Chapter 55

“There are a lot of dirty people.”

The gate that connects Earth and the Abyss is always crowded.

They are of all ages, genders, and races.

‘I think he’s from South America, and he’s… I think it came from Southeast Asia.’

Gates exist all over the world. And the first player to pass is sent to the frontier unconditionally.

Thanks to this, this place has become like a melting pot of races.

“What, didn’t you say you were here?”

“It’s not here, it’s over there, you idiot.”

“Is that so? No, you call me an idiot for that?”

Two white men passed right by Park Si-jun.

He was speaking in English, but he could understand the meaning as if he were speaking in Korean.

‘that’s interesting.’

Even if the language used by the same player is different, it can be automatically interpreted and listened to in the other’s language.

It was thanks to that.

woo woo.

Al was floating around as if asking for attention.

Park Si-jun carelessly stroked the surface of the egg.

“For now, you go in.”

And forcibly shoved it into his pocket. It was annoying to keep walking around.

People’s gaze was also taken care of.

‘Now, what do you do?’

The long training camp life is over.

From now on, you have to think on your own, make decisions on your own, and solve problems on your own without anyone’s guidance.

The first thing Park Si-jun thought about was the direction. What will you do and what will you achieve?

‘First, we must find the demons.’

Those who contracted with the evil ones and gave up their humanity.

They act as an organization and use special means to move freely between the Abyss and Earth.

These days, they have carried out terrorist activities on Earth.

‘If you look for them, you will get information.’

The demon who killed his parents.

If you follow the demons, you might be able to get information.

‘The place where you can easily meet the demons is the territory of the bad guys or nearby.’

The territories of malicious actors have not yet been properly identified.

He was in the midst of paving the way and carveing ​​out to get to the place where he was supposed to be.

‘Is it better to participate in the pioneering work?’

Park Si-jun thought about it for a long time.

‘The frontier has few residents.’

To be precise, the resident who gives the quest.

It is essential for rapid growth because you can receive experience points or various rewards by receiving the resident’s quests.

‘I heard there are many in the pioneering area.’

Park Si-jun turned on the community.

Then, something like an internet bulletin board appeared in front of him.

[Title: Is this a good item?][Title: Do not deceive, I will kill you][Title: I caught a boss mob, but is it true that a japtem popped up?][Title: Stuck in a dungeon for 2 weeks… … . I want to go home.]

The status of the bulletin board was as chaotic as the Internet.

Park Si-jun looked at the tab at the top of the bulletin board. The tabs had several labs: Free, Local, Deal, Recruit and Announce.

He chose from there he recruited and advertised.

[Who will open the Valley of Blades?][We are recruiting Thunder Hill pioneers. See contents.][Anyone who can break the Winter Forest Quest?]

Players were recruiting people to pioneer areas together or to break quests.

‘I said there was a place where the demon appeared in the north.’

I was looking for information before coming. The name must have been the Fallen Zone.

Park Si-jun entered a keyword and searched.

[Recruitment of Fallen Zone pioneers.]

Then I found the post I was looking for. I checked the contents.

[Hello, we are the Memories Guild, under the direction of the owner of the Infinite Library, and directing the pioneering work of the Fallen Zone. The Fallen Zone is located north of the Frontier, passing through the Forest of Eternity.]

Usually, the guild is in charge of regional development. Sometimes one guild does it, sometimes several guilds work together.

Park Si-jun read the contents slowly.

The article was detailed about the dangers of the Fallen Zone.

[…] And recently, a handful of Shadow Lord’s demons have appeared. The goal has not been revealed yet, but it is interfering with the pioneering work.][Our guild speculates that this area may be the road to the shadow lord’s territory. Please keep this in mind before applying.]

After that, the rewards to be provided if participating in the pioneering work, and the conditions for participation were written there.

Participation conditions. Park Si-jun frowned.

‘The level limit is 50.’

Some of the monsters have a fairly high level, and since the demons appear, the danger is great, so they must have captured it like this.

‘I don’t know what to do?’

Park Si-joon’s level is in his 20s, but his abilities are comparable to those in his 40s.

