Chapter 79

“…here’s right?”

“Yeah, they said we’d meet here.”

The next day, Si-Jun Park brought a few people to the giant’s residence.

They were members of the Memories Guild, including Hong Soo-yeon.

“You said you were going to have a meeting…?”

Among them was the guild leader of the Memories Guild, Alex.

With gorgeous blonde hair, he looked at Park Si-joon with a puzzled look.

“Why, can’t you believe it?”

“Well, it’s not like that.”

Alex scratched his head.

“I can’t believe that Kurun called us.”

“That’s right. Most of the giants hate humans, but Kurun is especially… a bit picky.”


Park Si-jun tilted his head.

To be picky, he was kind from the first time we met, and he taught me well.

“Oh! You’re here, dwarf.”

“It was hard. Isn’t it cold?”

“No, it’s fine. Thanks to the cold cloak.”


We arrived at the tent, the meeting place. Then the giants standing on the guard welcomed the people, no, Park Si-jun.

Alex narrowed his eyes.

“What is that…?”

“Don’t you look very friendly?”

Alex whispered to Hong Soo-yeon.

Those unlucky and unlucky giants are treating humans like friends.

I had never seen such a sight.

“No, when we tried to get to know each other, did you just ignore us?”

“The quest always gave me strange things, so what is that…?”

It was a situation that could not be helped.

Si-Jun Park was welcomed by the giants and entered the tent.

“You too, go in quickly.”

“Don’t waste your time! Hurry up!”

“Oh, yes, yes.”

Maybe he treats us well too? I also had expectations.

It couldn’t be. The Memories Guild entered the tent as if being pushed.


There were several giants in the huge tent. Those with all kinds of positions, including Kurun, Urka, and the shaman of the residence.

Alex, the leader of the guild in charge of pioneering, was one of the few who had never met.

“Are you here, Park Si-jun?”

“Yeah, it’s a little late because I brought people here. Can I sit down?”

“At your convenience.”

Alex’s eyes widened.

‘Did you call my name?’

There were times when giants called people by name. always call me a dwarf

“You too, sit down, dwarfs.”

“Yes? Oh, yes. I’ll sit down.”

Alex and the other members of the Memories Guild sat down in a hurry.


I felt weird. It must have been him who was in charge of the development of this area.

‘But not me… … .’

I felt like that man, a player named Park Si-jun, was in charge.

“Hey, Kurun-sama. I heard you called us for something urgent today.”

“To be precise, it wasn’t me, but Park Si-jun who called you guys.”

“That’s right?”

Are you saying that if Park Si-joon hadn’t called, he would have solved it on their own?

I felt even more eerie.

“Hmm, do you know the Frost Storm?”

“Uh, yes. I know. It’s the reason it snowed forever in this area.”

“I heard that the king who brought monsters in the past caused it.”

Kurun nodded his head.

“That’s right. The king fought the ruler of the giants in the past and was defeated, and he fled.”

“Why are you saying that now…?”

“He found the location of the gnome.”

Alex’s eyes sharpened.

“You found it? How?”

“Park Si-joon took care of his direct subordinate and brought him a book. All kinds of information were written in that book.”

Kurun showed me a book. It was a very unpleasant looking book with the cover made of leather.

“In this book, information about the king of monsters, Elexar, was written.

“What information are you talking about?”

“The fact that El Rexxar, who was seriously injured in the past, is recovering from his wounds. He is using the lives of people and giants to recover. And …”

Kurun’s expression turned cold.

“Up to where he is.”

“I, really?”

Alex was very upset.

This is enough for the scenario quests, especially the main quests.

‘How many pioneers were there now?’

It was probably around 50%.

These quests only come out when you reach 70, 80% of the pioneering level. It would also take a very long time since it came out in the form of a linked quest.

“Did Park Si-Jun find it?”

“Yes, I was lucky.”

‘No, to say I was lucky… … . How lucky are you?’

Hearing it, I was just stunned.

Were you lucky enough to find a main quest like this? Is that possible?

‘I knew it was famous.’

Even Alex knew about Park Si-joon’s existence.

He is a player who learns all kinds of traits even though he has no background. Because of its peculiarity, his name was known abroad.

‘Luck is with you… … ?’

It was incomprehensible.

After thinking for a while, Alex gave up on thinking.

“And the people and giants Park Si-jun rescued from there had useful information.”

“Is this useful information?”

“Yeah, some of them have stopped by where Elexar is.”

Kurun looked to the left. There sat the giant, Doberon.

“I’m a blacksmith. He said he had work to do and took him somewhere. It was a cave under the temple…”

Kurun scratched his head.

“At the time, I didn’t know where it was, but after reading the book, I think I know. That’s the place where Elexar is resurrected.”

“Then right now.”

“No, you will need to be prepared.”

