Chapter 92

“To be honest, I was surprised.”

While people were busy moving, Han Go-woon spoke up.

“I thought there was something suspicious, but the guild leader of Chaos must be Mai. I must say that I was careless.”

Park Si-jun nodded his head.

The activities of the magicians are getting stronger…

It was a phrase I heard so often at the training camp that I got scabs on my ears.

“I think I can see why he told me to watch out for villains and mines in training camp.”

“They hide among people, deceive and deceive people. No matter how careful they are, it’s not enough.”

Han Go Un tried to get a cigarette out of his arms. Then he glanced at Park Si-jun and put it back in.

“There’s something odd about it.”


“The reason you got involved in this matter is probably because of Lee Soo-ho. You are in the intensive care unit right now…”

Han Go Un tilted his head.

“There are too many parts to take. Chaos was an exemplary guild. Lee Hyuk-gil was apparently like that too.”

“There is no reason to assault Lee Soo-ho.”

“Yes. If I hadn’t touched Lee Soo-ho, this wouldn’t have happened. I don’t understand.”

He couldn’t help but be puzzled.

Mine has infiltrated the player world. Then there must be a reason, and he must have been preparing for it.

“Why did you commit such an act of self-destruction?”

In the yard where hiding your identity is not enough.

Han Go Un continued to think, but he couldn’t think of a reason.


Park Si-jun, who was looking at her quietly, opened her mouth.

“How do magic arise?”

“Yeah? It is known that malicious actors are selected and created. By selecting those who can see the buds.”

“What if that’s not all?”


Han Go Fortune frowned.

“If there is another way to make mine… What if Lee Hyuk-gil came out for that?”

“That, what.”

“Among the demons that have appeared so far, has there been no case where you can’t understand why this person became a demon?”


there was. from the past to the present.

A person who enjoyed all kinds of fame as a player became a Magician.

“There was. There was a time when a hero who was active during the Cataclysm became a Maine and caused a great disaster.”

“Why did you become a Magician?”

“A lot of unfortunate things happened. A family died in an accident, and the guild collapsed due to internal conflict. The remaining guild members died during the Rift Defense.”

The hero who could not endure successive misfortunes went crazy and eventually became a demon.

It was a sad story.

It’s just a sad story that happened by coincidence by chance.

“Is that just a coincidence?”

But unless that’s a coincidence.

If someone deliberately put him into misery and made him despair.

“…what are you talking about?”

“What if the villain who coveted the hero did his best, and caused misfortune and corrupted his limbs?”

“You have a good imagination.”

Han Go-woon burst out laughing and tried to ignore Park Si-joon’s words.

“Then you’re saying that’s why Lee Hyuk-gil made Lee Soo-ho that way? It wouldn’t be worth it.”

“It’s not Lee Soo-ho. There were people who were worthy of that.”

“Who are you talking about?”

Park Si-jun answered without hesitation.

“Lee Soo-young.”

“You mean Lee Soo-ho’s younger brother? Well, he probably doesn’t have high potential either. Was he an F-class?”

“Bring a new test device.”


And he answered confidently.

“I’ll show you something fun.”

Looking at Park Si-joon smiling like a mischievous kid, Han Go-woon tilted his head.

* * *

and two days later.

Si-Jun Park was lying down in his house, reading his web novel.

The TV, which was turned on because I was bored, was in full swing with the news.

Beep, beep. profit.

Just as I was quiet, I heard the door open from below.

Someone was walking up the stairs quickly.

“Uh, Sooyoung. Are you here?”

“Mister, you look really relaxed. Someone has been out since morning.”

It was Lee Soo-young.

She pressed her hood down deeply and pouted her lips for nothing.

“Where have you been?”

“It’s a part-time job. I came to tell you that my brother got hurt and won’t be able to go out for a while. But.”

She sighed deeply.

“Don’t come forward.”

“Why don’t you come out?”

“They say they’re busy, too. They’re short on staff right now…. All part-timers are like that, huh.”

Lee Soo-young shrugged her shoulders.

She had no feelings. I understand. It’s better to hire someone new than waiting for someone who doesn’t know when they’ll return

“But, haha. My brother is sick, so I need to earn a little more.”

Hospital expenses, monthly rent, and brother’s tuition.

Lee Soo-young touched the trembling forehead.

“Because I’m giving it to you.”

“Oh, okay. I’ll pay. What do you do when you’re in debt to someone you don’t know?”

“Is that kind of guy living with someone he doesn’t know?”

“No, that’s it.”

Sooyoung licked her lips.

“Oh, you told me to come in! Wait and then go!”

“I thought I was going to leave after only one day. Who knew I was going to stay?”

“Cee, then I’ll leave. I’m leaving! You can just leave.”

“Okay. Hey, look at that.”

Park Si-joon pointed to the TV where the news was in full swing.

Lee Soo-young was fat, so she watched TV.

-… Today’s news.

A famous announcer was running the news.

The moment she tried to argue with Lee Soo-young, what does she want to see?

-As the Players Association enters the search and seizure of the Chaos Guild, there is a big wave. The subsidy provided for prospective players was used to steal, assault… … .

“… Chaos?”

An unexpected name came up. Lee Soo-young’s face went blank.

-… It was revealed that the guild leader Lee Hyuk-gil was a demon. Lee Hyuk-gil is currently under investigation and the motive for the crime is being investigated.

The figure of Lee Hyuk-gil being dragged on the TV screen appeared and then disappeared.

Lee Soo-young pursed her lips.

“Uh huh, that. I, that bastard!”

“Why, calm down.”

“Child, how do you calm down! It’s Jaran! He came to the hospital and threatened me!”

Then he suddenly shut his mouth and tilted his head.

“Huh? But what about magic?”

