Chapter 72

“I’m going to stay here for a while!”

While Kim Baek-kyung stayed at the studio, she slowly began to learn persimmons.

Meanwhile, Park Si-jun headed to the Abyss.

He had to meet Urka.

“Come, dwarf.”

Unlike the cold outside, the inside of the forge is boiling with heat.

Urka sat solemnly.

“It’s a little late. I have work to do. Production is over…”

But there was someone more.

A young and very strong giant. He was a warrior with a muscular body.

He looked at Park Si-jun.


“…Who are you?”

It looked very serious that his face was shaggy with a beard.

It is difficult to tell the age of giants by their outward appearance. So there was no way to know if he was young or old.


The giant opened his mouth slowly.

“He leads this residence.”

Park Si-joon’s eyes twitched.

Doesn’t that mean he’s the leader of this settlement?

There is something Hong Soo-yeon said.

“That, of the large tent in the middle of the residence…”

“That’s my home.”

“It’s true. I heard that you don’t meet strangers well.”

Park Si-jun tilted his head.

He was told he wouldn’t meet anyone who didn’t make a big contribution.

But you show up here.

“I came to see the old man after a long time, and he was talking about you.”

“Are you talking about me?”

“Kurun, unnecessary talk.”

Urka tried to stop talking, but Kurun ignored him.

“I thought we’d see each other, but it’s a coincidence that we met today. I came here for business, but you came just in time.”

“Should I say I’m lucky?”


Kurun shrugged his shoulders.

“Um… well, okay. How did you say you made it?”

“It’s all made.”

Urka roughly threw the hammer and pulled something from under her chair.


It was some kind of necklace. A rustic necklace that shines in a soft blue light.

“Is it a necklace?”

“It’s similar to your bracelet. Try wearing it.”

Park Si-joon put on the necklace as instructed. OK.


Boo Woong!

Urka threw his fist at Park Si-joon’s head at first.

The moment Park Si-joon is about to step back in response.


A translucent blue helmet appeared on Park Si-jun’s head.

The fist hit the helmet.

“Um, it hurts.”

Urka clasped his tingling fists and stepped back behind him.

Park Si-jun touched the helmet that wrapped around his head.

“It’s automatic.”

“Yeah, it’s something that works with magical power similar to a Defender.”

In fact, the magic power drained out of Park Si-joon’s body. a little, though.

“It automatically deploys when it senses danger or in a combat situation.”

“It’s nice to be able to write.”

After a while, the helmet that was automatically deployed disappeared again.

Park Si-jun opened the explanation window.

[Guardian (A)]

A helmet made by a craftsman with magic stones. It is usually in the form of a necklace, but when it senses danger, it consumes magical power and changes into a helmet. When used with a defender, the power of the defender is strengthened.

– Defense +45

-(When deployed) Defense +20%

-Strength, Agility, Stamina +5

– deployable

-When used with a defender, defense +40% is added and size expanded when the defender is deployed

– Wear restrictions: Intellect 75 or higher

– Required level: none

Park Si-joon let out a sigh.

“What kind of wizard is this for? Isn’t it eating too much magic?”

“The use of magic is correct. In the old days, the commander of the fortress was a wizard.”

The wizard seemed to understand the reason while trying to say why.

“It was made for self-defense.”

“Yeah, because we need a means of self-defense in case the enemy approaches.”

“So the shape is like this.”

Park Si-jun nodded his head.

“To be honest, I never thought a warrior like you would be able to use this.”

“I’m sure. There are very few warriors with enough magical power to use this.”

“Are you proud?”

“I’m not proud…”

Park Si-joon scratched his cheek. what do you mean it’s true

“Use it well. I hope this item will be of great help on your journey.”


Urka looked at the Defenders and Guardians intently.

“The frost storms that have come upon this Fallen… are unnatural.”

“What do you mean?”

“It was artificially caused. Some kind of culprit.”

I’ve said Corca before. A blizzard suddenly struck.

“If we get rid of that culprit, we can put an end to the frost storm.”


Park Si-joon patted his chin.

Kurun, who had been listening quietly, intervened.

“The fortress you went to was a place that fell at the hands of monsters when a frost storm struck.”

“I know. He told me.”

“You know? How?”

Park Si-jun scratched his head.

“There was a ghost there. The ghost told me what had happened. And…”


“There was also a traitor. He said that someone opened the gates of the citadel and brought in the enemies.”

“is it.”

Kurun nodded sadly.

“The frost storm was a catastrophe that came suddenly. Snow fell on the desolate land, and with the snow came monsters. And they…”

“They attacked and slaughtered the giants who were weaker than the climate.”

Urka continued speaking Kurun’s words instead.

“It is said that the monsters that slaughtered the giants had a king.”

“Are you the king?”

“Yeah. It was said that it was a very huge monster with wings. Such a guy led the monsters, and there are records left.”

huge monster. He led the monsters. So maybe it was the monster that caused the frost storm?

I could make such a guess.

“It’s not just the fortress you went to. All the places our ancestors built were destroyed by monsters.”

“It’s been good in the past.”

“Our ancestors were the rulers of this region. Until the frost storm came. After that, they were driven to the brink of extinction.”

Kurun sighed.

Losing all territories, the survivors gathered in the last remaining territory.

There appeared a monster with wings and his men. To eliminate the remaining survivors of the Giants.

