Chapter 68

Park Si-jun used a small gate.

Previously received trials. It is an object that can freely travel between Earth and the Abyss if several conditions are met.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been home.”

As my vision, which had been shaken for a moment, returned to its original state, I saw a welcoming house.

Park Si-jun looked around.

He had been away for quite some time, but the house was spotless and clean.

‘Hatherin said he would take care of it.’

It was thanks to her care.

Thanks to Park Si-joon, he had a lot of fun and was very considerate of him.

– Shii… … .

Upon arriving home, Lee Moo-gi came down from Park Si-joon’s body.

And he went all over the house.

‘Is it strange?’

As if to mark his territory, he even rubbed his body all over the house. I was shocked to see it.

Park Si-jun decided to ignore it for now.


When I checked my smartphone, I saw a number of missed messages and calls.

Among them was Hatherin’s.

Park Si-Jun made her call to her.

-… Hello.

After a few beeps, Hatherin answered the call. It was a tired voice.

“Please call me when you arrive. I came home to take a break. What’s going on?”

– Oh, that’s… … Whoa, I’m sorry. I haven’t been able to sleep because I’ve been busy these days.

There’s no room to breathe.

Ha Serin let out a small sigh of hers.

– Shall we meet and talk first? If you haven’t eaten, I’d like to serve you.

“You say there’s no time to catch your breath? Just rest at home.”

-I still have time to meet Si-Jun Park. I will treat you with a big deal. how is it?

There was no reason to refuse.

* * *

“Oh, you’re here.”

Ha Seo-rin was sitting in a private room at a Chinese restaurant in Seoul.

“It’s surprising.”

“Surprising? What?”

Park Si-jun sat across from her and looked around.

It is a Chinese restaurant that mainly sells course dishes, but it is not luxurious. Rather, it was shabby.

“I thought I would only eat luxurious food every day.”

“Me? No?”

Ha Serin tilted her head.

“It takes a lot of time to find and eat famous chef’s dishes every time. You’ll be busy, so why are you doing that?”

“When we first met, who was the person who said that this place is run by a chef from several stars in Dubai?”

“Ah, that’s…”

Hatherin scratched her cheek.

“It was the first time we met, so I did it because I wanted to look good. And it was a restaurant inside the training camp. It didn’t take much to eat.”

“You will.”

“Stop talking nonsense. The food will come out in a little while.”

As she said, after a while, the dishes started coming out one by one. It seems that he made it come out at the same time as Park Si-joon was supposed to come.

“It’s not famous because it didn’t appear on TV, but it’s a restaurant that people who know know know.”

The smell of food stung her nose. It was a stinky smell.

And it wasn’t just Park Si-jun.

– Whoa?

In Park Si-jun’s arms, Lee Moo-gi sticks his head out.

The boy’s nose twitched.

“I came here for a quick meal and found it. If I eat it, it will be disappointing…”

I won’t. Ha Seo-rin’s face, who was about to say that, became confused.

Her eyes turned to the Imoogi.

A momentary silence.

– Yeah, woo-woong, it!

Only the sound of the Imoogi eating food echoed in the quiet room.

“…Oh my, you’re cute.”

Hatherin’s eyes widened. She was really surprised.

“What is this? Come to think of it, the egg you were carrying seems to have disappeared. No way.”

“The egg has hatched.”

“It hatched quickly.”

The Imoogi was holding food with her tiny hands and eating it metallurgically.

Hatherin watched it silently.

“What? Is it a snake? It’s kind of like a snake made into a doll.”

“Does it look sloppy?”

“No, it’s cute.”

Normally, Imoogi would have slapped her on the cheek. But right now, I’m concentrating on food, so I guess I didn’t hear it.


“Imoogi? Imoogi… Imoogi?!”

Hatherin shouted in surprise. I thought she wasn’t a big deal, but she was a bigger guy than I thought.

“Isn’t that something like a dragon?”

“Actually, it’s like a monster before becoming a dragon. It’s not a dragon. It might become that way when you grow up.”

“Still, it seems like a lot of counting?? Well, you’re still young, aren’t you?”

– Yum yum.

The Imoogi was eating food.

She seemed to like it so much, Ha Seo-rin carefully reached out her hand and tried to stroke her Imoogi.



The tail of the Imoogi slapped her approaching hand.

Hatherin blankly wrapped her hands around her.

“It hurts. It’s rough, boy.”

“He’s an unpredictable guy. So, why did you call me?”

Park Si-joon went straight to the point while eating.

There was no time to waste on this.

“No, it’s no different than the Violence I made for you.”


“I’m planning to mass-produce it and sell it, but I want to ask you what you think.”

“Are you going to mass-produce it and sell it?”

Park Si-joon frowned.

“Is that going to be mass-produced?”

“No, but I don’t know why, but there were a lot of rages in the community and something like that asking me to make a Violence.”

“Huh? That’s all I wrote on the last broadcast, did you become famous that much?”

Ha Serin shook her head.

“I downloaded what you broadcast, edited it on our side, and uploaded it to Viewtube. It got a good response.”

“Oh yeah?”

Before she went to the Abyss, she left her to manage her view tube. It looks like you uploaded a video.

“It’s a man’s dream or something.”

Park Si-jun smiled brightly.

a man’s dream. It wasn’t that I didn’t agree. There are people who are enamored with these mutable things.

