Chapter 84

– Hey?

Ishimi looked around at the unfamiliar sight.

It is snowing, but not cold.

Still, she thought she was cold, so the guy dug into Park Si-joon’s arms.

[You seem to be friendly.]

“He’s a naughty guy. Sometimes he’s stupid, sometimes he’s rebellious.”

[Isn’t that what being a child is? Follow, rebel… … .]

The magic essence laughed lowly.

It was such a smile, full of satisfaction and longing.

‘Are you watching?’

Park Si-jun strongly felt the gaze of the magic essence.

Her eyes were on Ishimi.

“I have a question.”

Park Si-jun brought out his words.

“What is Ishimi?”

[Ishimi? Is that the child’s new name? It’s special.]

The magical essence muttered its name several times as if trying to learn its meaning.

Park Si-jun patiently waited for her to answer.

[Hmm, what is that child… … .]

Her voice lowered.

[When do you think this world, the place you call the Abyss, was created?]

“I don’t know. It’s been a long time, that’s all I know.”

[Yes, it is a world that existed even before we arrived. It was a place where many races were active.]

“Were there a lot of monster-like things back then like now?”

Magical Essence smiled low and replied no.

She said there were other reasons for the monster to appear. But she didn’t think she would explain.

[In the distant past, when several actors including myself arrived here.]

The magic essence continued to speak as if telling an old story.

[We considered each other enemies and waged a long war.]

I heard that the characters behind the scenes were not friendly with each other and had fights at times.

But maybe there was even a war.

“War … these are things we didn’t learn at the training camp.”

[What are you going to do by spreading the ugly past? It’s such an ugly truth that only those who know should know.]

The magic essence laughed scornfully.

[Since then and now, we can’t go out to the holy land of Bacal… Instead, I sent my men.]

“The men?”

[Yes, the men who came with me. They fought, negotiated, and fought long wars.]

She let out a small sigh.

[Many people died in the process, and a lot of damage occurred. This world too… It was twisted.]

“Was it twisted?”

Park Si-jun was puzzled, but the magic essence did not answer.

[That little Imoogi… … .]

Instead, she said something else.

[It was the child I cherished, lost during the battle with other hinterland.]

“Then what was in the basement.”

[I must have been trying to hide for a while because I was fatally wounded. I don’t know what happened after that.]

Park Si-joon looked at Lee Shi-mi in his arms.

The boy was sleeping and not knowing.

“Were you this small in the first place?”

[No, you can think of it as a kind of reincarnation.]


[There won’t be any memories of the past life anyway. You should think of it as a completely different child.]

A wealthy man whom the magical essence treasured must have lived a long time. But Ishimi did not feel the wisdom of such a person.

She said, ‘They were fighting between the castles behind them.’

Park Si-joon was deep in thought.

Ishimi must also have been defeated by fighting a subordinate of some kind behind the scenes.

Who is behind it?

‘Someone has a straw.’

When this egg appeared during a broadcast in the past.

There was a behind-the-scenes laugh.

‘The King of the Arena.’

It was something he knew.

I had to ask, but I guessed it was him.

“Should I give it back?”

[The child? Whoops, that’s good. Wake the child up.]

Park Si-jun took out Ishimi, who was sleeping comfortably. The boy woke up and cried a little like a whimper.

[Will you come back to me?]

– Oh?

Ishimi looked up at her into the air.

And she made eye contact with someone to see if she could see something.

– Ha ha… …

For a moment, he just yawned as if sleepy and returned to his arms.

Laughter was heard in the air.

[Look, doesn’t it look like you’re not interested? You take care of it and raise it.]

“It just feels like raising a child, these days.”

[Still, didn’t it help?]

Park Si-joon let out a sigh.

It was also true that he was helping quite a bit more than I initially thought.

[Well, I’m not just asking you to do it. You should be compensated.]

A light rose from the air and something began to descend.

Park Si-jun snatched it up.


It was scales. A pure white scale with very powerful magic.

