Chapter 51

[The crack has been opened. You have to deal with the monsters until the boss monster appears.]

A message appeared in Park Si-joon’s eyes.

Players called this defense. It’s a defensive battle where you have to stop the monsters endlessly.

– Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

The screams of the monster rang out.

The monster that appeared this time was Living Armor.

It is an undead armor that is alive even when there is no wearer, and the spirits of soldiers who died full of resentment reside.

– Oh oh oh!

Whoop, whoop!

When the monsters appeared, the university literally became a battlefield.

As the Living Armor took one step at a time, the ground shook violently.

-Everyone kills… … !

“Kill these bastards!”

Monsters are advancing.

Players blocked it in front of them.

Here’s the defense line. I couldn’t let the monsters pierce me.

“Damn, what kind of living armor! That’s not from a D+-class rift!”

The level of Living Armor is 40. The level of monsters coming out of D+ class rifts is usually in their 20s.

The level difference was doubled.

A member of the association, who later confirmed the fact, screamed a warning.

-I don’t know why, but the crack… Ranked up! Be careful!

“What if I tell you that now!”

One of the players screamed in evil.

“Don’t ruin my broadcast picture and get out! This is my seat!”

“Where is your seat, where is my seat…!”

“These bastards are so tough!”

The players fought the monsters coming in while defending the defense line. And at the same time, I tried to make myself stand out somehow.

The reason was simple.

– Do you see the player over there? We are fighting for our lives!

-Yes, this is Seohyeong University, where the defense is in full swing. Now the crack has changed… … .

“Camera, take me!”

He was standing there to make his name known.

You can make money by being famous. It can stand out among players who believe in the same background. You can then receive new traits and skills.

So it was imperative.

– Oh, look over there! That!

But the camera did not illuminate them.

There was no reason to shed.

Because there were people who shined brighter than those who struggled like that.

“Huh, ha ha ha ha!”

It was Lee Kyuhyung.

A small new model was moving back and forth between the Living Armors. It was so fast that it was difficult for ordinary people to follow it.

-This is Kyuhyung Lee from the Ace Guild! Oh, what an amazing martial art!

-There are very few players who use martial arts. It’s my first time seeing it too, and it’s really cool.

Lee Kyu-hyung slammed his right foot on the ground and threw his fist forward.

Whoops! The Living Armor that was hit by it had a dent in the chest.

– Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

“Yeah, this is what it should be! A C+ class crack!”

The Living Armor, furious at the death of a colleague, tried to attack Lee Kyu-hyung.

Then, Lee Kyuhyung’s eyes lit up.

He raised his legs high and slammed the ground hard.

Koo! The Living Armor, which was rushing in as the ground shook, fell as it was.


When Lee Kyu-hyung slammed the ground again, the Living Armor floated into the air.

And the disappearing new type of Lee Kyu-hyung.

Kaduk, Kwajik! The sound of something breaking and exploding rang out.


Kyuhyung Lee slowly landed on the ground.

As if following him, the living armor sunk down here and there.


Those who watched were amazed.

It was surprisingly fast and powerful.

He deserves to be hailed as a promising prospect these days.

In the pouring gaze, Lee Kyu-hyung smiled a little.

‘One more ad will come in.’

As it has become famous these days, there are still a few advertisements.

I’ll come back when this is over.

‘Can it be this easy to make money?’

Lee Kyu-hyung liked to fight, and more than that, he liked money. The job of a player who could earn money by fighting was perfect for him.

‘It hurts because it’s a little hard.’

Kyuhyung Lee looked down at his hand.

Because they were so hard, his fists tingled a little even though he was wearing his gloves.

“Would you like to play a little more?”

Kyuhyung Lee tried to run rampant again. But then.


“What, what!”

– Bird, is this a new monster?!

A huge roar rang out.

People’s eyes turned to where the sound was heard.


– Uh… … .

