Chapter 75

In the gloomy cemetery there was a path leading down to the catacombs.

Park Si-jun went down the stairs.

‘No, I thought no one was there.’

The stairs went quite deep.

The further down we went, the more new signs were felt.

It’s also quite a lot of momentum.

“You are spacious.”

Grace muttered.

As they made their way down the stairs, they were greeted by the cavities of the very wide catacombs.

The problem wasn’t that.

– Whoa… … .


There were also many undead.

They were superior in quality to the undead they met on the ground.

‘Warrior, archer, wizard. It’s not an army, it’s quite a system… … .’

There were people with swords, people with bows, people with staffs, and various kinds of undead.

Park Si-joon was deep in thought.

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m thinking.”

“You fought well a while ago. Can’t we just wipe it all out by ourselves?”

“That’s because they were low-level undead. Those are hard.”

You can do it if you rush.

However, if you fight these guys, a boss monster may appear. If you fight a boss monster right after you fight, it’s hard to hold on.


An interesting thing came into Park Si-joon’s eyes as he was contemplating what to do.

“Hey, let go of this! Let go! Bastards!”

“Save me, save me…”

A group of people were being dragged by the hands of the undead.

It looked familiar.

“I, that one! Park Si-Jun…!”

They were Grace’s companions.

The ice golems could not see where they went, and the undead dragged them along.

‘ are dragged Where?’

Park Si-jun looked around.

The catacombs were dark and it was difficult to recognize the human form.

It was the perfect environment for hiding.

“You are hiding here.”

“Yes? Are you going alone?”

“Yes, Shimiya.”

-Yeah… … .

Park Si-jun handed the Isimi to Grace. Ishimi looked dissatisfied, but she followed suit.

“I’ll be back soon.”

Then, using stealth, he moved forward while hiding himself in the dark.

The place we headed was a little while ago, where the undead dragged the player.

– On the ground… enemy… have… …

– This place… keep it… … .

The undead were talking nearby. He knew that there was a fight on the ground.

“Hey, heh, heh heh heh heh!”

I could hear the players crying as they were being dragged away.

‘If you want to save, you can save.’

Where I am now is a dark passage.

If you try to save them, you can save them, but the time is not yet.

‘Let’s see where we’re going.’

Park Si-jun secretly followed the wall and grasped the destination of the undead.

– Come in, human… … .

“Si, I hate it! Aww!”

– Or die… … .

The place we arrived at was a large prison.

There were many prisons, in which various people were bound and imprisoned.

‘Human, beast, monster.’

There were also different types. In one of the prisons, the previous players were trapped.

I struggled not to go in, but there was no way that would work.

‘Now, what is it?’

Park Si-jun fell into trouble.

Inside the prison, several undead were roaming around like a guard.

‘If you want to save people, you have to deal with them first.’

Park Si-jun thought quickly.

There are many undead inside this tomb. Can you take the people and get them out of them? Hard.

‘Then what if we had guys to fight the undead instead of us?’

Various people were imprisoned in this prison other than people.

If I let them go, I wonder if they will fight the undead. I thought so.


The lock hanging on the prison door was unusual, I could feel the energy of magic.

He tried to break it with a swipe, but he didn’t budge.

‘Do I need a key?’

Park Si-jun looked around the prison.

Kaang, kang!

-Quickly… Para… … !

In the corner of the prison, a group of prisoners was digging a wall.

Among them were giants.

‘Is the giant caught?’

It felt strange to see the giant being beaten by the small undead.

‘The guards… … .’

If you deal with the guards over there, maybe you can get the key.

It was a corner, so it seemed like it wouldn’t make a sound if I handled it well.


Park Si-joon went to the mining site at high speed while hiding.

The giants and men were smashing the wall with their knives.


Park Si-jun took advantage of the time the guards looked away and approached a giant.


“Wow, who…!”

“Don’t look this way, look ahead and speak quietly.”

Park Si-jun hid nearby and started talking to the giant.

“…Who are you?”

“I came here to do something to this tomb, but I just saw you guys. I’d like to save you.”

“You’re going to save us? Us?”

The giant chuckled.

“I thought I was destined to be here all my life and become an undead.”

“Are you going to become undead?”

“…We’ll talk about that later.”

Park Si-jun nodded his head.

I’m curious, but I’m not talking about it now. He had urgent work to do.

“My name is Dober. You?”

“My name is Si-Jun Park. How did you get caught?”

“I meant to die before I was caught. It’s better to die with honor when I’m caught like this.”


“There are hostages.”

The giant clenched his teeth.

They said that they were attacked by the undead while hunting the beasts, and were brought here as they are.

Originally, he would have fought until he died, but at least he brought his children to teach him to hunt.

“I could die, but I couldn’t even kill my children.”

