Chapter 315

Pumiceok and I-Rok infiltrated the castle.

The castle was literally crowded with enemies. It almost felt like he was preparing for an intruder.

But that contrast meant nothing to him.


A gloomy shadow passed right next to the enemies guarding the passage. The enemy didn’t even notice that someone was passing by.

Irok repeated that over and over again. Some of them saw the shadows move, but


I didn’t even notice it.

Irock was literally moving like a ghost. He made his way and scoured the inside of the castle.



All kinds of traps lurked in the castle.

It’s not an easy place to break through, but it doesn’t matter to him.

Irok broke through the trap in an instant and reached the deepest part of the castle.

A huge door that was firmly closed. I-Rok’s body, who looked up at the door for a moment, became hazy like smoke. A smoke-like body slipped through the gaps in the door.

“The magic stone is operating. Is it that the enemies have infiltrated the castle?”

“It’s very different from what I said at the beginning…”

There were many villains inside the door.

There was a huge magic stone in the spacious room covered with all kinds of circuits. It was a magic stone almost the size of a house.

It was a structure in which the magic flowing from there flowed into the temple body. They were the ones who kept the magic stone.

“Where have all the apostles gone? They said there would be no enemies infiltrating the castle!”

“I can’t reach everyone. I can’t even get in touch with my hometown side.”

“Damn it……”

The villains were very confused. Irok used his skill while hiding in the shadows without them knowing.

A widespread death mark was engraved on the enemies. He drew out his bow in the dark, and pulled the chord.

and launch.

The arrow he shot was split in the middle of the flight, and he changed to focusing on multiple shots.

“For once, the Apostle Father who will be on the top… ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

The enemies did not even notice the presence of the arrow and pierced through it.

Some of them were lucky enough to dodge it, but when it came to hitting the target, they hit the target.


The villain, bewildered by the sudden collapse of his colleagues, quickly turned his head.

direction in which the arrow flew. But there was nothing where he turned his head.

Instead, a man came out from the right.

“It’s over there! It’s from over there!”

“Attack! Kill!”

All at once, they attacked the place where the man came out. Skills were poured indiscriminately, and the spacious room resounded loudly.

Smoke rose and obscured the view.

“Hey, did you finish it?”

But it’s also a trap. A corpse made with cryptography.

Irok was watching the enemies attacking his clone from the shadows.

Everyone looked straight ahead.


Irock smashed the ground.

His new model split into several, and he rushed behind the remaining enemies in an instant.

Each separate clone used the death penalty, and the enemies’ necks flew away in an instant.

There were many times, but they were literally sorted out in an instant.


Irock stood in front of the huge magic stone and installed some kind of device.

‘One with this.’

And he immediately left the room. There are several more magic stones like this one.

You just have to deal with it all.

* * *

The performance of the great mage was amazing.

He used a wide range of magic endlessly to catch the eyes of his enemies perfectly, and to keep them immobilized.

The problem was that it wasn’t his own magic, but anyway.

“No, you can handle spirits too? Oh, you can handle them.”

He knew how to use not only attack magic, but also other magic.

One of them was spirit magic. He lacked mana, so he didn’t have any high-level spirits, but he summoned a number of low-middle-level spirits.

Those spirits were contributing greatly to completely blocking the enemies.

“And buff magic…”

– You play well with other people’s magic.


I should be happy because I’m doing a terrible performance, but something was complicated in my heart.

Still, thanks to you, I got a chance. Park Si-jun took the opportunity to observe the surroundings carefully.

‘I guess I’ll have to draw my attention so that I don’t think about anything else until the job is done.’

– Not a bad idea. There are some things that take a while, but it doesn’t matter.

Magi made his soldiers cover the surroundings, and Park Si-jun moved slowly.

As he recalled the presence of Shin Yun-woo he had felt a while ago, he observed his surroundings. But he didn’t feel like that.

I can only feel the presence of the overflowing enemies.

Park Si-joon patted his chin.

‘Did you hide your presence? Anyway, I’m right where I can see you.’

Park Si-jun cut the head of the approaching humanoid monster and turned his head back and forth.

Shin Yun-woo’s presence was as strong as the bright sun. Now, I didn’t feel that way at all.

Instead, you can only feel the enemies’ sticky, muddy presence.

Literally, there were signs everywhere.

‘I can’t feel Shin Yun-woo’s presence. The presence of enemies fills all sides. The sign has disappeared… … ‘

has disappeared.

There was an idea that popped into Park Si-jun’s head. Enemies are plentiful in this space, and their presence is clearly felt.

On the other hand, Shin Yun-woo’s presence has completely disappeared. A sign that was as strong as the sun.

‘Then, shouldn’t it be enough to find a place where you can feel the gaps among them?’

A light bulb flashed in his mind.

It is almost impossible to somehow find out and find hidden signs.

But it’s not hard to spot the awkwardness.

Park Si-Jun wandered around and felt alien in the midst of his enemies.