– Whoa, oh, oh, oh… … .

The remains of numerous Living Armor were scattered. My body was shattered as if a bomb had exploded.

The reporter watching was astonished.

“What happened? What did you do! Hey, did you film it?”

“Yes, yes? No, I’m filming Lee Kyu-hyung.”

“Hurry up the camera!”

The camera pointed towards it.

A lot of dust settled down, and a human figure emerged from it.


“Park Si-jun?”

It was Park Si-jun.

He roughly brushed the iron dust off his hands.

“What! Was Park Si-Jun there too?”

“Didn’t you see it?”

Reporters were confused.

Kyuhyung Lee is also a promising player, and he is a famous player these days.

However, it was definitely Park Si-joon who drew the most attention recently.


Park Si-Jun is attracting people’s attention like that.

‘What did I just do?’

He was in the midst of a surprise.

With a light heart, he only used the skill of the King of Kwon that he had acquired this time.

His destructive power was unexpected.

“Shall we try one more time?”

Living Armor is coming.

The rift pours out a huge amount of monsters. Monsters were still coming out of the crack.

‘I have to level up a bit.’

Park Si-jun laughed.

He quickly raised his magic power.

A soft blue magic and divine light emanated from his body.

wind ejection.

Buff magic that strengthens the body and increases the attack power of martial arts was given to Si-Jun Park.

Magical and divine powers rotated like a vortex and stayed in his arms.


The feeling of using the skill a while ago.

Park Si-jun slammed the ground with his right foot while recalling that feeling.



A heavy sound resounded as if a rock had fallen.

There was a big crack on the ground that had been struck down.

Park Si-jun exhaled his exhalation while shifting his weight precisely.


‘Right of Shredding.’

His fists were shot forward.

The goal is one point. Living Armor approaching in groups, the one at the forefront.

The fists wrapped around his magic like a whirlpool went straight ahead.


It sounded lighter than I expected.

A fist hit Living Armor’s abdomen. The man’s body stiffened.

– Big, huh?

Living Armor felt something swirling inside her body.

before he even thought of what it was.


An explosion occurred in the abdomen.

The swirling magical power exploded, creating a powerful shock wave.

The Living Armor shattered, and a shock wave struck the men who followed.


Everyone was silently astonished.

The sight was horrendous. The Living Armor, which was the source of the shock, was completely smashed and no traces could be found.

The same was true of the Living Armor, which was hit by the shock wave.

Its rigid body was blown away as if it had been hit by a bullet and fell.

“What, what did you do?!”

someone shouted

Those words expressed people’s feelings. It was incomprehensible.

Living Armor has a high defense that is said to be harder than steel.

How do you make such a monster like that?

“That, what.”

Confused, Lee Kyuhyung muttered.

It’s surprising that there are players like yourself who use fists, but it’s such a destructive power.

‘I can… … .’

Kyuhyung Lee shook off the thoughts that were about to come to mind.

It can’t be.

While he was doing it, Si-Jun Park started moving again.

‘The buff time is not long.’

In the meantime, he was thinking of making the most of the Holy Power King’s skills.

Park Si-jun rushed to the ground.

Aiming for Living Armor.


The distance narrowed in an instant.

A fist that flew like lightning struck the Living Armor’s forehead.


His head was dented with a crashing sound. Park Si-jun’s eyes lit up.

The weakness of Living Armor was seen.

Abdomen, thighs, chest.


A fist that flashed like lightning struck the Living Armor’s weak point with precision.

My thighs were broken, my stomach was dented, my chest collapsed.

It took less than 30 seconds to process a single Living Armor.


Living Armor behind him attacked Park Si-jun.

He stepped back behind him and looked down at his fists.

‘I know roughly.’

Additional effects of the Holy Fist King.

It was thanks to the effect of doubling body speed and martial arts attack power when dealing with the undead.

The increased body speed +40% and attack power +100%.