“Yeah, it’s mine.”

“Oh, how do you know?”

“How do you know. I caught it because I fought it myself, so of course you know.”

“Are you uncle?!”

Lee Soo-young shouted in surprise.

“If it’s a Majin, isn’t that scary? You beat it? Really?”

“What are you doing lying?”

Park Si-joon was blunt.

He said softly while stroking Ishimi’s smirk.

“I told you. I’ll take care of it.”

“Uh, uh…”

Lee Soo-young stuttered in embarrassment.

He thought it was just an empty word. It was a soulless word meant to comfort you.

But it must have been sincere.

“Oh, should I say thank you?”

“You can’t do it if you don’t like it.”

“No, that’s. I’m sorry. I’m so confused. That, what?”

Lee Soo-young wiggled his fingers and bowed his head.

“…Thank you.”


Park Si-joon accepted it bluntly.

Lee Soo-young scratched her cheek for nothing because something was wrong.

“Hey, man, what are you doing? Did you say player?”

“Put my teeth on the view tube.”

“View tube? Where… Park, Si, Jun.”

Lee Soo-young pulled out his old smart phone and called Park Si-joon’s name. Then his channel came out.

Her eyes widened.

“200,000 subscribers… Uncle, were you famous?”

“Just me.”

Astonishment was mixed in Lee Soo-young’s eyes looking at Park Si-joon.

“I, I’m so embarrassed right now, I don’t know what to say… There are still more things to be embarrassed about, so be patient. Hey!”

Park Si-joon looked back and shouted.

Then, Go-Woon Han came with a large device from behind.

“Do, a thief?!”

“I’m not a thief. I…”

“It’s a stalker.”


“Not even a stalker!”

Han Go-woon took a deep breath.

He had nothing to rebut. Because of the orders of the mastermind, I followed him like a stalker.

“Uh, this one.”

Lee Soo-young looked at Han Go-woon’s device and pretended to know.

“Isn’t it a potential test?”

“Yeah, it’s a device that lets you see how much potential you have.”

“Why is this…”

“I’m going to check you.”


Sooyoung’s eyes widened.

“Is that F grade?”

“Who is it?”

“Who said it. Machines did it.”

Lee Soo-young looked like she didn’t want to be tested.

He already had an F rating. He won’t change that if he gets it back.

“Hey, I was also an F-class.”

“Yes? Are you uncle?”

Park Si-jun clicked his tongue. He thought he was quite famous, but he still wasn’t.

“Look at me. Do I look like an F-class?”

“Oh, no.”

Park Si-joon created magic.

A strong magical energy wafted through the house.

It was so magical that even Lee Soo-young, who did not know what it was, could feel it.

“Devices aren’t absolute. Sometimes you can underestimate a person’s potential. Like me.”


“Trust yourself.”

At that, Sooyoung was silent.

Then she slowly opened her mouth.

“…how do you believe?”

Her voice darkened.

“I was going to try to turn my life around, and I was going to become a player.”

Many people dream of turning their lives around and want to become a player. The poorer the poor, the more

“I said no, I. I have no potential, no talent.”

There was a time when she thought that too, Lee Soo-young would try to rebuild her broken house by becoming a player.

“They say that the potential is inherited. My brother is also a grade C. May I test again…”

“If you don’t believe in you, trust me.”

“…Your uncle?”

Lee Soo-young opened her eyes wide.

“I have some eyes for people. Go-woon Han, Kyung-baek knows, right?”

“Yeah, I know. He’s a rising star in blacksmithing these days.”

“What was that person’s potential?”

“It was grade C.”

“Who discovered it?”

“It was Park Si-jun.”

Park Si-joon shrugged her shoulders as if to ask Lee Soo-young.(Read more @

“A blacksmith with a potential of rank C made an item of rank A. It was also the person I unearthed.”

“That means…”

“You’re not that different either. I feel great potential in you.”

To be precise, it was not felt, but seen.

Park Si-jun was watching Lee Soo-young’s talent window on.

‘It’s getting blurry.’

The letters of her talent, the seed of evil she had, were fading.

“For me, there is tremendous potential…”

Lee Soo-young muttered as if pondering.

She was always ignored. Because I was poor, I couldn’t study, I didn’t have parents…

For all sorts of reasons.

You have potential. Has anyone ever said something like that to you?

No, there wasn’t.

Han Go-woon held out the device.

Sooyoung Lee placed her hand on her device as if possessed by something.

‘I do not know.’

I don’t know what her own worth and potential are. She wasn’t herself.

But if there is someone who appreciates her like that.

“At least once, believe me.’

She thought it would be fine.

Lee Soo-young placed her hand on her magic stone.

[The hidden talent has been discovered. Lee Soo-young feels a great kindness and human affection for you.]

At the same time, the message he had been waiting for appeared in front of Si-Jun Park.

[The Seed of Evil has not met the conditions and has been broken. Lee Soo-young’s hidden potential and her talent are revealed.]



A light was emitted from the magic stone.

A light so intense that it blinds you.


Han Go-woon frowned.

It’s not that she’s awakening her powers, she’s just a swordsman, but such a reaction.

Something is happening.

that was felt

It idly idly as if a magic stone would explode, and she spewed out her magic.

It’s not serious. Lee Soo-young became anxious and closed her eyes tightly.


Park Si-joon took Lee Soo-young’s hand. Then her mind was at peace.

She closed her eyes and waited for her result with a lighter heart.

And after a while.

[Inspection, finished, finished.]

The device spewed out smoke, announcing the results.

[Expectation, potential.]

Lee Soo-young swallowed her saliva.

[…] From A+ to S grade.]

And, she was astonished.

Not only her, but everyone in her room at the same time.


Lee Soo-young pursed her lips.

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