Kurun firmly shook his head.

“There are many enemies inside. Strong, undead and monsters are mixed.”

“Is it impossible for us?”

“Yeah, I think it’s going to be difficult even if we try our best. We’ll need support.”

Only then did Alex understand why they were called here.

“You’re calling for support.”

“Yes, dwarf. We have no one to call for assistance. We had exchanges in the past, but they were all dead.”

As the frost storm fell, many races disappeared. The Frost Giant was once driven to the brink of destruction and then revived.

It was impossible for there to be a known race.


Alex patted his chin.

“You must have a contract with the Golden Saint or the Fair Judge.”

“Do you know any guilds?”

Park Si-jun asked.

“Since it’s the guild leader, of course, there are many guilds that I know. Of course, I think there are conditions to request cooperation.”

Alex sighed.

The more you ask for help from the guilds, the more you lose.

You’ll have to share the rewards you’ve earned or hand them over as a condition.

“I can’t help it.”

Still, he could not miss the opportunity to pioneer the region.

If you complete this successfully, the owner of the Infinite Library will give you a great reward. just aim for it.

“We’ll take care of asking the guilds to cooperate. But it will take some time.”

“How much do you need?”

“Three weeks if you have enough. If you gather people, filter, and even prepare work.”

“It’s taking too long.”

“This is also reduced as much as possible. For a large-scale raid like this, we need to prepare more meticulously, but we do not have time.”

I didn’t like it, but it made sense.

Kurun nodded his head.

“According to the book, there are special omens before Elexar’s resurrection. We will observe it.”

“When a harbinger arises, I’ll have to get ready and put everything away and move on.”

“I will.”

Kurun laughed wildly and patted Park Si-joon on the shoulder.

‘What’s so fun?’

Alex shook his head.

I’m used to seeing the giant treat a human with such familiarity.

“I will prepare quickly.”

The meeting ended there.

* * *

Park Si-joon came out.

– Ha ha… …

He was in a warm room and then came out and was shivering from the cold.

The guy climbed up on Park Si-joon’s body and wrapped around his neck.

“Don’t strangle.”

Ishimi closed her eyes without pretending she was listening and she soon nodded her. She seemed to be in the best position.

“Isn’t that a pet? It was posted on that view tube. It’s really cute looking at it, right?”

Hong Soo-yeon, who was watching, asked.

“Do you even see my view tube?”

“Look. When you post something, it always shows up on the trending videos.”


I’ve been very busy these days, so I left the video management to Ha Seo-rin.

Only the sauce was provided, but it seems to have been operating quite well.

“What the hell did you do?”


“This day. I’ve never seen giants treat people so friendly. How did you do it?”

Park Si-joon scratched his cheek.

“I told you. Do something hogu.”

“Are you hoguing?”

“I just got some quests without a reward, and rescued some giants who were somehow caught, and from then on they treated me friendly.”

“Ah, so…”

Hong Soo-yeon nodded his head as if he had understood.

Giants are few. Maybe that’s why, but the kinship is so strong.

He was the one who saved his people, so he had no choice but to be friendly.(Read more @

“Three weeks…”

Park Si-joon muttered a little.

“It’s fine. Level up a bit, and I have to deal with the things that were pushed back.”

“Level up? Oh, by the way, what level are you now?”


Park Si-jun checked the status window.

“Oh, that’s pretty high. It’s 40.”


“Yes, why?”

Hong Soo-yeon had a confused face. She’s only level 40, so she’s been doing all these things.

“…No, nothing.”

Hong Soo-yeon let out a sigh of relief.

She was envious, but far from being jealous.

* * *

Park Si-jun was absorbed in hunting for a while.

He was level 40. He raised a lot in a short period of time, but it was still far from it.

– Kyaaaah!

I also raised the level of Ishimi.

He knows how to use magic and can’t even use spirits, so it was a great help than I thought.

At first, I thought that pets would be of great help.

‘It’s okay to add one more pet.’

The problem is that the rank of the attribute is still low, so the number cannot be increased further.

If you want to raise the level of a caregiver who raises you, you must raise Ishimi.

“Hey, grow up quickly.”

– Hey?

Ishimi tilted her head as she ate the dropped meat at will.

‘if not… … .’

If you can’t increase the number of pets, you can do it in other ways.


Park Si-jun remembered the items of Richie he ate last time.

They are just too precious to keep rotting in your inventory.

‘There were only a handful of undead in the Necromancer novels.’

There was a novel that carried only a few undead and raised them.

‘Are you going to deal with a large number of undead or a small number of elites?’

Park Si-jun touched his chin.

He struggled with which one to choose.

‘I’ll try to fill the stack first.’

About half of the stack left now.

If you read it while hunting, you’ll be able to read it all in about a week.

He thought about it until then.

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