[Frost Wyrm’s Scale (A)]

A scale containing the power of a Frost Wyrm.

When used to create something, it can grant powerful power.

material item. Kim Baek-kyung saw it as a good thing to die for.

[And also to that child.]

The light came down again.

Warm and gentle light. It wrapped around Ishimi and soaked in.

– Shii… ha ha!

He felt strange and his body trembled.

[Blessed is the magic essence.][Pet, Ishimi’s specific talents and skills have been enhanced.]

A message appeared in front of me.

“That, thank you.”

[huh… … .]

The magic essence snorted a little as if it wasn’t a big deal.

[Then go back.]

When the dragon has left, it is time to leave. The magic essence gave a congratulatory order.

Park Si-jun felt his surroundings distorted.

[We will meet again someday.]

* * *

After finishing his chores, Park Si-jun returned to the frontier immediately.

If possible, he wanted to finish meeting the hinterland within today.

– Ong, woo, ha ha!

Ishimi slapped Park Si-joon on the cheek to see what was so exciting.

He had a very excited expression.

“Hey, be quiet…”

“…Park Si-jun.”

“Hey, that’s a surprise.”

As soon as they returned to the Frontier, someone appeared as if they had been waiting.

A woman with an ordinary appearance so that you will forget it if you glance at it.

“It’s been a while, Han Go-woon.”

It was Han Goun.

She was looking at Park Si-joon with her shy expression on her face.

“Yes. I’m looking forward to seeing the performance. Through the broadcast or view tube.”

“Oh, yes? Thank you.”

Awkward conversations ensued between each other.

There was something she wanted to say, but she seems to be at a loss for words.

“How did you know I’d be here?”

“Rather than I knew it was coming… uhm.”

Hango Fortune let out a sigh of relief.

“I kept waiting.”

“…are you a stalker?”


She denied it, but she couldn’t just say that she wasn’t lucky.

Actually, she was waiting like a stalker until he came.

‘Happy Dream. Please stop.’

because of the background.

Even now, he was still urging him to bring Park Si-jun to the holy land through a message.

The other masterminds bring them along, but he asks why not.

“Hey, are you going to see the swordsman this time?”

“Yeah, I said come and I want to go get some swords.”

“Hey, Phalaenopsis…”

Han Go-woon’s face turned red. She had recently been so embarrassed about her, and she thought so.

“Is that again?”

“Really, I’m embarrassed…”

Park Si-joon looked at Han Go-woon, who was red like Hong-shi, silently.

“Yeah, they’re not as simple as you think. They’re doing something deeper than that.”

Park Si-jun glanced at Han Go-woon’s talent again.

A-grade potential and all the talents that go with it.

‘Can this be an ordinary employee?’

If these people just rot as employees, the association will go nowhere.

Park Si-joon came up with this because he saw Han Go-woon’s talent window.

“Okay. I want to know more, but I won’t teach you.”

“That’s troublesome.”

Han Go-woon just cut it off and refused.

“It’s a Phalaenopsis dream.”

Park Si-jun touched his chin.

After all, she is the surname behind her too belonging to the Divine. She’s not malignant, so she won’t do anything detrimental to her identity if she goes.

There is nothing wrong with her going.

“I promise you. I’ll see you soon. I’d like to ask you a favor instead.”


Han Go-woon asked, slightly nervous.

What are you going to ask for?

She felt anxious that she was going to make a very difficult request.

“Can we be friends?”


But the answer that came back was more bizarre than difficult.

I want to be friendly.

Han Go-woon’s face stiffened in embarrassment, and his cold eyes trembled.

“Uh, uh…? Oh, yes.”

She didn’t react like her.

* * *

Han Go-un left. Park Si-jun headed straight for the frontier.

‘I said it was around here.’

He said that the swordsman had someone on the frontier to guide him to his holy land.

Park Si-jun wandered around the Frontier in search of that person.

‘Han Go-Won… … .’

