Chapter 70

“A lot of people.”

The place where Park Si-jun was headed was the Players Association. A place where thousands of players come and go every day.

It was the perfect place to test the qualities of an all-time scout.

– Whoops… …

Ishimi, who was in the hem of Park Si-jun’s robe, trembled.

The guy ate her rice and fell asleep. She won’t wake up for a while.

‘It’s very spacious when you look at it.’

Park Si-jun looked around the inside of the Players Association.

There were all kinds of people walking around in an incredibly spacious interior.

Players, staff, the general public, and several managers.

‘Did I say this was the headquarters?’

Players’ Associations have branches in each region. And the Players’ Association in Seoul acted as a kind of headquarters.

‘I said the exterior is a special material.’

These days, as the activity of villains and mines increases, there have been cases of raids on the branch of the Players Association.

As a result, associations also underwent a major opening.

The exterior wall was remodeled with special materials obtained from the Abyss, and made to withstand attacks as much as possible.

All shelters were also newly built.

“Let’s see.”

Park Si-jun looked at the people around him.

‘Is this ability only applicable to the player or does it all apply?’

It was time to test the characteristics of an all-time scout.

There are many players, and there are many ordinary people. There was no place like this.


Park Si-joon’s eyes lit up as he looked at people passing by.


[Lee Jeong-soo][Inclination] Ordinary small citizen

[Potential] F


1. Sincere Worker (D)

A system window appears.

‘What do you see?’

I was guessing, but seeing it actually made me feel weird.

Should I just say it’s stupid?

‘Compared to the original ability, it was a little weak… … .’

The ability of the original was shown to the player’s ability, even to the limit.

On the other hand, what this ability showed was the level of potential, talent, and disposition.

In fact, I was just wondering where this was.

‘Let’s see.’

A new window appeared when I pressed the talent with my finger.

[Sincere Worker (D)]

Whatever you do, be sincere. Just do it with sincerity. Efficiency of work cannot be guaranteed.

Park Si-joon patted his chin.

As it was a low grade, it was very erratic, no, it was a poor talent.

He wanted to know what kind of effect a high-ranking talent would have.


No matter how much he looked around, he was nowhere to be found.

Instead, Park Si-joon paid attention to the inclination.

‘tendency. Ordinary small citizens.’

What does this mean?

Park Si-jun thought while tilting his head. In other words, do you mean ordinary people, ordinary people?

‘Does anyone have any good talent? A place to be… … .’

He had nothing to think of.

There was someone out there who could help.

-… Hello, this is Kim Ha-seong.

Park Si-jun’s manager, Kim Ha-seong, answered the phone.

“Oh, yes. Manager. There is something I want to ask you.”

-Oh, please feel free to speak. What are you curious about?

“Is there any place where I can meet a lot of new players…?”

– New player?

Kim Ha-sung was puzzled, but he exclaimed as if he knew immediately.

-Ah, it’s because of the guild. Are you trying to run it right?

“I’m thinking about it for now.”

-Well… … . Where are you now?

“It’s in the Players’ Association.”


Kim Ha-sung’s voice brightened.

– That’s fine. If you go downstairs, there is a separate training area for new players.


-Yes, it’s a battle training place under the leadership of senior players.

Was there such a place Park Si-jun was a place he had never heard of.

-Park Si-joon will be able to come and go freely. If you go there, you will see a lot of new players without a guild.

“Okay. Is there any place where there are blacksmiths? He made a contract with the iron-blooded blacksmith…”

– Blacksmiths? I do not know.

Kim Ha-seong was speechless as if in trouble.

-Blacksmiths join the workshop as soon as they complete the training center. There, I do a lot of chores, and I make items as ordered.

“It seems like everyone belongs.”

-That’s right. You have no choice but to get a blacksmith belonging to the workshop or approach the training center in advance.

“I’ll pretend, then.”


Park Si-jun sighed.

-Once in the basement, there is a place where small workshops have rented facilities. It’s near the training room, so it might be a good idea to go and check it out.

“Yes, thank you.”

-You’re welcome. Oh, and… … . All the items you entrusted to the exchange last time are sold out. The money has been deposited into your account, so please check it.

It was nice to hear that.

Park Si-jun said thank you and hung up the phone. And he immediately checked the balance in his account.

“…1.6 billion.”

Park Si-joon let out a sigh.

