Chapter 290

The entrance to the dungeon in the heart of the forest was Abigail Hwan.

The players who stood guard were stunned by the sudden appearance of the undead.

“Hey, how do you stop that!”

“Call for assistance!”

Maria told me to keep this place.

However, fighting a group of that size with this number of personnel is suicidal.

“Do you think you can hold out until support comes?”

“Then what should we do, let’s run away?!”

There was silence among the players.

If they run away, Maria won’t let them go. She is one, and if she stays here, she will only be killed.

Then there is only one thing to do.

“…let’s run away.”

“I’m serious?”

The man didn’t answer and immediately started running away. The rest of the players were hesitating.

But for a while.

“Damn it!”

I saw a huge number of monsters following the undead. All he could do was run away.

The entrance to the dungeon where everyone left.

The undead arrived at the entrance and started fighting the monsters they were pursuing.

There were those who took advantage of that gap and entered the dungeon.

It was Park Si-jun and his companions. As soon as he entered the dungeon, he unlocked the skill he was using.

“It’s a skill that hides everything around you.”

He muttered in a low-pitched voice.

It was a voice with a hint of admiration somewhere.

Park Si-jun looked around.

“It’s a cave, but it looks like a forest?”

“That’s right. There’s a tree in some cave…”

The dungeon called the heart of the forest was quite unusual.

Even though it was an underground cave, the air was strangely fresh. The cause was the trees, bushes and flowers that filled the cave.

It is a place where neither sunlight nor rain comes down, so how the hell did they grow?

‘This must be the cause of this anomaly.’

Park Si-jun raised his head. At the same time, Lee Min-ah drew the sword from her waist.

A monster was approaching from beyond the bushes.


People who looked like they had been made in the shape of a human by weaving a bunch of tree trunks were approaching.

There was something like grass growing on their body, and green energy followed them around.

It was a spriggan, a high-grade monster.

“I think the owner here doesn’t like us.”

Park Si-jun sighed.

As soon as you arrive, there’s a fight.

* * *

A middle-aged woman was standing on a tall tree.

She looked over her ground with her worried eyes. Her brilliant eyes captured the animals that roam the ground and the plants that grew luxuriantly.

She said, ‘It’s just a sight I’ve come back to.’

Her name was Maria.

To be precise, she had a longer name than that, but her people called her that way.

‘I can’t lose this sight again.’

Maria remembered what the Amazon forest looked like not long ago. A forest that had been completely burned by indiscriminate development and a great fire.

A number of reasons overlapped and the scene from that day returned again. You can’t lose this.

“At any cost…”

Maria fell down.

On the ground, there was a campsite built to blend in with the surrounding environment.

No, it’s more of a fortress than a campsite. There were a lot of monsters, so I had no choice but to strengthen the defense.

“Maria, a guest is here.”

“Who is it?”

As soon as she stood on the ground, her men appeared and reported as if waiting.

“I’m a businessman. The last time I met…”

“I’ll have to go see for myself.”

Maria headed straight for her own tent.

As she went, she caught sight of people. People are living by adapting to the environment of the forest.

It was not easy to adapt as I came into the forest from a civilized society outside, but I was working hard.

“Are players joining again this time?”

“Yes, I will agree with the other guild.”

“That’s good. So what about the government?”

“It’s the same. Let’s negotiate, get rid of all the monsters that occupied the forest. We will adjust the development area.”

Maria clicked her tongue.

“Ultimately, you’re going to go ahead with the development now. I asked for that time.”


“There is not.”

Maria headed towards her tent with her rough steps. A human presence was felt inside the large tent.

She went into the tent without hesitation.

“Long time no see.”

“It’s been a long time since we met two months ago. I’m relieved that you seem to be adjusting well to the forest.”

“Is that so?”

Inside the tent was a profoundly aged, middle-aged man. He was wearing a well-fitting suit, giving him a more profound sense of style.

His exposed face was full of scars, and so was the skin exposed through his clothes.

It is a wound that proves that he is not an ordinary man.

“I am always grateful that you are preventing outside intervention.”

“No wonder. I think this Amazon forest is important too, so it’s only natural.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

Maria nodded her head lightly.

“The monsters have grown more than before. Is it okay to leave it as it is?”

“The monsters are playing a role in restoring the damaged nature, so it’s difficult right now.”

“The pressure from the government would not be normal.”

Maria shrugged her shoulders at the man’s subtly asking questions. The pressure was still strong.

But now it was possible.

“It is said that anomalies are occurring all over the world these days. Did you know?”

“It’s an anomaly. What are you talking about?”

