Chapter 66

Park Si-jun confirmed the reward.

[Calm Assassin (B)]

Calmness is an assassin’s virtue. He assassinated his enemies calmly and calmly.

-Effect: Dagger attack power +5%, assassination related skill efficiency +5%.

It was a good title.

But the rewards didn’t end there.

[I was fully immersed in the novel. Assassin Lord’s rank is increased.]

“What will come out?”

It was the message I was waiting for.

advancement. It was the time when Assassin Lord, who had been C+ for a long time, was promoted to B.

[Assassin Lord (B)]

A passive skill that only the King of Assassins can learn. It can sense the presence of opponents and can handle multiple weapons skillfully. It is now weakened and can only handle bows and daggers.

-Effect: Stealth efficiency +25%, body speed +14% while stealth, bow attack power +20%, bow attack speed +15%, dagger attack power +20%, dagger defense penetration +20%.

-Skills: Stealth, Death, Striking, Shadow Step, Mark of Death.

A small smile appeared on the corner of Park Si-joon’s lips.

From increasing attack power to penetrating defense.

It was a very nice effect.

[Desperate: Can only be used in stealth mode. Inflicts a fatal blow to the enemy with a sword wrapped in shadows. Even if it misses, a fatal blow… … .][Step on Shadow: Hide through the shadows and approach the enemy’s back. Movement speed increases for a short time after use.][Mark of Death: Marks the enemy and amplifies damage taken from assassination skills by 30%.]

As the name suggests, it was a skill composition focused on assassination.


This was what I wanted since I learned Assassin Lord. These were especially necessary for Park Si-jun, who hunts alone.


Park Si-jun wiped the blood of the dagger.

“Should I take care of the rest?”

It was time to finish the villain.

* * *

“Magic Stone…”

A Chinese nobleman, Lee Min-min, was looking down at the magic stone in front of him.

A magical stone that shines brightly. It is a crystal formed by the gathering and gathering of the magic stones in this place.

“I hope the monarch is satisfied.”

There are many reasons why players become villains.

It’s because you feel tired of the player’s life with all kinds of restrictions and want to use your powers freely.

Or felt a strong attraction to the power backed by the malignant.

Li-Min was the latter.

‘If only we can achieve great results in this pioneering work… … .’

Li-Min laughed silently.

“Where did Kim Seung-hyun go?”

He had been away for quite some time saying he would come to urinate. But he still hasn’t come back.

‘Are you even smoking?’

A player who fights physically and smokes harmful cigarettes. Li-Min clicked his tongue out loud.

“I’m going to go look for it…”

The moment I said that, I heard a voice.

It sounds like throwing something heavy.

Lee Min turned his head to see where the sound had come from.


there was a body

There was a large cut in her chest, and her face was horribly damaged.

But the look was familiar.

“Kim Seung-hyun?”

It was Kim Seung-hyun.

Embarrassed Li-Min tried to run to him in a hurry.



An arrow pierced Li-Min’s arm.

terrible pain. hurriedly fled. Several arrows were pierced where he had escaped.

“Who are you?”

Li-Min tried to find the enemy.

But nothing was visible. There was only an eerie silence in the cavity.

“Where are you! Me!”

No answer came back. Li-Min’s breathing was suffocating on its own. His nerves sharpened.

First, you need to use a potion to heal the wound.

‘Can you afford that?’

Li-Min let out a rough breath.

The more the eerie silence continued, the more he felt his chest tighten.

Unbearable, Li-Min tried to do something.


I heard something.

Sounds like smoke moving. before you even figure out what it is.


“Hey, crazy…!”

He couldn’t come to his senses.

With incredible speed, combat skills, and even magic skills.

Has there ever been a player like this? No, I’ve never seen it.

‘I do not know.’

Li-Min staggered and stepped back. He couldn’t even hold his body.

There was no power left for that.


Park Si-joon is chasing after it.

It would have been not long since he had completed the training camp.

But this kind of strength.

A cruel judgment that is not like a rookie.

Are there new players like this?


Li Min clenched his teeth.

