Chapter 310

“Huh, hey hey!”

Park Si-jun performed three sword dances at the same time.

A swordsmanship that escaped the laws of time and space unfolded in his hands, and a sword dance without blind spots struck Han Jung-hyeon.

One blade slashed the neck, another slashed the heart, and the last slashed the abdomen.

iron puck!

At the same time, Han Jung-hyeon’s body, divided into thirds, fell to the ground. But really surprisingly.

“I’m not going to die like this…!”

Han Joong-hyun is not dead yet.

He was staring fiercely at Park Si-joon with his eyes glistening with hatred.

“Until I pay for the disgrace I received from you…! I was promised immortality from him…!”

“You sound like immortal. Do you think he has the spirit to do that now?”

Park Si-joon snorted and ignited the fire of heaven.

The flames spread to Han Jung-hyeon’s body and spread throughout his body in an instant.


“Immortal? That’s good. Let’s test how many times you have to die before you die.”

“If I get more strength from him… then I will be able to defeat you! I…!”

Anyway, I had enough time.

I have to hold on to this magic circle until the time comes.

Park Si-joon really wanted to burn Han Joong-hyun until he died.

“Han Joong-hyun.”

Lee Min-ah stood in front of him.

She looked down at Han Joong-hyun with a bitter face.

Of course, Han Joong-hyun didn’t care about her and was only staring at her Park Si-joon.

“I didn’t like you. I didn’t like you. Ever since then, as always.”

It’s been like that since I was in training camp.

Han Joong-hyun showed interest in Lee Min-ah, but she hated Han Joong-hyun. There could be a number of reasons, but that was the biggest reason.

“Because you didn’t feel the truth.”

Han Jung-hyun’s interest in Lee Min-ah did not contain sincere feelings.

She didn’t show her interest because she really liked her, but because she thought she was right for her if she was just Lee Min-ah.

Because she thought so, she showed interest in Lee Min-ah. she was noticing it

where is the truth in this world

“Maybe. But when you just entered the training camp… Wasn’t the enthusiasm you showed for training really sincere?”


Lee Min-ah closed her eyes and remembered that time.

When he just entered the training camp, Han Joong-hyun tried to vomit blood in order to live up to the expectations he was given.

He had great talent, but he also worked hard to match it.

Later, that attitude changed, but at first it was.

“Look at you now, Han Joong-hyun.”

Lee Min-ah pointed to Han Jung-hyun’s body.

“Have you ever taken a sword seriously? Have you ever trained as passionately as you did when you first entered the training camp? No. No. You just look like you can’t control the power you’ve been given.”


“The figure who cannot admit defeat even after being defeated, does not acknowledge his own shortcomings and covets power.”

Han Jung-hyun’s face went blank. Lee Min-ah looked at him sadly and then turned her back.

“Look at yourself.”

Han Jung-hyun was able to attack her by regenerating her body. But he didn’t like it.

I just stare at the back with blank eyes.

Those eyes slowly looked at his own body.


… ugly

The body of a monster, not a human.

This figure that survived without dying even though her body was mutilated… … .

Suddenly, it felt uglier.

Han Joong-hyun first thought of that as he looked at himself.

‘When did this happen?’

As Lee Min-ah said, there was a time when she was like that too. It was a time when he struggled and tried to live up to the expectations set on him.

What was he trying for?

-You are a failure.

It was for his father.

He has had strong desires since he was a child. I wanted to help with that.

Whether that’s right or wrong.

-I don’t expect anything from you anymore. live on your own ‘Cause I don’t care whether you live a life of debauchery or whatever you do.

Han Jung-hyun closed his eyes tightly.

He wanted to see his father back, so he struggled. He burns hatred and undergoes all kinds of experiments.

“Is the result… this?”

He encountered a cliff for the first time in his life, which had always been only climbable. He tumbled down the cliff once and he couldn’t come to his senses.

He couldn’t accept a single failure.

“Yeah, you’re ugly.”

Han Joong-hyun bitterly admitted.

His body slowly turned into rubble and scattered.

“This figure is… definitely…”

It soon disappeared without a trace.

There was no advice whatsoever. There was no confessor who confessed his sins, and there was no word asking for forgiveness.

As always in Han Joong-hyun’s life, he just disappeared without telling anyone.


There was a slight bitterness on Park Si-jun’s face.

He has no intention of sympathizing with the man in front of him. He has become a demon, and there is no way to turn it back.

‘I feel so strange.’

Park Si-jun shook his head. Now is not the time to be immersed in these useless emotions.

Even while facing Han Jung-hyun, the monsters continued to fight.

The most impressive were the hinterlands.

“It’s the same as it was before and now. To be negligent in training the body’s strength by relying on poison…!”

“I’m not like an ignorant bitch like you. For someone like me, training poison is like training a weapon!”