The money for selling the item, the price Ha Seo-rin paid, and the income of Viewtube that was deposited last time.

more and more money

‘It’s because I’ve been living as a small citizen for the rest of my life.’

I have a lot of money, so I was hesitant about how to spend it.

House? car? There were many things to remember.

‘Once you spend the money later.’

Park Si-joon registered previously obtained items in the auction house.

And he headed downstairs.

‘Let’s go to the training room.’

He went down to the training room to check his talent.

* * *

“A lot of people…”

As Kim Ha-seong said, there were many people in the underground training room.

Most of them were players.

They were training against artificial monsters.


“Lee Seok-ho, don’t you move straight? If you move like that, you’ll die in real life, you idiot!”

“Sin, sorry!”

The training room was like a room.

The players were training in several rooms, and it was a structure that could be observed from the outside.

“There is no such thing as a pattern for monsters! But you can predict their movements. Watch your opponent’s movements as much as possible and move!”


There were many cases where older players were training new players, and most of them were very strict.

“So many newbies die in the first dungeon. Why do you think that’s the case? Tell me.”

“Bah, are you careless…?”

“That’s right. It’s because you overestimate your abilities and underestimate the power of others. Don’t be vigilant!”

The old woman shouted harshly.

Park Si-Jun took a sneak peek at her talent through her scouting.

[Yoon Shi-ha][Disposition] Wounded warrior

[Potential] B


1. Strict Instructor (B)

2. Excellent physical ability (B)

3. Unbreakable Faith (C+)

He had three talents.

Park Si-jun, who was checking his talents one by one, nodded his head.

‘Instructor is a vocation, it is a vocation.’

Her newcomers being trained by her were very enthusiastic.

She seemed to know why.

‘Let’s see.’

Park Si-jun checked her new players one by one.

Grade D, grade D, grade C, grade F… …

Perhaps it was because her potential was low, and most of her talents were mediocre.

[Yoo Gil-sang][Disposition] Selfish individualist

[Potential] C


1. Meaningful (B)

2. All you have to do is me (B+)

3. Individualism (B+)

‘Wow, this is so… … ‘

There were those who had the talent to say nothing.

Potential is F, inclination is selfishness, and talent is only those that match it.

‘Isn’t this a villain?’

That’s what I was thinking.

‘Isn’t there a good person out there?’

Park Si-jun looked hard at the training room.

In his eyes, the figure of some people entered.

“Kah ha ha!”

“Stand up! I want to be a player! I can’t do this!”

There was a group of people in a spacious room, a room made with the assumption that players would fight each other.

Two men fighting and the people watching. But the composition of Dalian was somehow strange.

“Come on, wait a minute, now…!”

“Monsters won’t wait for you even for a moment, Suho!”


A strong man was unilaterally attacking a boy with a soft impression.

Dalian, no, it was definitely Dalian, but something felt strange.

It’s like it’s loaded with emotions.

“You taught me yesterday! Keep moving! Don’t avoid it!”

“Ugh, turn it off, ah-ah-ah!”

Park Si-joon’s expression frowned.

that’s just bullshit

He was not a just man, but he was not a pretty sight.


his eyes gleamed.

[Lee Hyuk-gil][Disposition] Those who hide themselves

[Potential] B


1. Contempt for the weak (B)

2. Square Heart (B+)

3. Gleaming Blade (C+)

4. Hypocrisy (B+)

5. Unknown

It was a talent that took my breath away.

A square heart that does not feel any remorse at the contempt of the weak, which grows stronger when dealing with the weak.

‘What’s with all these guys?’

Park Si-jun tried to evaluate the boy’s status window as well.

But before that, the battle close to assault was over.

“Uhhh… you worked hard. Go get treatment, see you tomorrow. You’re improving little by little, so work harder.”

“Yes, yes. Thank you…!”


The man smiled and left the room.

At first glance, it seems to be for juniors. Something was amiss though.

The wretched boy wriggled.

He was wearing armor, but he was hit so many times that he couldn’t move.

His body was full of wounds.


Park Si-jun sighed and approached the boy.

When he looked up close, his stature seemed smaller. He is about 170 centimeters tall, and he is even more so because he is very skinny.

He must have just turned 20.

“It’s okay?”

“Uh, yes? No, it’s fine…”

Because of the pain, the child’s mind went back and forth.

