

On his days off, he was locked up in the training room from morning until late in the evening.

‘Not poisonous, just crazy.’

The trainees said he was crazy these days.

“Well, I didn’t do magic breathing today.”

Park Si-jun crossed his legs and sat on the floor. He only increased the amount of magic power little by little, but it was a fairly large amount.

[Magic Heart (c+)]

It was the heart of a great man, but it was weakened by an unknown force. The knowledge and magical powers of the great are flowing.

-Effect: Magic power +5%, chanting speed +5%, magic amount +29.5%, magical knowledge, excellent concentration.

Suddenly, the amount of magic reached +29.5%.

‘If you’re lucky, you can break through 30% today.’

It was difficult to say for sure, as there were times when it went up by 1%, and sometimes it went up by 0.1%. I just hope so.

“I’ll try.”

Park Si-jun started the magic breathing technique, as he always did. He had already done it dozens of times, so he was used to it.

‘Drink the magic in the air, and exhale.’

There is magic in all things. It absorbs that magical energy, locks it in its own body, and sends out the rest.

‘Move the incoming magic.’

The magical energy that had just entered squirmed like a repulsion against an unfamiliar body. Park Si-jun controlled it and dragged it to his heart.

‘The remaining magical power is spread all over the body.’

There were surplus magical powers that the heart could not accept. Such magic was spread evenly throughout the body and absorbed.

Park Si-joon let out a long breath. It was a breath with a soft blue light because it was imbued with magical power.

[The Magic Heart has enough magical power. The amount of magic power has increased by 0.5% and the power has been refined.]

Now a familiar message appeared.

0.5%. Finally reached 30%.

Si-Jun Park got up and was about to do the next training.

[The amount of magic power has reached the required level. My heart is beating wildly. The heart wants to dissipate energy.][A new quest has arrived.]

However, an unexpected message appeared.

[Quest: Empty, refill.]

The heart is about to grow one step further. But your body is too weak to handle it. Everything has to be emptied and refilled.

-Reward: Attribute upgrade, new skills, increased immersion.

Park Si-jun tilted his head without realizing it.

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