“Performance will be a bit lower, and it will look the same. Are you okay?”

“It doesn’t matter. I only gave you the ingredients, because you were the one who made it.”

“Then I’m glad.”

“Is that all you need to see?”

Ha Serin nodded her head.

Then her Park Si-jun spilled her.

“Isn’t this enough to just do it over the phone? Do we really need to meet?”

“I just wanted to buy well, so we asked to meet. Let’s talk.”


“Yes. Lee Min-ah Han Joong-hyun, don’t you wonder what you’re doing?”

Park Si-jun touched his chin. He was curious about the top.

“What are you doing?”

“Minah Lee is active in a frontier area led by Nemesis. She seems to be moving to a party.”

“A party? It’s unexpected.”

“I will. I thought she would do it alone. Oh, she also runs a view tube. Would you like to see it?”

Serin Ha leaned over her body and showed her her smartphone.

It was Lee Min-ah’s view tube.


“She doesn’t like that girl, doesn’t she?”

But it was a bit special.

It was more like looking at the view tube of the beauty side rather than the view tube of the player. With all of Lee Min-ah’s strength, her make-up face came out brightly.

“The number of subscribers…”

Park Si-joon let out a sigh.

How long has he been made? It has already surpassed 15 million people. It was amazing.

“He’s also a famous person, and there’s nothing he can do about it because his face supports him.”

“How many people do I have now?”

“About 100,000 people. Oh, the number of views is very high compared to the number of subscribers. The crack video was a hit last time.”

“That’s a very comforting word.”

Park Si-jun checked his View Tube channel.

10 million people. Although it is lacking compared to Lee Min-ah, the number of subscribers has increased significantly.

Let’s check it out.

[People are showing great interest in you. More, more attention is needed.][Awareness points increase by 1,000.]

Points have gone up tremendously.

Park Si-jun took a deep breath. This is enough to raise the broadcast rating.

[Broadcast rating is increased by one level.][The grade of the seed of interest increases accordingly!][Awareness points are reset.]


Broadcast ratings have risen.

Park Si-jun smiled with joy. It felt like I was eating it all day.

[Interested Seed (D+)][Effect: All stats +6%, skill power and efficiency +6%][Skill: Check]

Nothing has changed significantly. The percentage went up a bit.

The alphabet had to be changed to make a big change.

“I’ll have to make the view tube bigger.”

“Then work a little harder. Make your broadcasts work hard. Don’t go dormant like Han Joong-hyun.”

“Did you fall asleep?”


Ha Serin bit her meat and licked her lips.

“In the beginning, I did a broadcast with Viewtube, but the response didn’t come out well.”


“Why is that, because you were smashed in Dalian. Your original image of elite was shattered.”

“So, what happened?”

“After a while, both of them quit. I heard that they are fighting in a frontier area…”

Ha Serin shrugged her shoulders.

“It is not easy to find information because it is not a topic of discussion.”

That said, it was out of the public eye.

Park Si-joon’s feelings became strange

“There was no one better than Han Joong-hyun at the training camp.”

“It was.”(Read more @

All eyes were on Han Joong-hyun. The press, guilds, associations, everything.

There was a time when I felt envious of Park Si-jun as well.

Han Joong-hyun who was like that, now.

‘Is it because of me?’

Without Park Si-jun, Han Joong-hyun would not have been like that. As everyone had predicted, he would have become the chief, and he would have been on a winning streak.

A clear, well-made rail lay in front of him.

‘He’ll figure it out.’

He decided to turn it off.

After all, Han Jung-hyun has a strong family. he will do it himself

“Ah, yes. I have something I want to make, can I request it?”

“A request? No, I can’t.”

Hatherin flatly refused.

“Right now, our workshop manager is very busy. I don’t have time. I want to make it…”

In the first place, Chansung Kang was the workshop manager of Velvet Merchantery, which is now on the rise. It was busy with no fuss.

“Should I leave it to another blacksmith?”

“A good blacksmith would be very expensive? He wouldn’t accept a job well. How about running a guild in earnest?”

“Like I said before, it was just made for the guild house. Actually, it’s like a ghost guild.”

“Is that right? Oh, poop. Ugh. Do you want to eat?”

– Hey!

Ha Seorin held out a chunk of her scaffolding to the Imoogi, and she was slapped.

“Collect the guild members one by one, and make one exclusive blacksmith, and that’s it.”

That’s easy. Park Si-jun fell into trouble.

“I told you before. Good blacksmiths won’t get a job.”

“Yeah. Why? Busy?”

“It’s because they’re intertwined with interests. They’re often connected with famous players and large guilds.”

“It’s like full speed.”

“It’s a little different, but it’s similar.”

Ha Seo-rin glanced at Park Si-joon.

“Such blacksmiths make things while looking at people. You are famous too…”

She scratched her cheek.

“There are a lot of people who don’t like you that much.”

“So, such blacksmiths are reluctant to make things for me?”


Park Si-jun sighed.

Angular stones are bound to meet.


It is convenient to move alone. He had no intention of running a guild.

‘I should seriously think about it.’

But it was no longer the time.

“Hey, but are you male or female? Shall we see you for a second?”

– Profit!


Ha Seo-rin was making a nonsensical sound and was struck by Imoogi.

She seemed to let out a sigh.

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