Maybe I should articulate this well.

‘There are people on the frontier.’

There is a person waiting in the frontier, so if you want to participate, come with that person using the waypoint.

“I’ll have to hit it once.”

Park Si-jun got up from the bench. It was time to move.

* * *

“Ah! The player who decided to come today, right?”

A shabby tavern in the frontier.

There was a woman waiting for Park Si-jun.

“My name is Hong Soo-yeon of the Memories Guild. I am also a guide who will lead you to the pioneering area.”

She was a woman with her dark hair neatly tied and her glasses on.

A woman who seems to like books. Her first impression was just that.

“Oh, yes. Nice to meet you. My name is Park Si-jun.”

“Park Si-Jun …….. He was not sure when he heard his name.”

Hong Soo-yeon smiled a little.

“Well then.”

She rummaged through her inventory and pulled out a device that incorporated her magic stone.

“I’ll check the level. It’s like a test device… It doesn’t show stats or traits.”

“If I want to reveal something, come out? I learned it at the training camp.”


It was a tool that allowed you to see the status window of others. It can only be viewed with the consent of the other party.

Park Si-jun put his hand on her device.

‘Levels and abilities.’

There is no background, so there is no need to disclose it.

On the other hand, the stats needed to be revealed this time.

The device worked.


Hong Soo-yeon rolled her eyes.

“Level is…”

It was much lower than the required level.

Level 23. Recruiting players of level 50 or higher is half of that.

But there was something strange.

“Why is the stat so high?”

His abilities were surprisingly high.

Although Park Si-jun did not know it, the status window that is open to others shows the stats with the effects of the characteristics applied.

All stats +13% applied.

“Besides, divine power?”

How can a player without a background have divine power?

It was an incomprehensible situation.

“Uh, there. That’s it.”

Hong Soo-yeon stuttered. I was confused and couldn’t get the words out.

“Because the level was not enough, he.”

“The stats are high, but what can’t be done? Attribute ranks are also high.”

“That’s, uh…”

In the original case, it should be adamantly rejected. But I couldn’t.

Because there were few people.

“Hey, let me ask you first.”

Hong Soo-yeon turned her head and started sharing a song with someone.

Park Si-jun waited patiently.

let’s wait so long

“Hey, you’ve been waiting a long time.”

Hong Soo-yeon’s song ended.

“I had a quick talk with our guild leader. He said that if it’s okay with Park Si-joon, you can come.”

“Really? I didn’t know you’d really allow it.”

“I think the guild leader was impressed with how you dealt with the rift. That’s what you can trust…”

Hong Soo-yeon scratched her cheek.

I haven’t been able to watch View Tube because I’ve been busy these days, but I thought I should watch it.

“For now, shall we go?”

Hong Soo-yeon left the pub with Park Si-joon.

“Is there anyone other than me?”

“Sorry, but no. To be more precise… you’re the first player here this week.”

“It’s a lot less popular than I thought.”

“That’s right. Oh, eat this.”

Hong Soo-yeon smiled bitterly and handed him an unknown juice. It was a juice with a refreshing taste of fruit.

“Is it because the difficulty is high?”

“More than that, it’s because of mine. It’s a town where villains and mines wander… It’s very dangerous.”

“Life is precious.”

Villains are dangerous, and magicians are lethal. Your life may be in danger.

There are many other pioneering areas, so there is no need to take that risk.

Unless it’s a special type like Park Si-jun.

“The rewards are good. Our master behind the scenes bets a little big.”

“That’s nice.”

It is the background that dictates the pioneering work. They order several guilds to pioneer work and provide rewards.

The reward will be different depending on the mind behind it.

“Currently, the level of pioneering in the Fallen Zone is about 40%. It has been a while, but there are only a few people… The pace of progress has to be slow.”

“How many people have the highest contribution?”

“It’s about 21 percent.”

If you successfully complete the pioneering process, you can receive coins depending on how much you contributed to the pioneering work.

The higher the contribution, the more rare and good rewards can be obtained. The same goes for Coyne.


