Chapter 62

There was no mercy for Park Si-jun.

“There it is! That! Kill it!”

woo woo woo… .

He sniffed his eggs, and persistently pursued and eradicated all bugs hiding everywhere.

The door was shut. There was no room for insects to escape. All that remains is to be hunted.

Eggs were mechanically processed for such worms.

‘Level rises, go up.’

Park Si-joon’s level did not rise.

The level of the pet Al was rising.

It’s also very fast.

– Key profit!

How much trouble did you do that?

Finally, even the last remaining insects were eradicated.

Egg’s level has also risen quite a bit.

– hey hey… … .

Al was greatly exhausted from repeated labor.

Park Si-Jun pushed him back and held out his hand in front of him.


The flames emanating from the tip of the ring certainly burned the corpses of the worms.

He was thinking that there might be a guy he missed.

-Satan: Ah, this is a little;

The chat window is noisy.

Park Si-jun lightly ignored the chat and checked the items the queen had dropped.

‘Well, the material… It is again… … ‘

It was all material.

“Ai. What, it’s all material.”

Grade B material. Of course, this isn’t bad, but it was a bit disappointing.

Park Si-joon searched for the worm’s body.


There was one strange thing.

A marble the size of a human head. There was magic inside, but it was pitch black.

‘What else is this?’

Park Si-jun looked around the beads.

– Whoa, whoa… … .

A ghost giant approached Park Si-joon.

He wept bitterly as he looked at the beads.

“Why. Do you want this?”

– Whoa… … .

The ghostly giant shook his head.

“Then shall we break it?”

This time, he shook his head.

Park Si-joon’s face was slightly irritated.

“Then what do you want me to do?”

– Whoa, whoa, whoa… … .

The conversation didn’t go through. Park Si-jun was frustrated, and so was the giant.

[‘The Swordsman’ looks at you.][‘The Swordsman’ stares at the marble you are holding.]

A message behind the scenes appeared. Do you want to give me a hint?

Park Si-jun followed the swordsman and stared at the marbles in his hands.

‘Magic is flowing.’

This was inside the queen worm. What does it mean?

“Hey, did you grow up because of this?”

– oh oh… … .

The giant nodded.

“I can’t break it.”

-Oh oh… … .

“Shall we take out the magic?”

The giant groaned.

A large amount of magic was flowing from the large marble. But it was nothing but black and ominous.

‘It’s still magical.’

This space has so much magical power. It is comparable to the holy land of magical essence that I have visited before.

If it came from this marble.

‘Still, there are limits. If you suck it in until no more magical power comes out… … .’

Park Si-jun touched his chin.

The swordsman looked at this marble because he wanted to convey something.

“Or I’ll dry it, okay?”

Park Si-joon took a stance right away.

Shall we turn off the broadcast?

No, I just left it. It is a skill that does not need to be hidden.

Even at the training camp, everyone knows.


Park Si-jun used the magic absorption method.

how much did he spend Now that I’m used to how to use it, I can use it without focusing on it.

But this time it was a little different.

‘The feeling of magic… … .’

There was a sense of clarity in the magical power that had been absorbed so far.

However, the magic absorbed this time was different.

Sticky, unhealthy magic.


I felt weird. The heart that received the magic was beating even more violently.


exhaled. Black smoke spurted out of his mouth like soot.

[Magic power stained with unholy energy. Holy power purifies magic.][Heart absorbs magic power.]

A pure white light softly emanated from Park Si-jun’s body. The divine power was moving.

woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo… … .

As the magic power was absorbed, the marble emitted more magic power. And they all flowed into Park Si-jun’s body.


The amount of power coming in is terrific. I was worried about whether it would be okay to accept it like this.

Whoop, whoop!

My heart was beating violently.

The magical energy that had once passed through the heart was scattered and permeated throughout the body.

how long have you been


The color of the black marble changed to transparent.

Like a glass marble that contains nothing.

[The Magic Heart has purified and absorbed unholy magic.][Magic amount increased by 5%, magic regeneration speed by 3.5%, charm by 2.1%, and all stats increased by an additional 2%.]

‘Oh, all abilities.’

It was good news. The magic absorption method does not increase all stats.

‘It felt a little different.’

Unlike just absorbing magical power, it feels like your whole body is stimulated.

Is it because of the absorption of unclean magical power?

[The egg responds to magic.]

“Hey-san, aren’t you going there?”

Al felt the magic and immediately ran towards Park Si-joon.

How did I feel déjà vu?

[Egg is hungry. Absorbs magic without permission!]

“Don’t eat, eat…”

It was pointless resistance. Al sucked the magic from Park Si-joon.

“Turn it off.”