Si-Jun Park used his self-healing as he sighed.


Divine light in your hand. Little by little, the boy’s messy body began to heal.

The boy’s eyes widened.

“Ah, it seems that you signed a contract with the Golden Saint…”

“Well, it’s a little different, but let’s say so.”

“Thank you very much, senior.”

Park Si-jun let out a small cough and got the boy up.

“The name?”

“My name is Lee Soo-ho.

“Park Si-jun.”

Park Si-joon took Lee Soo-ho and sat down on a chair.

His wounds were slowly healing.

“Thank you very much. I was wondering how you would like to train tomorrow.”

“Okay, it doesn’t cost money. It’s a little bit like that.”

“That’s right. Oh, it’s okay to talk comfortably. You’re a senior.”


Park Si-jun scratched the back of his head.

Being ignored and beaten for lack of ability. That’s what he’s been through in training camp.

“Are you a player?”

“No, I’m not a player. My potential was low….. I entered the training camp and then dropped out.”

Park Si-joon’s expression darkened.

He has low potential and is not a player.

But why did he come to this place and be beaten?

“Then why were you beaten?”

“It’s Dalian. I’m working in the guild. My brother is teaching me in return for my work.”

“I’m teaching you…”

Park Si-joon looked at Lee Soo-ho.

Suddenly, I was curious about this guy’s status window. What the hell kind of status window is it?

He just wrote scouting.

[Lee Soo-ho][Disposition] A person who collapses from exhaustion

[Potential] C


1. Weakness (A)

2. Ordinary little citizen (B)

3. Unopened

Park Si-joon let out a sigh.

He was worse than I thought.(Read more @

‘It’s too bad.’

It was better to just live as a normal person rather than a player.

He seemed to see himself in the past.

“What are you learning?”

“Because I was weak at the training camp. I’m learning how to fight. I’m also studying practical skills at the academy.”

I heard that there are aspiring people like that.

A case in which aspirants who have fallen out of training camp study while attending academy.

In fact, I felt strange.

“That helps…”

“Lee Soo-ho! Are you here!”

As I was about to ask if I could help, someone shouted.

Park Si-jun turned his head.

“Oh, me! Here it is!”

“I brought you what you entrusted to me!”

Unlike Lee Soo-ho, a strong man in work clothes was standing there.

He approached Lee Soo-ho and handed him a packaged item.

“The repairs are neatly done!”

“Thank you. They’re doing it for free, but they even deliver…”

As Soo-ho Lee thanked him, he unfolded the wrapped thing.

What was wrapped was the sword. A very small dagger.


Lee Soo-ho’s face went blank.

“I must have entrusted you with a long sword, but why is the dagger… the wrong thing…”

“No, that’s it.”

The man laughed awkwardly.

“I was repairing it, so that’s what happened. I’m sorry!”


“So I made a sword instead, would you like to use it?”

The man handed Lee Soo-ho a new item with his eyes twinkling.

It’s a sword, but somehow it was in bad shape.

“Is this?”

“I made it myself. Try it once. Surely…”

‘There would be no way to be satisfied.’

Even Park Si-jun looked at the quality of the goods too poorly.

It was an obvious weapon that the new blacksmith had made.

“The tongue, it’s your brother’s sword… If you take this, you won’t be alone…”

Lee Soo-ho couldn’t ask anything and stood there blankly.

Seeing this, the man scratched the back of his head and pulled out another object.

“I’m joking. I ruined something… I’m sorry, I brought you a new one. Here.”

The sword that was handed over this time was a proper sword. Lee Soo-ho’s expression brightened.

“I’m really sorry. You’ve left the repairs to me…”

“Oh, no. It’s okay. I can make mistakes sometimes. I think this is better than the sword my brother used.”

“I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen next time. Really…”

The man kept his head down.

Seeing him take responsibility for his mistakes, he was quite likable.


The blacksmith just appeared.

He honestly wasn’t expecting much, but he decided to try scouting first.

[Kim Baek-kyung][Disposition] A person who does not yield

[Potential] C+


1. Atmospheric Chronic (A)

2. Unbreakable Loyalty (A)

3. If I had a little more time and a little more budget… … . (S)

4. Non-Awakening

5. Non-Awakening


An unexpected system window appeared.

“This… what.”

Park Si-jun was at a loss for words.

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