“Like this Amazon forest, the destroyed nature is revived, a violent earthquake occurs, a volcano suddenly appears, the topography changes…”

The man nodded his head with a stiff face.

These are things that are happening all of a sudden. Many countries were in great trouble because of this, and they could not care about it.

“And there’s this saying. They saw a huge, really huge snake flying through the sky.”

“Even the shadows of strange winged monsters.”

“Yeah, it’s so absurd that I don’t believe it either. He must be drunk or something.”

The whole world was confused.

Feeling like a harbinger of something big is about to happen.

“Anyway, I have a feeling that something big is going to happen. I don’t know if that’s going to go for us in a good way or in a bad way.”



Then a man hurriedly ran into the tent.

“What happened?”

“Su, the heart of the forest is under attack! Undead, suddenly undead!”


Maria frowned.

It’s ridiculously undead. It must not be the type of monster that comes out of this Amazon forest.

“Is there an intruder?”

“Mo, I don’t know. But there is a high probability that it will. Maybe the villains of the King of the Dead!”

“The king of the dead…”

That was strange.

The King of the Dead has recently completely stopped working. The same goes for the villains and mines under his control.

Did they show up in a backcountry like this?

“It’s strange. I’ll have a look.”

“Well, let’s do that.”

Maria immediately left the tent.

The man left alone was immersed in her thoughts as he fiddled with the teacup.

“Looks like the pillars are doing their job.”

The corner of the man’s lips rose. Behind him, a boy wrapped in cloth appeared like a ghost.

“Did you find out what happened?”

“It is said that the undead flocked and those who stood guard were frightened and fled.”

“Is that all?”

The boy didn’t say anything.

“Learn more. The King of the Dead and his nephews can’t move right now. Something’s bothering me.”


The boy disappeared like a ghost as he appeared.

“Now, the installation of the necessary pillars is almost complete.”

The man left alone slowly rose from his seat.

“Now we can see what the great Jormungand does.”

A member of the apostles of Jormungand.

A man called a traitor in the world.

“Will I be able to survive until then?”

There was a faint smile on his lips.

* * *


Park Si-jun suddenly looked up at the ceiling.

A strong presence was felt not far from here. It felt for a little while and then disappeared immediately.

“Uncle! Can you afford to look away right now?!”


Lee Soo-young exclaimed urgently, and Park Si-joon swung his sword at the rushing monsters.

The monsters are swarming like crazy.

The spriggun is the one who attacks first. They attacked by stretching the branches that made up their body like a whip. or.


“It’s damn fast.”

Make it like a sharp awl and pick it up to sting.

Behind him, the wisp was throwing magic balls endlessly, and a monster resembling a mushroom spewed spores.

‘There is no end.’

It wasn’t a difficult monster to deal with. The problem is that number. Literally, there was no end to it.

It seemed that the feelings of the players who ran away from meeting the undead a while ago could be guessed.

‘Something strange.'(Read more @

Park Si-jun broadened his senses.

There are not many signs of monsters felt in the dungeon. However, such a number of monsters.

‘No, that’s not it… … ‘

His brow twitched.

Signs continued to emerge.

Near the place where Park Si-jun and his party are, endlessly.

‘Are you still creating monsters?’

Who? It was a question that did not need to be pondered.

Park Si-joon hurriedly looked around.

“There will be no end to dealing with it. I’ll have to find a way.”

“Do you know where the road is?”

“Did I not know that?”

As Lee Min-ah smashed the flying branches, she grinned. Park Si-jun pointed to the front.

“Go over there. Break through in a straight line and turn right. After that, follow me.”

Those who heard the story nodded their heads.

Park Si-joon blinked at Ishi-mi of the shoulder dance. The guy flew into the air as if he understood.

– Kyao Oong!

He let out a strong breath.

The straight-headed breath swept away the monsters including the spriggan in front.

A straight path that appeared in an instant.


The monsters could not even scream and fell.

Park Si-joon and his companions ran in a straight line as if they had waited. The spriggans tried to catch them, but they couldn’t.

‘Right here.’

As soon as I broke through the monsters, I turned to the right. There was a wide open passage in front of me.


Then something like tree roots came out of the floor and ceiling, blocking the passage.

It’s like you’re trying to get me to go here.


Park Si-joon raised magic as if he had guessed it. A huge fireball was in its grasp.



Tree roots burning with the explosion. Then the whole cave shook as if in pain.

‘From here forward.’

As if trying to stop him, the roots kept coming out. Park Si-Jun continued to move as he struck it, stopping in front of an empty wall.


Get a card!

Then he swung his sword and cut through the wall.

collapsing wall. Beyond that came a dark passage.

“Let’s go in.”

Park Si-jun went inside with the others.

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