Park Si-jun followed Hong Soo-yeon and organized his thoughts.

‘40%. Not bad.’

Before he came to visit Hong Soo-yeon, he explored all the dungeons near the Frontier.

He was to find the hidden dungeon.

‘There were a few… … .’

It was meaningless because it was an attacked place.

It was good because it was near the frontier, the starting point.

The last thing I found was literally luck.

‘If it’s an unexplored area, it might be a little different.’

At about 40%, half of it is still undeveloped. It means that there may be a hidden dungeon.

That will be a reward for Park Si-joon. very valuable.

“Well, we’ve arrived.”

Park Si-jun arrived at the gate.

“Once you have a party…”

Hong Soo-yeon took Park Si-joon’s hand, and the party was established.

The party leader can take party members to the place where he took the waypoint.

Even if they didn’t take the waypoint.

[Party leader Hong Soo-yeon is about to lead you to the Fallen Zone – the habitation of giants. Do you want to?]


When Park Si-jun agreed, the gate was activated.

“It will be very cold.”

Hong Soo-yeon smiled and went to her first gate, and Park Si-jun followed her.

* * *

A strange sensation of distorted vision. When Park Si-jun opened his eyes again, he was in a pure white world.


A forest covered with snow. All around stood dry trees with frozen leaves.

Park Si-jun shivered in the cold wind.

“It’s very cold here.”

Hong Soo-yeon put a cold-weather cloak on Park Si-joon’s shoulder.

It was still cold, but it got a little better.

“I think I can see why people don’t want to come.”

“It’s always below freezing. At night it gets even lower and it’s ridiculously cold. Actually, I don’t really like it either.”

“I thought it was a wasteland or something like that because it was a downfall…”

Park Si-joon trembled and walked forward. There was a place like a wide open space among the withered trees.(Read more @

It is an artificially created void.

There was a small village.

“There aren’t many people.”

Park Si-jun looked around the village.

It is a village full of thick tents. But there weren’t many people walking around.

There were no people and only strange giants were busy walking around.

“Most of the time, I go back to the frontier to rest. If I sleep here, my mouth will go back… After all, I can’t get used to this cold.”

Hong Soo-yeon also blew her palms out of the cold.

Every time that happened, a pure white breath flowed out.

“The guild boss is not here right now, so I’ll just register. Get this first.”

Hong Soo-yeon gave Park Si-joon a small token.

It was a mark in the form of a frozen leaf.

“I appoint you as a pioneer.”

[Suyeon Hong is about to appoint you as a pioneer. Would you accept it?]


Then a light arose in the sign.

[You have become a pioneer in the Fallenlands.][Title: You have acquired the Pioneer of the Fallen Zone.][You can perform the quests in the Fallen Zone.][From now on, you can accumulate Contribution Points. Contribution points are accumulated according to your actions.]

A long message appeared.

Park Si-jun snorted.

‘Be very kind.’

It felt like I was playing some kind of game.

“Ah, take this too.”

Hong Soo-yeon kept handing me something.

This time it was a bag. When I opened it, there was a lot of stuff inside.

“These are daily necessities that will help you live here. It’s a really cold place, so be careful.”

“Thank you.”

“Oh, and there are residents here, so if you want to receive a quest, you can get it by coaxing it.”

Hong Soo-yeon laughed bitterly.

“It’s not going to be easy. The giants here, they’re so picky that they don’t take on the job. We almost didn’t get it either.”

“Yes, thank you. I will try.”

Hong Soo-yeon pointed to the large tent in the middle of the residence.

“There’s a leader of the giants over there. You said your name was Kurun.”


“You meet people while trying to find them, and you can get a pretty good quest just by meeting them. Please refer to it.”

Hong Soo-yeon lightly bowed his head and left.

‘They are very considerate of this and that.’

Maybe that’s why not many people come.

Park Si-jun put the things he received into his inventory.

“A quest, a quest…”

Park Si-jun looked around the village.

Very few players. And there were those who looked quite different from humans.

‘What can I get?’

Park Si-jun approached the residents.

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