So it seems that he surrendered.

They have no choice but to do what they tell them to do because their children’s necks will escape if they do stupid things.

“If you’re going to do anything, you’ll have to save the hostages first. Where is it?”

“It’s somewhere other than here. I know the location. First, rescue the people who are imprisoned in prison.”

“It’s a prison. How to open it?”

“The jailer is holding the key. If you use it, you will be able to open it. Just…”

Dover didn’t point to either side at Si-Jun Park, but quickly shut his mouth.

It was because an undead guard was approaching this way.

It was a monster, Durahan, holding the head that had fallen off with one arm.

-Dover, who were you talking to?

“…Is there anyone here to talk to but me?”

– I’m just thinking… …

“I have a child, right?”

– Keep that in mind. It is thanks to Lee Ol-nim’s mercy that your children are alive.


– Keep that in mind and work.

ol. Park Si-jun remembered the name. Seeing the undead do that, it would not be the name of an ordinary person.


Dover pointed to Durahan with a wink at Sijun Park.

Taking a peek, I saw the key glimmering around his waist.

‘I can’t leave the store.’

Durahhan turned his back. Park Si-jun’s eyes lit up.

He grabbed the dagger and immediately used Shadow Step.

‘Don’t turn your back on me.’

– Big, whoops!

The dagger pierced Durahan’s weakness.

Dober turned to cover up Park Si-joon’s figure.

‘It’s pretty solid.’

Durahan did not die in one shot.

Park Si-jun covered the guy’s mouth from behind. Then he moved the dagger quickly and stabbed other weaknesses.

Durahhan could not withstand the continuous attack for a short time and collapsed. without even screaming.

– Huh… … .

The Dober hid Durahan’s corpse out of sight.

The giants who were watching the situation sneak up to help.

“I don’t have time. You’ll be caught soon.”

“I know. I’ll rescue those kids right away. Can you loosen those handcuffs?”

“I have a key for handcuffs. It’s not difficult to unlock with this one.”

The Dober took off his handcuffs.

“I’ll also release the other guys’ handcuffs. Is that okay?”

“Yes, please.”

It was just a corpse that we had fought in the fortress before, so it was easy to catch, and the fighting power of the giant is strong.

‘You can believe it.’

Park Si-joon headed to the prison where Dover’s family was located.

There were giants in the prison.

thump, thump.

While the guard turned his eyes, Park Si-jun knocked on his iron fence.


“Are you… a dwarf?”

The giants saw Park Si-jun.

“I’ll leave the door open. Don’t come out right now, but come out later. Toward the mining area over there.”

Park Si-jun left the lock on the door and went straight to another prison.

‘The monsters come later.’

I never thought that those guys would be able to tell the pia apart.

They were released later, and the giants and players were released first.

“Everyone, are you…?”

“You know Grace, right?”

“Yes? Oh, yes. Colleagues……”

Among them, there were members of Grace’s party who had been dragged away by the golems.

Everyone was injured and was in bad shape.

Park Si-jun used self-healing to lightly heal wounds.(Read more @

“Don’t come out now. I’ll send you a signal, so wait.”

Park Si-jun went out into the hallway.

“Well then…”

There are still prisons where monsters are trapped. Park Si-jun quickly unlocked the locks.

– Whoa!

There were all kinds of monsters in the prison.

The yeti, wolf, spider-type monsters I’ve seen before… … .

Park Si-jun released all the monsters’ bondage and opened the door.



– Aaaaaah!

-what… is it work… … !

As the monsters ran out into the hallway, they started fighting the undead.

The undead were bewildered by the sudden attack, and were swayed greatly.

‘Should I reduce the number a bit?’

Park Si-jun took out his bow and attacked the vital points of the undead.

The number of monsters here should not be greatly reduced. There is still a lot left to write.

– Go, the prison is open!

– Whoa!

The hallway was open.

The monsters pushed the undead and went outside.

Park Si-joon took advantage of that opportunity to save the rest of the giants and players.

– Kyaaaaaah!

At that time, an undead came out and attacked Park Si-joon.


The defender, which was activated in an instant, deflected the attack.

Park Si-jun twisted his body and struck the undead’s abdomen.

– Guaaaaah!

The body of the undead drooped.

– That, you… who are you… When, here… … .

“Who is who?”

Park Si-joon grabbed his head, which had only the bones of the undead, with his hands.


Get a card! The undead’s head was split in half at once.

Park Si-joon shook off the stiff powder on his hands and pulled out the trapped ones.

“You see over there?”

The mining area where Park Si-jun was. There, Dover and other giants and players were fighting.

“Go over there.”

“What are you going to do?”


Park Si-jun glanced at the monsters that ran out.

“I’m going to go fishing.”


Park Si-jun smiled and nodded.

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