However, this time, I didn’t suck a lot, probably because I was being considerate.

woo woo.

“Should I thank you?”

The egg moved greatly up and down.

I couldn’t tell if it was an egg or a hatched animal.



Suddenly a voice was heard from behind.

It was the voice of a ghost giant.

-Can you hear me now?

“Oh, surprise. I hear you.”

As the marble’s magical power was absorbed, the giant’s words began to be heard.

-Who are you, dwarf?

“Player, um… I’ve been asked by the giants to investigate this place.”

– Giants. Were there any survivors?

The giant laughed out loud happily.

“Your appearance is a little different, but the size is similar.”

-is it… … .

The giant’s translucent body faded slightly. as if paying off.

“Don’t suddenly become a Buddhist. What happened here?”

– Should you know that, dwarf?

“I did everything you asked me to do, but don’t you teach me that too? Too much.”

The giant made a sullen expression.

He didn’t want to even talk about what had happened here.

“Do these bugs rip? Who are you?”

But I can’t help but ask.

-… Dwarf, how’s the outside?

The giant spoke out of nowhere.

“Yeah? Well, it’s snowing, there’s some snow. It’s just winter weather.”

– Sure. Originally it wasn’t.

This area did not snow, or rather, it was a very hot area.

“How did this happen?”

-I do not know. One day, a blizzard struck the land. keep going, endlessly.

The giant looked down at his own body that had been burned and left only traces. It’s like reliving the past.

– Enemies appeared with a blizzard. They were enemies I had never seen before. They were strong, and we were weakened by the cold. couldn’t win


– Gathered the survivors and fled to this shelter. Until the enemies retreat. until the snow stops.

“I couldn’t come.”

The giant sighed.

– The first few weeks were peaceful. But suddenly, my people started disappearing one by one.

“has disappeared.”

– We went out to search them. And there, I saw the same thing you’ve ever seen.

“You’ve seen your people being controlled by these bugs.”

The giant nodded his head.

– I couldn’t run away. Something was blocking the door. So he fought the worms. Many kinsmen died.

Were the corpses of giants on the roadside dead fighting?

Park Si-jun listened to the story.

– I and a few of my fellow countrymen have come this far. And I saw something strange. Seeing the magic stone for the first time. The form of an insect that absorbs it and becomes stronger.

“You didn’t know there were magic stones?”

– Yeah, I didn’t know. I’ve never seen such a magic stone or brought it here.

“Someone must have brought it.”

-There are corners to stalk.

It was an unexpected word.

-There was a traitor.

“A traitor?”

– This castle is strong. If you focus only on defense, you can survive for a long time. But we couldn’t.

“Why?”(Read more @

-Because the traitor opened the door. Because I opened the door in the middle of the night, letting the enemies in.

The giant clenched his teeth.

“The traitor…?”

– The area he was in charge of was here. It was his job to manage the cellar.

“That’s the most suspicious thing.”

Park Si-jun nodded his head as if he understood. He couldn’t help but doubt.

“Where is the traitor?”

-I do not know. But there is a way to find out.


Park Si-joon patted his chin.

he smelled The smell of the quest.

He glanced at the giant.

“I think there’s something you’d like to ask me…”

– You’re smart, dwarf.

The giant grinned and pointed at his corpse.

– Take this.

“I rode it, but there is something… Huh?

what was there Only burned, a very old bracelet.

-The traitor was mine. The captain of this citadel had an item that could tell the location of his men.

“Is this what it is?”

-Yes. He registered the traitor on the item. Write like a compass.

Park Si-joon wore a bracelet. There was a small mark on the bracelet.

He was pointing it somewhere.


-If it had died, it would have stopped working too. It means you’re still alive.

“So, find the traitor, this is it.”

-Yes. Find him and kill him. Maybe he knows the cause of the winter that came to this area.

I thought it smelled like a quest.

[Scenario Quest: Execution of Traitors]

The giant, Korka, has asked that the traitor be put to death. Killing that traitor may reveal the secrets of winter that has struck the Fallen Zone.

-Reward: Experience, Contribution, +@

A quest window appeared in front of me.

“A scenario quest?”

Park Si-joon’s eyes widened.

It is a quest that is linked differently from a normal quest, and is very rare.

He was told that if he broke all the following scenarios, he would give him a huge reward.

– I won’t just ask you to do it.

When I came down here, I brought a lot of things from the citadel.


– I’ll give it all to you. Let me guide you right now.

Park Si-jun’s eyes lit up. It was probably the last remaining legacy of the fortress or something.

Such a thought suddenly occurred to me.

“That’s good.”

Park Si-jun smiled lightly.

“Let’s try it.”

There was no reason not to.

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