At the same time, Si-Jun Park’s dagger approached and cut off his head.

That was the end.


The body that had lost its owner collapsed in vain.

Park Si-jun exhaled a long breath as he wiped the blood from his dagger.


It turned out to be easier than I thought.

It would not have been this easy if these two had faced each other head-on.

It was thanks to the promoted Assassin Lord.

‘Stealth, assassination.’

I haven’t been able to write anything lately.

There were many other traits, and there was no need to fight in hiding.

‘I’ll write more actively.’

With that in mind, Park Si-jun retrieved Li-Min’s items.

Lee Min Lee, Kim Seung Hyun. Both had B-grade items in the 60’s.

‘I don’t have anything worthwhile.’

If you sell it, you’ll get a decent amount of money.

‘I can’t upload it to the view tube.’

Park Si-jun checked the camera.

I left it on just in case, but I don’t think I can use the video.

‘It’s a human form.’

Monsters and demons are allowed because they look different from humans.

The villain, on the other hand, was different. Serving evil, but they were human. If it was a disaster site, it was not easy to upload a video of killing a villain.

Not yet.

‘I don’t know what will happen later.’

The reason the monsters, in a way brutal, videos appeared on View Tube or TV was simple.

To alleviate people’s fear of monsters. Look, there are people who fight so well.

If they exist, the monsters are nothing. It is intended to convey something like a message of hope to people.

‘The villains might be the target.’

The activities of mines and villains are getting stronger. Now they may be like that too.

‘I’ve got all the items.’

Park Si-joon, who took the items, went to the common center.

A cavity full of magic stones. Among them were two brilliant magic stones.

“What is this?”


Al replied to the words Park Si-jun muttered. The guy was floating around the magic stone.

“Hey, don’t even think about touching it.”

woo woo… … .

Al trembled as if dissatisfied.

If left alone, these magic stones may have been absorbed.

‘Greed has become dirty.'(Read more @

Al was a guy with great greed when it came to magic, even if he didn’t know anything else.

“Can’t you mine these magic stones?”

Park Si-jun looked at the magic stones scattered around him. It depends on the purity, but if you sell them all, you will get money.

very fond of

Woo woo woo woo!

The egg, which had been floating around, suddenly trembled.

“Hey, don’t eat it.”


“Listen to me… haha.”


Ignoring Park Si-joon, he jumped into the magic stone piled up like a mountain.

“Yeah, you can’t listen to me. You bastard.”

Park Si-jun clicked his tongue. He didn’t even expect it anyway.

“Hey, don’t eat it all.”

Park Si-joon first checked the two magic stones that villains were interested in.

‘It’s huge.’

I felt strong magic. It was enough to want to absorb it once.

He checked the item window.

[Refined Magic Stone (A)] X2

A magic stone created by naturally gathering many magic stones. It has a huge amount of magical power.

It was a grade A material.

‘If you get two villains and earn this much.’

It was very good. I think I’ll give one and use the other one personally.

Park Si-jun smiled pleasantly and put the refined magic stone in his inventory.

“Hey, let’s go.”

I called the egg and tried to get out of the mine. By the way.

woo woo woo woo.

“Let’s go… what are you doing?”

Al was doing something strange.

He greedily absorbed the surrounding magic stones and floated in the air.

woo woo.

The egg was resonating with magic.

The shell on the surface trembled violently, and a blue light was emitted.



“Miss, what is it!”

The mine began to shake.

It looks like it will collapse anytime soon. An ominous word popped into my mind.

mine collapse. If you don’t do it right, you’ll end up dead here. It couldn’t be.

“Hey, quick…”

Park Si-joon’s face, who was about to run away immediately after collecting the eggs, became confused.

cackle, cackle.

The egg shell was breaking.

“Uh, what. Why the shell?”

Did you force it to break? No, it’s not like that. It’s a movement like breaking an egg inside and trying to come out.

‘Are they supposed to hatch?’

Park Si-joon burst out laughing.

“Hey! Do it while watching the situation!”

The problem was that now was not the time.

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