There were a lot of monsters, and there was no sign of any kind in the middle.

As if someone just cut out that part.


Park Si-jun gestured towards the air.

Then, as if waiting, a huge freezing magic was poured out.

The monsters in front of them immediately froze.


Park Si-jun walked among the monsters, looking around as if he was still looking for Shin Yun-woo.

And it stopped at one point.


Park Si-joon stared quietly into the air.

But even for a moment, he shook his head and tried to walk again.

The moment I took one step forward.



He changed his stance in an instant, pulled out his sword and slashed through the air.

A response returned to his grasp. A heavy sense of cutting flesh.

Park Si-jun poured his sword with a flowing movement, and immediately stepped back.


Blood gushed out from the air.

At the same time, a sharp blade was stabbed in the spot where Park Si-jun had been a while ago.


A shock wave erupted from the ground where the blade struck.

A shock wave so strong that it shook the surroundings rose like a pillar and swept the surroundings.

Had I been a little late, I would have gotten caught up in that.

Park Si-joon let out a sigh of relief inwardly.

“…how did you find out?”

Shin Yun-woo appeared, tearing apart the darkness in the air with his hands. He was grabbing his face with one hand as if he had been injured in the previous attack.

Black blood flowed from the crevices of his fingers.

“The rotten me is grassy!”

“You’re quick-witted.”

Shin Yun-woo removed the hand that was covering his face.

The wound, which was so severe that it was filled with blood, did not disappear in a moment. it will be played

‘Is that guy playing like them?’

Shin Yun-woo aimed at Park Si-joon with his left hand.

Then an unknown force pulled him and he was forcibly dragged to where Shin Yun-woo was.

‘The other apostles were not like that. You must have received strength from the same background anyway, but that’s… … ‘

Like those monsters, they are regenerating with the power of the veil that surrounds them.

In other words, if only this veil can be removed, the regeneration power will also be weakened.

“Come here!”

Shin Yun-woo put his hand holding his sword behind his shoulder.

And when the distance between him and Park Si-joon narrowed, he drew his sword down as hard as he could.

While being dragged, Si-Jun Park took his stance and prepared to block his attack.

That’s how the blade strikes.

Suddenly, the length of the blade lengthened.

The black light that made up the blade shone ominously, and the length of the sword grew like a great sword.

There was no time to respond because the reach was unexpectedly long. The blade cut deeply through Park Si-joon’s arm.


Park Si-Jun swallowed the pain and counterattacked. A sword with a sword slashed through Shin Yun-woo’s neck.

His head was cut deep enough to rumble.

His eyes widened in surprise.

“It’s amazing. How much attack power do you think?”

If it had been a normal enemy, an attack that would have killed you instantly.

But Shin Yun-woo was no ordinary enemy, and he put his ragged hair around his neck. The wound healed instantly.(Read more @


Park Si-joon did not wait for it and launched an onslaught.

He closes his distance at once and grabs his neck. A celestial fire erupted from his grasp, burning the regenerating flesh.


His severely injured arm used wide-area activation to regenerate and further narrow the distance.

He gave the sword a cold attribute with an elemental enchantment and cut off Shin Yun-woo’s right arm at once.

iron puck!

His arm was cut off and the cross section of the wound was frozen.

It did not stop there and continued to attack in succession. An attack that harmoniously blends swordsmanship, kwonbeop, and magic.

Shin Yun-woo was unilaterally beaten, and his body became a rag in an instant.

“Are you feeling a little better?”

But what does that mean?

Shin Yun-woo laughed at Park Si-joon with a raged body. After a while, his body started playing as if time had turned back.

Park Si-jun, who had expected it, revealed it.

“To some extent!”

I could see something like an aura flowing from Yun-woo Shin. Park Si-joon widened his distance without hesitation.

Even as he spread the distance, he used magic to bind Yun-woo Shin’s feet and make him spend time regenerating.


Park Si-Jun widened the distance and pulled out his gallia.

Powerful magical powers gather. He shot an arrow towards the sky, and the huge arrow was split into hundreds of arrows.

The arrows hit Shin Yun-woo all at once.


Arrows flying like missiles attacked Shin Yun-woo from all sides. A succession of explosions were heard, and flesh splattered.

Smoke billowed out of my sight.

He won’t die anyway.

Park Si-jun waited for the smoke to subside, confident that Shin Yun-woo would be okay.

And soon the smoke subsides.

“So, it doesn’t make any sense…”

Shin Yun-woo’s changed appearance was revealed.

body getting bigger. His skin exposed a thick upper, and two grotesquely curved horns grew on his forehead.

and huge wings.

‘It’s a typical magician’s appearance… … ‘

The power I felt was different.

Shin Yun-woo grabbed his sword. The broken sword grew huge for his size. The black blade that flowed from the broken section also got bigger and changed like a great sword.

“You know how many times I have to tell you?”

Park Si-jun clicked his tongue.

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