The swordsman and King Mandokji were fighting fiercely together. Each other’s brilliant martial arts collided, and in the aftermath, the surrounding monsters died.

‘Do you think I can just leave it alone?’

Players know how to distance themselves from the two. You know it’s dangerous to be nearby.

There was a lot of venom circling all over the place, and it felt strange to see a swordsman fighting well.

– Gooooooooooooooo!

– Grrr… … !

The battle aspects of the King of the Dead and the Shadow Lord were slightly different from those two.

If the swordsman and the Mandok Ji-king were single and fought against each other, the king of the dead and the lord of shadows were fighting by actively utilizing his subordinates.

-Aren’t you tired of playing with these corpses now?

– Hearing that from you, it’s not funny.

The two were leisurely watching from the rear, and only the subordinates they summoned were fighting hard.

It didn’t seem like it was going to end well on either side. Park Si-jun was worried.

‘I can’t leave this as it is.’

It is beneficial to just let the hinterland fight each other, but if possible, it is best to help the other allies by winning the battle.

How do I do that?

– I once told you. you are… You can become a god if you want.

“Are you saying that again? Because I don’t want to be.”


Lee Min-ah answered what Park Si-jun said to Tam-dok. He thought he was talking to himself.

Park Si-jun shook his head.

-Yes, I respect your will. But for now, I was wondering if I could taste a piece of that power.

‘What do you mean?’

The moment when you wonder what Tamdok is saying.

– Nyaaaaan!

Where did you hear a familiar sound? ride it! The sound of footsteps peculiar to animals.

The sound came closer with great speed.

– Whoa!


Something stuck to Park Si-joon’s face.

This smell is familiar. He frowned and pulled the guy off his face.

This is the cat Ishimi calls Nyangnyang.

– Nyaan! Nyan Nyan Nyan!

“Why is he here?”

Park Si-joon was puzzled as he struck the monster’s head just in time to attack.

I’m just protesting, and my eyes are full of resentment.

“You seem to be protesting that you forgot about your existence…!”

– Nyaaan!

Lee Min-ah kept behind Park Si-joon’s back. Her gorgeous sword dance slaughtered the monsters.

She nodded her head like a cat.

“You and Ishimi are on set, not me.”

– Wow!

Now she even pretends to be Ishimi.

The guy scrambled to his feet and ripped the thing off his neck and handed it to him.

What a familiar thing

“This… what was it?”

– Whoa!

“Ah, yes. The book you kept in the past.”

It is a book with an old man from heaven inside.

Didn’t he receive training from the old man and help him to deal with the power of heaven?

However, he had never appeared since then, so he had completely forgotten about it.

– I will show you the mystery.


At the same time as Park Si-joon was puzzled, the magic circle in which he was standing began to glow dimly.

From there, an enormous amount of power began to flow into Park Si-jun. All kinds of magic and power.


The small wounds on his body were healed. Fatigue accumulated from successive battles was relieved at once.

-If you have the will.

The magic that circulated through Park Si-joon’s body in an instant flowed into the book in his grasp.

– You can implement what you want.


A strong light emanated from the book.

The monsters approaching were startled and retreated, and the light was enough to be looked at by those fighting around.(Read more @

And when the light went out, the book in his grasp was gone.




There was just a stranger there.

He was a man with long black hair, a cold but handsome face, a stout body, and red eyes.

He’s the first man I’ve ever seen. But, he was used to something.


“Hey! Does it make sense that you don’t even know your master’s face just because you haven’t seen him in a long time?”

“What? I’ve never had a teacher like you…”

Something suddenly popped into my mind.

He said that he would show the mystery that Tamdok talked about a while ago. The secret of a heavenly demon that suddenly disappeared.

And then a strange man appeared.

“Maybe, old man?”

“You say you’re old to your master. Your mouth has gotten worse while you haven’t seen it, you idiot.”

It was a heavenly demon that was trapped in the rain.

Park Si-jun opened his mouth in surprise. no, this is it

“Why is this old man here!”

Park Si-joon was very upset. To be honest, recently, I had completely forgotten about its existence.

He knew that the cat took care of him with utmost sincerity, but he had no choice but to forget it because there was no reaction.

The angel came out of nowhere.

“No, you didn’t even say anything about what you were going to teach me!”

“Hey! Weren’t you doing well on your own without needing your help?”

“The excuse is…”

Park Si-jun looked at his face and smiled.

The face that looked like the criminal was like this in the past. He looks cold, but he has a very handsome face.

‘It’s the embodiment of this old man.’

Then change your mind a bit.

Just as he uses the power of addiction to embody the power of web novels, maybe even the characters in it.

-If you have the will.

maybe it can be done

– You can implement what you want.

If that’s possible, it would be a huge help.

Park Si-jun swallowed his saliva.

“I guess my job is to take care of that lady?”

Chunma looked back at him and smiled coldly.

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