As I was doing this, I suddenly remembered Han Go-woon from a while ago.

‘You don’t have to pretend.’

Park Si-jun recalled Han Go-woon’s talents.

[Han Go-woon][ALIGNMENT] One who enforces justice

[Potential] A


1. Natural Assassin (A+)

2. I will be faithful (A)

3. Upright Justice (S)

4. Excellent physical ability (A)

A, S grade talents without missing a single one.

If that’s enough, he’ll be a talented person who is respected even within the association.

‘I want to recruit, really.’

I wondered where another talent like that would come from.

‘If you are a person who is respected by the association, it would be better to stay close.’

There will be nothing to lose.

“You’re right here?”

– Ooh.

“You have to unify your cry.”

Park Si-jun looked at the park in front of him. The players were resting in the park created in the Frontier.

He headed to the innermost part of the park, where there was a huge tree.


There was a familiar person there.

“You …….”

With short hair that reached to her shoulders, her face was cold and expressionless.

“…Lee Min-ah?”

It was Lee Min-ah.

* * *(Read more @

“I didn’t expect you to come.”

On the way to the gate, Lee Min-ah brought out her words as if flowing.

“The swordsman said he had someone to meet him, so he just told him to bring it, but it must be you.”

“I didn’t know you would come either. No, if you think about it, you’re likely to come.”

Lee Min-ah signed a contract with her prosecutor, and Park Si-joon is close to her.

The swordsman who took care of him probably sent someone he knew as a guide.

“What happened to the swordsman…?”

“To get a sword.”

nameless sword. Even without it, he fights well with other swords.

‘They said they would restore it.’

If it is an item of swordsmanship, it may have great power if restored. It was well worth the time to go.

“How are you these days? I heard that you are working in a pioneering area.”

“Yes, there is a place to attack in the guild… It’s almost over.”


Park Si-joon was a little surprised. I heard he just opened up.

“The speed of pioneering differs from guild to guild. If there are many people in a guild… you can finish it quickly.”

“It’s not just a lot of people, shouldn’t the level be high?

“That’s… well.”

Lee Min-ah blurs her words.

She was embarrassed to say with her own mouth that she had a high level of guild.

“I heard you… you also created a guild.”

making was made It’s a problem because it’s a ghost guild.”

“Ghost Guild? You seem to be very active for that kind of thing.”

Lee Min-ah recalled Kim Baek-kyung who turned off the phone for a while, she said.

“Activities? Oh, Kim Baek-kyung?”

“Yes, it belongs to your guild.”

“It’s true, but it’s not like doing guild activities in earnest or anything like that.”

I have an idea, but it is still too early to put it into practice.

‘Slowly recruit useful guys and think after that.’

There was one big picture I was drawing roughly in my head.

Rather than accepting a large number of guild members, how about running a guild with a small number of elites?

that kind of picture.

Maybe it will tear before drawing.

“But you also seem to be working hard on View Tube these days. The main one….”

“Stop talking.”

“…I thought it was the Beauty Channel.”

Lee Min-ah’s face turned red.

Unlike the main view tube channel, she is now without makeup.

“I didn’t do it because I wanted to.”

“Did someone from the guild do it for you?”

“…Ahyoung unnie.”

Gong Ah-young, it was a name I had heard in a while.

“If you’re going to run Viewtube, you have to make good use of its features, by force.”

“Good job. Do a joint broadcast later. Let’s suck some subscribers.”

“…Yes? Oh, yes.”

Still, Lee Min-ah turned her head to look embarrassed.

“It’s all here.”

The two arrived at the gate.

“Are you going to Binggung?”

“No, there is something that the swordsman gave me separately. First, I will go to the Holy Land where he is.”

“you are?”

“I didn’t get permission to go to the Holy Land. You said it’s okay to watch, but… I’ll be waiting outside the Holy Land.”

Lee Min-ah took her belongings from her arms and put them in her gate.

“Then let’s go.”

The two entered the gate.

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