The power is bound to be explosive.

‘If you use advance there, the damage of the linked skill increases.’

A small smile appeared on the corner of Park Si-joon’s lips.

His heart raced as he was trying out a new trait.

‘Shall we run a little more?’

You can use magic. But now, I wanted to use my body rather than magic.


Park Si-jun waited for Living Armor to arrive.

He had something to do.

‘What did he do?’

Kyuhyung Lee’s techniques we saw a while ago. When I saw it, I wanted to follow it.

‘I was using something serious and similar.’

As Kyuhyung Lee stepped on the ground, monsters flew into the air.

Park Si-jun thought of a way in his head. He seemed to be able to make good use of his advance.

‘Loaded with magic.’

Living Armor keeps pouring in. Park Si-jun raised his right foot.

‘When you hit the ground.’

As he exhaled, he slammed his foot down as hard as he could.

‘Explodes magical power widely.’

At the same time as the shot down, the magical power and divine power gathered at his toes spread widely.

woohoo! vibrations that resonate. At the same time, a wide-spread force exploded.

– Whoa!

Living Armor floated in the air due to the shock caused by the explosion.

Park Si-joon kicked the ground and leapt.

‘And with a thunderbolt.’

His new form disappeared in an instant.

Couldn’t see anything. Except that something hazy was playing among the living armors in the air.

Whoops, pick! Wow!

cracking and breaking sound.

Lee Kyu-hyung doubted his own eyes.

“Hey, baby…”

Park Si-jun appeared again and landed on the ground.

The wreckage of the messed up Living Armor, falling as if chasing him.

It was a familiar sight.

And it was a familiar skill.

“Are you following me?”

Embarrassment and anger surged.(Read more @

and with astonishment.

“How the hell…”

An unknown fear rose.

It was the fear of the unknown, the fear of the unknown.

But the surprise is not over.

‘There are too many numbers.’

There were still plenty of Living Armor.

It was necessary to reduce the number to help the players defending the line of defense.

And Park Si-joon had the perfect means for that.


Park Si-joon’s heart was beating violently.

An extraterrestrial being emitted a tremendous amount of magical power.

He picked up his breath and chanted the magic he was now accustomed to.


A huge cannon appeared right in front of Si-Jun Park.

ice cannon. It was a frozen cannon.

However, it wasn’t one.

Boom, woooong!

A total of four cannons appeared.

A huge cannon, with its wick lit blue, awaited the command to fire.

‘It’s a little heavy.’

Park Si-jun felt that his body’s magical power had been greatly reduced.

However, the reduced horsepower was being replenished at a rapid rate.


cannon was fired

The ice shells fired in a straight line pierced the living armor blocking them.

And when it reached a certain distance, the shell exploded.

– Aaaaah!

Ice shards scattered in all directions hit the Living Armor.

The body shattered, and iron powder flew away.

But it was still not enough. Park Si-jun continued to fire the shells.

Whoops, boom!

The ground shook and the body stretched.

Occasionally, there were Living Armors aiming at Park Si-jun’s back.


It was, of course, meaningless.

Park Si-joon grasped the attack with intuition and instead launched a counterattack.

“The number…”

The number of living armor was rapidly decreasing.

It was thanks to the players who felt that the flow of battle had passed and actively participated in the battle.

“Kill them all! Let’s level up!”


Park Si-joon reaped his magic.

People are intricately intertwined. It’s better to fight in melee than in magic that doesn’t distinguish between opponents.

He also jumped into battle and steadily reduced the Living Armor.

How much did you fight like that?

Woo woo woo woo!

Suddenly, the crack vibrated violently.

Everyone’s eyes turned to the crack. The reporter, who was watching the situation, turned the camera towards it.

“Comes out.”

The space split wide, and a new monster squirmed through them.

It was a monster that was bigger and stronger than Living Armor.

“Boss monster…”

It was the appearance of the boss monster.

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