“At that time, the king of giants, who led our ancestors, came out. He was called Ki Woo-shin.”


“He led the commando and raided the winged monster. The surprise was a huge success…”

“The monsters have retreated.”


Kurun nodded his head.

“But I couldn’t kill it. They said that the winged monster ran away immediately. Wooshin Ki died after a fierce battle.”

“Um… so, why are you telling me this?”

“That traitor.”

Kurun’s fingers tapped the desk.

“If that trash communicated with the winged monster, wouldn’t you know where he is?”

“Are you saying you want to know that?”

“The winged monster is alive. I think killing it will put an end to these damn eyes.”

Kurun stared at Park Si-jun.

“Be sure to know. It’s for our giants.”

It was a burdensome word.

Park Si-joon thought for a moment.

‘Is it because it’s a scenario quest?’

It was different from the usual quests.

It was also the same as the leader of the giant tribe, who was difficult to meet, rushed out to meet Park Si-joon.

‘If you break this quest, you can get some contribution points.’

The number of pioneers and contributions that can be earned in a frontier depends on the importance of what the player has done.

‘If you make the frost storm stop… … .’

Literally, you will get a huge amount of pioneering and contribution.

Perhaps enough to change the current contribution ranking at once.

‘It’s worth a look.’

To do that, something had to be done.

‘Korka asked the traitor to be put to death.’

The traitor who brought the magic stone he saw for the first time and opened the gate.

If it were him, he might know something.

“Let’s try.”

Park Si-jun said with a smile.

Seeing this, Kurun seriously nodded her head.

* * *

“Now what?”

Outside, the snow was falling, and Park Si-joon was deep in thought.

– Whoa?

Ishimi, who had been sleeping with her arms around his chest, woke up.

“What, are you awake?”

– Hey… … ?

Ishimi looked around.

She said that these days, she must have been sleep deprived. She slept all the time and she barely woke up.

– Whoa, whoa.

But even for a moment, she rubbed her body and she fell asleep again.

‘Is it just because I was born?’

She doesn’t seem to be ill somewhere, but she has spent most of the day sleeping.

She fell asleep and she woke up. If you are hungry, eat, then go back to sleep. It was a repeat of this pattern.

‘If it doesn’t hurt, well.’

Park Si-jun exhaled his breath.

‘Kim Baek-kyung asked for plenty of time… … .’

I was thinking about giving it about a week.

In the meantime, he can’t just play around with himself. he has to work

The first thing that came to mind was the quest. Scenario Quest.

[Scenario Quest: Execution of Traitors]

The giant, Korka, has asked that the traitor be put to death. Killing that traitor may reveal the secrets of winter that has struck the Fallen Zone.

-Reward: Experience, Contribution, +@

A ghost, a quest entrusted to you by Korka.

Both the defender and the guardian received.

Now it was time to do the quest.

‘Can I do this on my own?’

Follow the direction indicated by this bracelet to find the traitor.

The question is, is he alone or is he with the others.

‘When was I together?’

Park Si-jun got up from his seat.

He was more comfortable being alone than partying with strangers.

“Shall we go?”

Now was the time to move.

* * *

So three days passed.

“Damn it…….”

For three days, Park Si-jun walked forward without thinking.

Aim where the compass points.

The problem didn’t seem to end.

“Where are you going!”

– Hey!

Ishimi also poked her head out of her arms and screamed.

Both were in a situation where they had been marching and homeless for three days. I couldn’t help but be angry.

– Creepy… … .

Park Si-jun was walking while swearing and heard the sound of an animal.

He picked up the bow right away.(Read more @

– Cree, sniff, thump.

I saw a wolf sniffing it while sticking its nose to the floor.

Park Si-joon pulled a protest.


Pi Yu-woong!

– Awake!

Killed a wolf at once with an arrow.

“I got food.”

– Wow.

Ishimi clapped her little hands together and clapped.

“Hey, Mr. I’m getting food because of someone now!”

– Whoa?

“Don’t pretend you don’t know anything. You ate all the food while I was sleeping!”

– Ooh… …

As Ishimi covered her ears, she dug into Park Si-jun’s arms. pretending to sleep

I was shocked to see it.

“What kind of wicked bastard.”

He couldn’t believe he was just born.

Park Si-jun sighed and grabbed the chunk of meat the wolf had dropped.

squish squeak.

And I dismantled the carcass and took a few more chunks of meat.

“I mean, it’s not an item…”

The by-products obtained by dismantling in this way are not treated as items.

You can’t put it in your inventory. Since it is not treated as an item, it cannot be used as a crafting material.


The reason was unknown.

The world called Abyss was like that from the beginning. It’s like a game world.

– Shii… … .

Ishimi sniffed her meat and began to wrinkle her nose. Park Si-jun sighed and handed him a chunk of his meat.


Then she began to devour her chunks of meat with her little mouth.

“Hey, this pig.”

– Profit!


Ishimi’s tail slapped Park Si-joon’s hand.

“Why, I hate being insulted…”

– Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Then suddenly I heard someone scream.

A woman’s high scream. It came from not too far from here.

Park Si-joon’s head turned quickly.


I searched for signs around me. There is nothing felt but the presence of beasts.

but very far away.

‘There is something.’

I felt something vaguely.

“Hey, stop eating.”

– Hey! profit!

“Ah, come along while eating.”

Park Si-jun put Ishimi in her arms and ran.

Something happened.

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